Xers.....Back to business Wednesday.......


Greetings from....Switzerland... Germany....Luxembourg..... I don't know where I am....if I'm coming or going......;-)
Just starting us up this morning. Just got DD and DH to the airport. I have to do some serious catch-up before going on to personals. BBL.:+
OK I'm back for a while.:)
I drove DD and DH to the airport early this am (5:30am) and ... went back for some zzzz. To my big embarrassement, I forgot about the German lesson that I agreed to have this morning. Oups...}( Fortunately I was not the only one in class as in the US. This would have been bad.
Well the trip to Switzerland and Germany were interesting. The Geneva audition was a "cattle call" which means a general audition. There were over 100 girls, most of them barely out of HS or ballet school. DD felt so old and out of place. They were obviously not looking for experience. As for Germany, both places were private auditions and went very well. The first one in Stuttgart was for a small company that is barely starting up (7 dancers only) but sounds promising. Their original contract (with the government) was only 8 months, but after their first show the government extended their funding for the entire year. (The arts funding is so different in Europe, they don't have to fight for every single penny). The open audition is only later in April so he could not offer DD a contract but was quite impressed with her dancing and facilities. The other place we went was Augsburg, a small town near Munich. The artistic director loved DD and she is now on a very small list at the top. However having said that, she is leaning more and more to stay in the US. There is a company in NYC that she is very interested in and the artistic D. really likes her. So for now, we wait and see what happens.:)
Girls... have any of you had a chance to drive in Germany? I know I created quite a stir on another forum a while ago about that. See, one of my big pet peeve is people driving in the passing lane, that is the left lane in any road you may be, double or triple lanes... and not leaving you passage when you are driving faster than they are. Here is Europe it is illegal and enforced. So when you are in the left lane, you better move on to the right if someone is coming behind... and God are they coming fast!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: . I had to try so I pushed my car to 200km/hr, about 125. WOW! and people passed me like I was driving in reverse. My average speed while driving for 3 days was 100miles/hr. I've always been a little daring, did scuba diving, parachuting and took on my black belt, so it's in my nature.;)
OK before going to personals, I have to make a decision. Last week, I did Plyo and as you know I've been subbing that one most of the time because of my back. I also did ABX 3 times in a row (as planned, not 3 days in a row) and now I have a pretty bad back situation. It's very low in the sacrum area and feels like someone smashed my lower back with a baseball bat...;( ;( ;( I was on my last week of the X before recovery week. But I had to sub 3 days of Yoga instead of following the rotation. Should I just jump (carefully) back into the X and finish it or go back 2 weeks, so restart the last 2 weeks and then recovery???:eek: And girls what is life after the X??? I can't seem to focus on a rotation and I work better with one rather then deciding at the last minute.
OK on to personals...

Traci~~ Well girl you are almost all done. On Monday's post you kissed goodby to S&A for the last time. I thought I did the same last Sunday before leaving for Germany with CST but now I'm not sure what to do. Go back 2 weeks or just finish the darn thing.;-) What are your plans afterward?

TracyX~~ Sorry to hear your arm is really bad. Again arent's we a sorry bunch of ladies. But you know I guess it is part of working out really hard. DD is ALWAYS in pain somewhere. It's the nature of pushing your body to it's limit. You just have to know how far to push so you don't create permanent damage. So you won't have "cuddle time" with Wendell until Friday? Welcome to the club...at least mine...}( Thanks for the info on Season 4 N Series. It sounds interesting. How can I find more about it? I like having variety to my w/o (DD thinks I have wayyyyyy to much already... ;-) ). THe fact that they are short is also attractive.

Debra~~ I hope DD gets over her DOMS from the skating. YOu cranked me up when taking about sagging skin. Welcome to the club... I will explore some "rejuvinating techniques" here in Lux. We have a huge wellness facility and they have all kinds of treatments, so I'll go check it out. There is one treatment especially for sagging skin. I also explored one in the US but it's a technique that is extremely $$$$ and there are no garanties... no way for me:p So you had a lovely "Asian" pedicure. Well I'm glad for you it was from a male... cause the last one I got in Singapore was from a female and my was she not ice to my feet... Must have not liked me.:7 Good luck on your test.

Carol~~ It's been a while since I've heard from you...mind you I am not the most faithful on this board. I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well. And yes, when our DD are sick they are dying...:+

Latrese~~ I am glad you had a nice weekend. Did JJ have any wardrobe malfunction on the show???:+ :+ :+

Jeanette~~ I hope your cold that is not a cold...(OK that was based on Monday's post) that now is a cold...will get better. I am glad you can take 2 days off and pamper yourself some:+ And ya body aging will do a number on you. All kinds of stuff you could just brush up before ain't going anywhere now or taking it's merry time to go...}( }( }(

Wendy~~ Well I'm glad that the "ladies" helped you with your weight/image situation. You had great advice from this group. Am I glad I joined. It's too bad I can't make the retreat. I am really looking forward to meet you all. Did you get through your busy day yesterday?

