Yesterday: Core Synergistics
Today: Yoga
Girls, I feel like I'm falling apart at the seams. I've either turned into a hypochondriac, a whiner or a klutz

My knee has lost all mobility and it's a good thing it's a yoga day because I can hardly put pressure on it right now. DH rubbed Mineral Ice on it last night which did nothing so I'll have to try real ice after yoga. I'm hoping the yoga will loosen it up a bit.
Traci-X, I'm glad you have a client that is so motivated. When I was working out last year before I took the boys to school it was great! I felt like I had so much more time. I may try that again but not until spring. It's just too hard to get up when it's still dark and workout in a cold house. Yeah!! Have you been able to preview the new DVD's? What do you think? I got my chin up bar yesterday and tried one, hah! I do not know how anyone does a full one. Of course, DH had to come bust ten out to show me up

I will try some with a chair today. I know, I know, the new STS is so exciting! I have never pre-ordered the first day but I will this time. I want to get mine first

Thanks for the harmonious wishes:* I'm trying but my body disagrees, darn it
Tracy, Sounds like you need a deserved long weekend. I hope you were able to take the rest of the day off and leave the problems to someone else. I guess that's the downside to dealing with special needs children, their parents. It's amazing that they don't see that they are the problem. I was watching a guy on 60 Minutes the other day who was born with no legs and his parents didn't treat him any different than their other children. He lives by himself, has a girlfriend and travels the world without help. I wish more parents would stop enabling their children to be so needy and helpless. I guess then there would be rest for the weary but I guess people like that think you don't need any
Debra, Sounds like someone is excited and antsy about their new class

How is it going? It sounds like you're fitting right in just as I figured you would. Do you think you'll be a career college student now?

Sorry you didn't sleep, I know that's a big deal for you. Give it a few weeks and you'll be ok. Of course, then there will be another assignment}( Isn't CB such a sweetie! I've been gone for so long I didn't hear what you all ended up deciding to do for your big day. Where are you going? Are you just so excited?
Sandra, I'm glad you are to a point in your fitness maturity that you know when to say when. I'm sorry your elbow is bugging you again. I know you'll find a way around it because you always do Sergent

It looks like cardio is the workout of choice lately. Will you stick with that for a bit until your elbow calms down? How are the girls? Have you taken them to anymore craft classes lately? Did you volunteer to help with Pump & Jump class? Sorry for the excessive questions but I've been MIA lately
Kim, I'm glad you found the key to making your calf pain tolerable. Stretching is a big key to pain management. I think when you do a program this tough you have to expect that there will be some pain involved. As long as you stay on top of it, don't push it too hard, modify and stretch you'll be fine. It took me a while to figure that out but I may be getting it

I am so impressed with your ability to keep up with personals. You are even doing better than me lately. This is a fantastic group of women and they all are so supportive that it's hard not to talk at length everyday. I'll be right there with you doing YogaX today. I do love that one even though it's a toughie

I am pre-ordering tomorrow for sure! I am so excited!!
Wendy, Girl, you are crazy

Now it will have to be 7swans4me

If you have a ton of love to spread, I say go for it! I know you have been praying hard and listening to God's voice on this decision. Phil being behind you is a big plus! What do the kids think? I come from 7 kids and we are all very close and never felt left out or unloved. The more the merrier I say

I remember when my mom had to get a hysterectomy, we were all so sad. We wanted her to have more babies and we told her she needed to adopt a baby. I think when there are that many kids you don't realize that more would be tough for a mom to handle. I know you can do it though. You know I'm mad at you for being so tiny as of late. That will not fly come April! My size 10 butt will look gi-normous compared to your child size one

Go get a DD coffee with cream please
Jeanette, How's it been going with you? How is DGM doing? I'm sure she's back to her feisty little self

Did you get her to the dentist? What a drive! Aren't you a sweet GD. How bout the little dog, did you find one? That would be so nice for her. Have you been out riding in the sunny weather? We are supposed to be in the mid 70's this weekend. DH is so glad he'll be able to get out and ride. He ahs not been motivated to get on the trainer so he's got a little pudge in the middle. Of course he wears a size 30 pant so a little pudge is never noticed. He tells me he just has to think about eating better and he loses wieght}( gag! I am so glad my week got mixed up because of being sick. I'd be hard pressed to do L&B today. My knee is so bad
Laurie, Have you been frozen out yet? Do not read my post to Jeanette because I don't want you to know what the weather is like here. My cousin that lives by you reads my blog and sees the temps here and tells me to stop posting such depressing news

How are the girls? Is track over now? This month is basketball for #1 and I have to drive so far to go to the games. The Wisconsin Synod schools are so spread out so I have to drive upwards of an hour and a half to get to some games

DH tells me to quit whining but the games end in the middle of rush hour traffic}( To think DH wants me to sign them up for other sports as well

Yes, the STS series looks so cool! I can't believe we'll get 37 DVD's for $200! Sounds like a deal to me.
Swifty, It's almost your big day! Any plans? Just more studying? You need to rest for a day. Isn't it great to have a birthday on a Sunday? Both you and Debra luck out this year
Lea, I'm glad you found out about the heart murmur. I'm sure it's ok but it will give you peace of mind to know for sure. I am pre-ordering the new STS for sure! I want to brag that I got mine first

Forget it, all of the east coasters will get it before us
Christiane, Glad to have you along with all of us crazy girls

How fun it must be to live in another country for a bit. My friend is a flight attendant and lives in Slovakia most of the time. She always has interesting stories to tell. I'm sure it's draining sometimes but it's different and that has to be a nice change. When are you coming to the States next? Do your kids miss you? Nice to meet you and I hope I get to know you better as time goes on.
Carol, Glad you are still plugging away at the X! I see you are adding Doubles now. Glad you are feeling better now and can really bring it! I've been checking your blog intermittently as I am a blogger and love to read. I haven't had as much time lately but I try to sneak a peek here and there
Ok, I have to workout now. I am so glad I got in here for a good chat. Can't wait to see you later,
Bring it!!!