Laurie~~ You are also so close of finishing the X. It seems you had a lovely evening at the Theater Sunday. WOW, that howling sounds scary. I hate rooming dogs, coyotes or wolves would be even worse I imagine. I saw a special on Discovery lately about what to do if a pack of dogs or even a stray dog attacks you. Scary...}(

Kim~~ Sorry that DD is still sick. You are mentioning patients... would you mind shaing what it is you do or is it none of MB...;-)

Sandra~~ I am glad the revisions are coming along "super duper". I have not tried Total Body X+ yet but previewed it. I am still so undicided of what to do after the X...

Well I am off for a little cardio, probably LM premix and using only the 6" platform so not to stress my back even more. I'll follow that with Stretch Max and hopefully ease the back pain a little.

Come back later to check in.:+ :+ :+
Have a great day.
Gooood Mooooooorrrrrrrning!:7 :7 :7

Welcome back Christiane...will reply later to your wonderful catch-us-up post but til then... www.classicalstretch.com ;-) My vote is to NOT re-do Week 2 but take an additional recovery type week doing as much yoga (or whatever helps your back) I tell you Tracy & I have always had issues w/ ARX & back/hip problems. Not just ARX actually for me but all floor work if done too frquently. There are MANY other ways to get core worked that are more effective w/out that pressure...I do believe STS will address it all.

Week 1 Day 3: SH Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps (+ my additions) hopefully Deep Muscular Stretch (Classical Stretch) & BBC2 Lower Body Fat Blast
Busy day here so I'll get done as much as I can....

:7 :7 WHY are ya all so shocked I did IMAX1??? All I've done for 4 months are HIIT & Kick... you all are silly!!!!! Imax1 is actually (IMO) the only workout Cathe has out that can be done as is (no pausing) & be counted as HIIT- Its only 38 minutes without warm/up & stretch too.... :7 :7

Glad you @ least felt well enough to hit balls!:+ Maybe you were just really BORED & being a very bad patient? ...:* :*

Cranky is a perfectly acceptable mood!:7 Without cranky how would we ever know the opposite? Isnt THAT Eoin-ish!! ... With XDH visit coming up again so soon I'm sure its all related...add cramps, no sleep, etc.... well you get the pic! How about a massage this week???????? ~ Thanks for bcc I will sit down & respond when I get the A.M. client outta here;-) Ya did good tho & ITA!:7

CAUGHT ME!:p Yes, I took the bait & posted! :+ Actually I was pretty surprised that the OP would post that...Have you seen HER since she lost her baby weight???? Again I just dont understand why we feel its appropriate to discuss Cathes body like she's a piece of meat on display ...(too fat here...not fatty enough for my taste...) I just thinks its crude. WHATEVER! :7 ~~ *RUHT-RO* on your leg still...is it Dr Visit worthy??? Dont wanna be out of the game for 6 weeks healing do ya????

I predict that ttom starts.................................................................................................................NOW!;-) Did it work???? :7 :7 CONGRATS on another X DVD going into its case for a looong time! WooHoo!

Gotta run gang...... back if the day allows:*
Good morning,

I've got to kick it in gear and get Imax3, and Coremax, ah, number 1, I think, done early today. I have to get The Parents to the airport by 9am, then head to the grocery store.

Christiane....nice to see you pop in! Life after the X is tough to figure out. I'm doing the Feb '08 rotation, with some P90X+ workouts thrown in.

Traci....I'm not shocked you did HIIT; I'm shocked you did STEP! LOL! Why doesn't Imax3 rate as HIIT in your book?

Okay, I'll come back this afternoon to catch up. Everyone have a great day! Tracy - I hope TTOM finally arrived. Debra - I hope the hormones settle from TTOM arriving yesterday. Jeanette - Feel better soon! Wendy - I've got things to say to you, oh yes I do!! :)

Hi all!!! Hope everyone is ready for hump day...LOL! It is a beautiful crisp sunny day today, so hopefully my mood will improve. I DID cut my pills this morning....so we'll see how that goes...I am feeling pretty tired right now...probably because of all of the crazy weird dreams I had last night. I am also holding onto 2 extra pounds...weren't they supposed to magically come off last night??

After taking the Diva to school and then taking my test...I have a massage scheduled. Hope everyone has a good morning...back later to catch up. I may be taking today as a rest day...Although my session with Eoin yesterday cleared up my leg DOMS from Sunday. Gotta love that man!!

Kisses to all!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


Quick check in as we have to get election results report to our members by end of day. Yesterday, went well, the turn out was really good as I was surprised. I was tired when I got home at 9pm my day started at 5:30am I couldn’t sleep last night it took me hours to relax. I tossed and turned all night long. bbl I hope!
Morning Xers,

Round 3/Phase 3/Week 13/Day 5
Workout: Core Syn (not done) / 2m Run (done) / Total Body Stretch #1 (done)

No coyotes this morning, but DH heard them last night when he let the dog out. He said that they where coyotes, so I'm just going to agree with him. Hopefully they have headed back to the marsh where I usually hear them howling from far far away. :7

Christiane, Oh welcome back, I'm guessing you will be happy to have a somewhat normal life for a while. :D I am just finishing up round 3 and I am going to be doing the Feb 08 rotation starting on Saturday. I went through the same thing you are, and it is just as bad this round. :D After the X I have a problem working just one body part, and then moving on to another. But confusion to the muscles is a good thing right! :D I think that Traci gave you excellent advice on the back issue and the X. I don't have back issues, just bad knees. :7

Traci, Imax1 is the one Imax that I like the most. Sans the warm-up, just can't stand the warm up in that one. :D You and I are a lot alike in the cardio that we like. I can't even remember when I did a step workout last. I did use the step for a Kimberly Spreen workout recently. But the amount of step in that one was minimal. :D I'm going to order those BBC, just because I enjoy the way Barry pushes you, and this is just something different from what I currently have. It would be a good option to mix these in between P90X and STS.

Debra, LOL about the 2 lbs magically coming off in the middle of the night. :D They do don't they? :7 :7 Good luck on your test today. See I knew if all of us reminded you to cut your pill it would eventually work. :D

Sandra, Did your parents have a good visit? I always enjoy when my parents visit. The only problem is they want to visit with everyone, so we only get to have them at our house for a couple of days. :D Brett Farve is a American Football player. I don't follow hockey to much. We don't have a pro team in our city, only semi-pro. One would think I would be interested in hockey being from a very hockey state. :D Our Big Ten college has won the championship more times than I can count. :D

TG, Glad the election process is done for you, for now. Guess it will happen again come November. ;-)

Wendy, Glad to hear that your calf is better. Your meals sound like an adventure, but they must delicious. Love blackened catfish! I just can't make meals like that because I'm the only one that eats fish. Family will eat fish, but they like it fryed. :9

Tracy, You had a meeting that wasn't too bad, well that is a good thing. :D Hope TTOM starts soon for you, so the bloat goes away. I hate that feeling. My GM has a beaver on the lake by her house, those things can build a house for themselves in a very short time.

Jeanette, Take care of yourself today, and get plenty of rest.

Have a great day!

I'm home again today with this lousy cold. More coughing today. Slept in the spare room so DH wouldn't have to hear me. I stick a Hall's cough drop between my cheek and gum (sounds like a chewing tobacca' commercial) and that helps to keep my throat lubricated. Glad this isn't the terrible flu that's been circulating, just a cold.

I'm going to eat some breakfast, shower and who knows what? I'm supposed to bring a dessert type dish to a potluck at work tomorrow but may just pick up something at Safeway instead.

I'll BBL,

On tap for today is S&A plus ARX. I think DO might have to redo this week. He didn't do Plyo with me last night. I'm going to do S&A before dinner. Tonight is the season finale of Project Runway. I need a life!:eek:

I've got a little time for personals while the girls are eating lunch. Then eldest needs to take Baby for a little walk.

Christiane: I'm terrible with making my own rotations or following Cathe's rotations since I don't own all of her dvds. How far away are you from completing the X? I agree with Traci... do another recovery week. Your strength gains shouldn't diminish with another recovery week. I took a week off after Phase 2 and painted. I was able to come back with better form for it. I read that driving on the left hand lane is illegal and should one survive, they will be fined. I giggled when I read the survive part.

Traci AKA Eoinish Traci: Yes, it is a bit crude to talk about instructor's looks on their forums.... Kinda like it being crude to touch their arms to see how buff they are.:7 :7 :7 I love that Cathe is so humble and approachable when it comes to crazy fans. However, in defense of the OD OP... I can get that way myself, especially if I HATE the exercises. For example, I hate every single exercise on ARX. So, I look for excuses not to do it. I'll ask to dh or myself, "Do I really want to look like her?":eek: Or, "Well she can do ARX, but what did ARX do for her?":eek: I know that is EVIL of me. I tend to get evil and over critical when I'm trying to avoid something out of laziness. ::batting eyes:: Still love me? I don't think the ankle or calve is doctor-worthy. My gf, who is a nurse, looked at calve yesterday after Bible Club. She said it's common to get knots when working out like I do, and that the massage was a good thing to do. My ankle should be fine if I listen to my body and not push it further than where it can go. It should be fine by L&B time.

Debra: About time you remembered to cut those pills in half! When is XDH scheduled to arrive? How long is he planning on staying?

Sandra: You need to talk to me Sarge? Should I be scared?:eek: :+

Teddygirl: Thanks for sending the madhouse to PA.:p Now Poor Phil will have to deal with campaign traffic in Philly.

Laurie: How Little House on the Prairie!!! Soon you'll be sleeping with a shotgun next to the bed. Don't have a shotgun? I'm sure Jeanette will let you borrow hers. :7 :+ The girls won't eat spicy foods. Sometimes, Phil and I will cook a different entree for them. Last night, they had a Kids Cuisine frozen meal. If we're eating hot sausage with pasta, we'll make meatballs for them. They are getting better with expanding their horizons. The other night, they ate the fish without the salsa, and salad without the feta cheese.

Okay, looks like homeschooling will be resuming.

Jeanette: Hope you are feeling better today. If not, get to the doctors!!!!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Fly by report.....SH Shoulders, Bi Tri completed..... gotta go run some errands before P.M. work..... may not get to my addon legs & stretch today...we shall see

Hey guys we finally got all the reports out. I’m on my way to lunch but first wanted to throw this 4DS rotation out, suggestions welcome! Thank you:7

Sun: CC#1 GS legs
Mon: HIS/chest & back
Tues: KB/legs & core
Wed: rest or stretch X or LIS
Thurs: (subbing LIS) LowMax/shoulder calves & core
Fri: BC/bi’s & tri’s
Sat: rest or stretch X or LIS
Back again. How are you all doing? I'm sorry to see Jeanette's still feeling lousy. What about Nicole, Kim, Lea, and Carol? Is everyone healthy in your households, finally?

We saw the parents off with a wave and sigh at the airport, then headed off to the grocery store. Life can now return to normal. Except I am much better acquainted with my iPhoto software, that came on this new Apple computer. And Thailand. I don't think I really need to see it for myself now. Between my parents and the couple they travelled with, they took 4000 pictures. That's right. 4000. Thankfully, Mom boiled it down to the best 326, and those are my new screensaver.

Christiane....Wow, your back is just an awful impediment. I think Traci had some great advice for you. I can't imagine driving that fast. I don't think my car goes that fast!! I hope your daughter gets offers from everyone, and ends up with the delicious dilemma of having to choose. Life as an artist of any sort must be very unpredictable.

Traci....So, did you enjoy Imax1 yesterday? I enjoyed Imax3 today, even though she made me work much harder than I had a yen to do. I found myself wishing it was already the Slow and Heavy half of my week LOL! I was in Chapters the other day and looked at the Namaste yoga dvds. Each disk has 3 sessions on it, 20 mins. each. I swear. I plan to go back to my 6am workouts. I like to get it out of the way; I'm much less likely to skip a workout that way. Yup! The Supervisor has all 200+ pages in his lap now. I'm going to work on the bibliography and appendices in the meantime. They're already written, they just need editing and updating.

Debra....You need a can of Pounds Be Gone. Of course they're supposed to disappear overnight; don't they all??? I hope your test went well, and you loved every minute of that massage. I can't believe your period started as soon as you typed that. I once had mine start while I peed on a pregnancy test stick. How funny is that? Thanks for all the info you keep giving us on the new Eoin. I keep checking, but am beginning to wonder if Chapters will be carrying his new workout, or if he's made an exclusive deal with Amazon.com. Can I just say Hats Off To You, for playing hostess to all these Xers" You have no idea whether Wendy's a cleptomaniac, or Jeanette will insist on 70s music being played 24/7, or what personality Traci will be in at the time, and yet you're opening your home to them. What a nice person you are. Did XDH get the house in the settlement? Are you guys planning to trash it on the last day?

Laurie....Do you all say "coy-otes" or "coy-o-tees?" I don't have to share my parents with anyone out here, thankfully. My brother lives a couple hours drive away from them. Oh, Brett's a football player. Obviously I don't watch football either LOL!! We have both a pro hockey team and football team, but don't talk about that in front of Kim. She's a bit jealous :) Are you really going to do CoreSyn today, on top of the run? You're a better Xer than I!!

Wendy....Ahh, nothing serious. I just wanted to reply to your reply yesterday. I didn't take it with any offense. I think, actually, that we agree. When I was talking about people living on one cup of rice a day, I WAS talking about people living in refugee camps and other impoverished areas. My point was that when people are fed that little, their metabolism probably does slow down drastically and go into "starvation mode", but even this slow down is not enough to preserve their fat stores. And yes, these people are deeply malnourished, too. To be perfectly frank, I think Westerners make too much of this "starvation mode" and use it as an excuse for not losing weight. It seems to be pulled out every time someone cuts the sugar from their coffee: "I've taken 100 calories out of my diet, per day, why aren't I losing weight? Oh wait, I'm in starvation mode. I'll eat more! Yeah, that'll work." (insert rollie-eyed smilie here). So what say you about all that? Feel free to disagree. My mother brought some of my stash of child hood books, so DD can read them. I have the whole Little House series. I loved those stories, and wish I could have lived Laura's life. P.S. That statement that XStretch is like a massage from the inside out was mine. Didn't you see the "Copyright Rastin, 2007" beside it? I haven't watched Jon or Steve since before they went into repeats for the Oscar prep. I have last week and this week on tape, and will do a marathon viewing session this weekend. I look forward to that. I vote for Blackberry-ing during the Kest session. And you're better at writing than I. Yours comes off with a holy glow. You tell Tony. Or better yet, suggest that he goes to the Kest session :)

Teddygirl....That's a fiiiiine looking rotatation. I say go for it!

Tracy....SA done for the last time? Will you ever pull them out again? Or are you done with the X for good now? 37 days is so uncomfortable. If I start having unpredictable and long cycles like that, I plan to follow the advice of Taking Charge of Your Fertility. If you know when you ovulate, then you know for certain that you will get your period 14 days after that. It's the length of the first half of the cycle that is variable; the second half is always constant. Total Body+ and Upper Body+ are both keepers, in my book. I think you also like them?

Look at that. All caught up. Imax3 and CM#1 made me work hard this morning, but then, that was the point, right?

Have a great evening!
Waiting for my client so I'll chat til I see her:D

OMGosh thats some fast driving! My uncle lived in Germany when I was a kid & talked about exactly THAT! He of course LUVED it being a handsome 20-something...I doubt today he'd do it at close to 60yrs!~ ITA about the "short" type of DVDs..as I peruse my hundred of workouts that are all really good I no longer feel the need to add to the collection...EXCEPT of course w/ these shorter "add-on" types;-)

RELEASE THOSE POUNDS! good as DONE!:* Hope the massage was awesome...as you saw by my 1st post Dr T recommended exactlty that!:p PLEASE do not listen to Sandra!!!! My goodness she has us pegged doesnt she! What she didnt think of is the possibility we are all normal & YOU are the man in disguise as a woman who is going to hold us hostage!I think I may just bring Kabo & Lukie to protext the weary travelers! }( (polly wont mind I'm sure!!!)

ROFG!!!!!!! Yes you are right...(whats new! Smarty-pants!) My HIIT have indeed been non-step! ~~ WAIT A MINUTE BUSTER!!!! (re-visit your Wendy/Westerners post!):p You just leave me alone!On the Laurie post..."coy-otes"=Wendell, the texans ya know! or "coy-o-tees= MEEEEE!!! - Bet you wish I'd stop reading your love letters to rest of Xers!:7 ~~ On your IMAX 3 / HIIT inquiry...Keep in mind I gave my copy away (i luved it so much) .... If I recall the segments were a bit too long for HIIT as defined in todays terms + the entire thing is waaay too long... The idea behind HIIT (today @ least) is about 20 minutes max time...If you can go longer you are either not pushing hard enough on intervals OR you are just burning muscle after the 20 minute mark...OF COURSE I'm no expert in this area at all so plesae feel free to HIIT any old way you'd like!:*

oooohhhhhh I like your new plan!!! I see all that Leg work!!! But when will you fit in SE at least 2x per week?????:+ ~~ BTW: Thanks for being a volunteer yesterday..I made sure I thanked those @ my polling place... We cant do it w/ you!:*

Ya know I luv ya but I aint gonna kiss you til you're healthy!!! :7

Get a life!!! ROFG:+ No need to defend OP...She's a nice kid around here...just thought it odd to say what we dont like about the Hostess's body.... If ya dont like Debras body PLEEEZE dont be crass & say that to her in her own home okie dokie!?}( :7 }( :7 & while were talking about it AVOID talking about how I have the WORST body out of all of ya!:p

OK wild women....must run....XXOOXOXXOOX
Okay...finally back for a chat...It has been a rather busy day...and no nap, either! I got my paper back...with an A!! The teacher said that I wrote well...nice. Took my test...don't think I got a 100, but I should have gotten an A, I think. Then off for my massage, which was lovely...then off to the grocery store...then off to take CBL lunch...then picked up the diva from school and ran another couple of errands...and then my mom showed up unannounced (which she never does) and threw off my plans for the rest of the afternoon....but that was fine...It was good to see her and we went to dinner...then back home to get the diva in the shower...and then helped her clean her mess of a room...Just got her into bed, returned a couple of emails...and now I am here. Geez!!! As you may have noticed there was no workout listed in all of that stuff...I will do KM with the leg drills tomorrow. I only have one errand to run, and hopefully that will be it for me tomorrow! CBL is meeting us out for dinner tomorrow night, so that will be nice.

As far as XDH is concerned....He is coming into town for a total of 4 1/2 days for the diva's 7th birthday, which is on March 16. he will be in attendance at the mermaid and pirate party and then they are headed down to see his step mom for a couple of days...then back to Russia with him! After that, the diva and I head to Charleston, SC to visit my BFF since we are both on spring break the same week (the diva and me, I mean).

Okay...enough about my not very exciting life.....onto personals.....

So nice to see you back...from ALL of your travels!!!! It sounds like you have been one busy gal! Hope DD hears about her auditions soon. I know it would be nice for you to have her closer since you guys will be in Lux for a while. I am sorry to hear that your back is flaring up. Life after the X is hard...I would look around at some of Cathe's rotations and find something that will keep your interest for a while until STS comes out. I think Traci had some good advice about caring for your back in the meantime. Yoga is really good for me when I am achy in any way. I also get regular massages...and that has really done wonders for me since I have found a masseuse who knows what she is doing...and I always advocate that if you know of someone.

What did Wendy catch you posting on?? I did see your response the other day to someone on the STS forum who said they just wanted a yes or no answer...I was cracking up at your response...I am amazed every day that Chris doesn't just boot some of these folks out of here!! And you were right about the massage...luckily I already had it scheduled for today...I also got an eyebrow waxing...And I am getting my hair done next week...I always want to look my best when XDH is in town...Is that bad of me??? LOL! My 'mechanic' was threatening to come over for a tune up tonight...lol...but I am not counting on that! WooHoo on getting your workout complete...Much better than me today! As far as my being a man is concerned...I have only had one gay woman make advances to me in my life...and in her defense, I had VERY short hair at the time...LOL! Poor thing...I leaped out of my seat when she put her arm around me into the lap of some poor unsuspecting man. Polly would have a blast with your pups....although I let her out for a run today...and she is completely worn out right now. I think she ran for about 15 minutes.....LOL!

I still have problems with Imax3 footwork...I think that some of the footwork is too intricate for how tired I am by the time we get there...LOL! Imax 2 is definitely my fave of the 3. You had me cracking up at the parents and the pics of Thailand!!! Luckily you didn't have to see all 4000. Consider yourself lucky. I had that happen with a pregnancy test, too, one time...only I was pregnant...but starting to miscarry...That probably sounds a lot more traumatic than I meant...It WAS traumatic at the time...but obviously I have recovered. Next time you see a can of that Pounds Be Gone, please send some down....You can make it C.O.D. I don't mind. I have the feeling that at least for now Eoin's dvd is just through Amazon, since you can't even get it through his website. I thought of you today...I had to pick up the invites for DD's party and they had a fondant cake on display there...and I thought, "Why, o why isn't Sandra here to create a cake for my Diva??" I guess I will end up at the local bakery...I can't imagine how much the fondant cake must be! It was amazing! I am really excited about all of the Xers descending on me...just wish you could join us!! And make a cake...lol! I figure I will just put Jeanette on my iPod, Wendy can have anything she wants...and Traci will be crying no matter how happy she is...LOL! Tracy and Laurie should be able to hold the rest of them together. And no, XDH does not get the house...and neither do I for that matter....although I wish he would just go ahead and buy me out of this one so I can move to the cute little bungalow I saw a couple of weeks ago! WooHoo on the dumping of the thesis in your advisor's lap!

Did I tell you I heard something weird in the woods the other night?? I think it was just a male deer, but it sure sounded creepy! Make sure you guys are keeping an eye on Cami if there are coyotes around...She is big enough to protect herself, but I she could get torn up by a pack. Yes, the 10 posts yesterday did remind me to cut my pills this morning...Luckily, I had my pill cutter handy....lol.

Sorry you are feeling so yucky. I HATE having a cold! I think it was very considerate of you to sleep in the spare room...My XDH would have never done that...I was always the one moving, even if he had the cold!

Not quite sure where Traci got that you were going to make evil statements about my physique (or lack thereof) while you were here...but if you really want to feel my muscles, you can. LOL! I've been told that my calves are very shapely....lol. My DD loves those darn Kid's Cuisines...Does that make me a bad mother?? I make sure she eats an apple whenever she eats one to counter balance all of the bad. What are you guys studying in your homeschooling right now?? My DD is reading a book that is at least 5th grade level. Gracious! She also has spelling tests every week and now she has these timed math drills every day. Plus last week they studied dental health...and the presidents....they are up to George Bush #1. She's in first grade for goodness sakes! They are doing sooooooo much more than I ever did in public school...and I was relatively smart. But I wasn't reading like DD is now. It is truly amazing.

Waving to you...Thought of you yesterday at the polls. Like your new rotation...Looks good!

Gracious...am I done??? Where is everyone else??? Missing Nicole, Carol, Kim, Lea, and Tracy! Sending out hugs to you all and hope that everything is okay in your worlds! Oh, wait...Tracy just popped on and is alive...Yeah!

I am outta here for now. I think I may pop in a movie for a bit. I am actually feeling pretty caught up (except for laundry) right now. I am prepared for class on Friday...and probably for Monday too. Now that you have all successfully reminded me to cut my pills...you must remind me to make an appointment with my advisor.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi gang,

I've just been previewing all these 10 Minute Trainer videos. Very interesting stuff. It's all typical Tony type moves. Everything's timed. All of the weight work uses the band or nothing at all. The moves are almost all compound moves. The Cardio is pretty much all plyo. The Abs workout is very much like a short version of CoreSyn. There are tons of plank variations, most of which I've never seen before. It would be a great sub for ARX, and I'm looking forward to trying it. The Total Body workout is a short version of P90X+ Total Body, using only the band for resistance. I see a good use of these workouts as travel workouts, and as add-ons. I didn't get the deluxe package like Traci ordered, so I've only got five workouts: Total Body, Lower Body, Abs, Cardio, and Yoga Flex. At 10 mins each, I would easily combine some or all of these workouts together for a comprehensive total body/cardio/stretching workout. The deluxe package gets an Upper Body, another Abs, and I don't know the third. That would allow for some great combinations, or even a CTX-like week where you could do some sort of 30min cardio, followed by weight training: total body, abs1, yoga, upper, lower, abs2.

Traci....my goodness, it didn't even cross my mind that Debra might actually BE her XDH!! You all might want to do some kind of criminal background search on each other before April 3. I think it's funny the way some people leave the eee off of coyote. They need to learn to talk right ;) You gave away Imax3? I thought you liked the all-blast premix? And I'm not being funny when I say that. It may not fall under strict HIIT guidelines, but it's still high intensity cardio of some sort, and that's still a good thing. My HRM hits 100% at a few points, which means I'm working anaerobically sometimes. And my purple face seems to corroborate that :) It's my favourite of all the Imaxes.

Tracy....Oh dear, you're either way over-busy, or had a bad day. Did TTOM arrive yet, or is that still causing you discomfort? Have a good sleep. See you tomorrow!

Query to you all: I try to eat well so that all my exercise efforts don't go to waste. If I wasn't interested in watching what I ate, and stopped expecting to see a drop in bodyfat, what would my new workout goal be? Why would I be getting up at 5am everyday and tuckering myself out in the basement while the rest of the world continues to peacefully dream? If "good health" was all I was going for, I wouldn't have to work nearly as hard or as frequently as I do. I'm just curious if there is any other reason for it all.

Looks like a quiet night around here. Sleep tight.
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a good week! DD is over the flu but is sneezing and coughing like crazy:eek: I did get YogaX done Monday night. I took my recovery day yesterday instead of Thursday as yesterday DH's family had a birthday celebration for his grandma who was turning 86! We had a very nice dinner with the whole family.

Today I just got done Legs & Back and ARX for the millionith time.

Last night I skipped a professional association meeting (I volunteer on the executive) to go to the family dinner. And they tried to vote me in as the next president x( LOL That's the last meeting I miss and there is no way I taking on that job. Lots of work and I really need to cut back on some of my volunteer time as I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with life these days. So many good organizations that need volunteers and once you're involved it's so hard to leave.

Jeanette -I hope you're feeling better. Congrats on the engagement in the family! I'm sure you're all very excited.

Christiane- I'm an occupational therapist (OT). I have a Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation with a major in OT, you can get a major in physical therapy, OT or respiratory therapy. Speech therapy at other univerisities but not ours. It's a master's degree now but was a bachelor when I went. OTs are just as common as the other type of therapists but definitely not as well known I think a lot of our patients think I'm a physiotherapist which is frustrating at times. The older folks usually just call me a nurse. ;) What ever. I started my career in geriatrics, then worked in head injuries with short stops in respiratory, orthopaedics, strokes and spinal cord injuries. The last few years I'm working on the plastics service so I mainly treat hand injuries. That's probably more than you want to know. We work in partnerships with the physiotherapists.

How's the back feeling after you workout?

Sandra WTG on the thesis revisions, sounds like it's moving along nicely Well you may have a pro hockey team but we have the Brier curling here this week. I'm sure you'll all be glued to your television. Lots of excitement in the city over that right now.

Laurie The wild dogs/wolves sound scary what kind of protection would you get?

Debra- WTG on doing so well on the test! You're doing great on this course.

Wendy How's the calf? I got terrible cramp/knot in my left calf the first week doing P90X

Tracy Hope you get some time to catch up later.

Waving hello to everyone else, need to go get sickie(dd) into bed. Kim
Hey all,

Just wanted you to know I'm still alive and kicking:)

I feel like I am still in a daze. I'm still pushing play but that's about it. I am doing a Gym Styles rotation this month and I have some serious DOMS!!

I have heard from several people that they are still in a daze from this flu thing. I am glad to know that it is part of the bug because I was starting to think I was depressed. I hope it ends soon so I can get back to my normal routine.

I miss you all tons:* I will try to get in here tomorrow or Friday for a decent chat. My mind is so foggy right now that I don't think you would understand what I'm talking about anyway:p


Bring it!!!
Hi everyone,
Didn't do much today with this lousy cold. Did take our little Tillie for a stroll around the block and again worked on my golf swing. Have to head back to work tomorrow, darn it. I took it easy today, also laid down and previewed a couple step DVD's, Amy Bento's Step Challenge I and another one by Gay Gasper. Will try to catch up with personals now.

Nicole, where are you? Does someone know if she was leaving town or something? I don't remember reading that. Hope you are okay, girl.

Tracy, did you start yet? Did you? 37 days late? Is this a trend? I'm still so very regular. I'm at page 200 and some in the book. It's picking up some but still not gripping me yet. I'll keep going though. Not like I have tons of other books waiting to be read. This cold is not a real bad one, but this post nasal drip is making me grumpy. The Sudafed PE helps and doesn't keep me awake at night.

Traci, well, there are definitely worse hobbies than fly fishing. The guy that we went pistol shooting with on Saturday is a real gun nut. Really into ammo and feet per second ballistics, penetration, blah, blah, blah. He retires on Friday. We have a potluck at work tomorrow for him. I think DS is coming to visit this weekend. Will try to get more details about the wedding from him. So glad you have found shoes that work for you. So far, New Balance X-trainers work for me. I have to wear the wide ones though. Hope you and Wendell can start playing tennis again. I'm crossing my fingers that I can get DH to come out to the golf course with me. Our course still has snow on it so it may be another month. I'm thinking road trip to Reno where it's warmer and people are playing already. I could combine it with a fun day with Cass (DS's GF). I love it when the time changes. I can cram in more fun stuff after work. Notice I didn't say vacuuming, dusting or laundry. This grasshopper is anxious to stretch her legs! Glad my boss doesn't live near me or he would have seen me out golfing in the front yard instead of on my deathbed today. I used to have a boss that lived in our area. I was tempted a few times to call in sick, but just knew he'd see me pulling my horse trailer somewhere or riding my bike. Wasn't worth it so I went to work like a good girl.

Sandra, glad you got the chapter done and turned in. Funny about the difference in the Thailand experience for your parents and Wendy. Maybe like the difference someone would see coming to my little town and New York City. I don't know how you get so much done. After DH went to work this morning, I slept in until 7 or so, then frittered away my time on the computer for a few hours. I never did do a workout, just dinked around here. Of course, I'm not supposed to do a lot, I'm a sicky. After seeing pictures of the Azore Islands, I would actually consider going there with my parents. They enjoyed it so much and it's where their ancestors came from. That kind of stuff means a lot to them. LOL re: my 70's music being played non-stop during the Retreat. I listened to it today while walking Tillie around the block. Love it!

Laurie, hope those coyotes are a long way away. I don't think coyotes would attack you. Now a lone dog or cat, yep they'll go after them. Heck, I worry about a big hawk or owl going after little Tillie. I think I've settled on a 9mm handgun. Of course, I'll take a class, do all the necessary stuff. Have you ever shot guns? I think it's fun.

Wendy, I used to work with a lady in her 60's that only ate sensibly that I could tell. Fruit, veggies. She was a very conservative lady and I never saw her overeat on anything, yet she had lots of pudge around her middle. I think the metabolism just really slows down as you age. Plus, I doubt she ever exercised a bit besides yard work weeding and such. I definitely can see it now. I never would have thought it so when I was in my 30's and early 40's. It's just been in the last couple of years that it's gotten tougher. Now if I was a go-getter, I'd maybe just work harder, but being I'm the laziest Xer in this checkin, I haven't gotten all enthused about tougher, longer workouts. What is the matter with me? I'm thinking that when STS comes out, I'll get all psyched up and work hard again. Glad the knot is getting better. I remember a few years ago, DS's GF (Cass is her name) got a cramp in her calf while cycling. It was a bad one and continued to be painful for about a week after the incident. Hope yours is only a memory in a few days.

Debra, so glad the magic started. Wow! Just seems like we get done and then it starts again. Good for you for cutting those pills in half. Keep it up, we want to see you better! What a busy day you had today. Those pounds will be gone very soon. As much coughing as I've done here in the last couple hours, my abs should be really toned (glances down and looks). Nope, they aren't. Looks like I may be sleeping in the spare room again. I hate coughing. Must go look thru my stash from the last cold I had. The good thing is that this cold should be gone by the beginning of April! I was so afraid it would stay dormant and then kick off at that time. Kids are definitely smarter now than when I was in school. Heck, I was just learning my times tables in 3rd grade. Now they are writing essays and such. Much more homework than we had, and yet they say we are still behind the rest of the world.

Christiane, I was wondering when you would be back. Knew you had some major traveling to do. Wendy sent us a picture of your family. Beautiful family you have there! Wow, you look awesome and very youthful and healthy. You're doing all the right stuff! OMG on the driving speed!!! I think my Jeep only goes to 80 tops so no way could I drive over there. I would be scared s**tless!!! Sorry about the language, but I would!!!! What kind of car do you have that will go 125 mph? I too have the sagging thing going, face has started sagging noticeably in the last few years. Hope your DD gets lots of offers. She must be really good! Darn your back. Please take it easy. I've never had any back problems (knocking on wood) so can't really give advice.

Latrese, thanks so much for working the election. Hope you can catch up on the missed sleep. Your rotation looks good.

Kim, hope the party for Grandma was nice. I love family get-togethers. However, they blow my pseudo clean eating big time. Hope DD gets over the cold soon. Not fun to be sick as I can vouch right now.

Got to go, my throat is sore so better go get something to make it feel better.


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