Morning Xers,
Round 3 /Phase 1/Week 1/Day 2
Workout: PlyoX
Chest & Back and ARX was great yesterday! }( Feeling it some in my back and Abs today (in a good way). But then I remember that I didn't start feeling real DOMS until the 2nd day, so we will see what tomorrow brings. I'm looking forward to PlyoX. Want to be a rock star tonight. :7 :7 :7 Did all push-ups on my toes, and have been able to go deeper into the push-up. This is one of my goals this round. May not do as many, but they will be deeper and with good form. Couldn't believe that the wide push-ups where the easiest of them all. ;-) Also need to go up in weight for the back exercises.
Tracy, Well I'm guessing that Amy's step isn't for me. LOL I still haven't attempted the new step from Cathe. Today I put down the phase I was doing. Starting out at the beginning again. LOL!!! I know, I must love to punish myself. I'm just a rotation queen.
Traci, It must have been the full moon, because I was on my DD's cases last night. Everything they did seemed to get on my nerves. But then they where doing sooooo many things to get to me. :7 :7 :7 Couldn't have been the fact that I had a sore throat, ear ache and headache. And all these symptoms have vanished today. I can't wait to see the new hair cut. Have to love/hate CS, but it does do the body good.
Debra, Glad you are starting to feel better. :9 Love Chinese food. When do you start your first day of class? Good idea to get your feet wet before starting up with anatomy. My SIL said those classes for her PT where the toughest.
TG, Glad you are all rested up for C&B.

Plus you did GS Legs and a 20 min run. Now I feel like a wimp. ;-)
Carol, Can't wait to hear what you thought of PlyoX. Are you now a rock star! Those make me feel like a geek, but they sure do get the heart rate going. Love your blog!
Lea, LOL about the Bryan Kest voice. I'm always thrown by the hair. Love his attire though, cut up jeans are the best for yoga.

Isn't it!!!
Jeanette, Hope your hair turns out great too! Everyone is getting their beauty treatments before Christmas. I set up my appointment for my hair before Christmas, didn't want the skunk stripe down the center of my head.

I have never done Cardio X either. Think that is the only workout that I haven't done in the whole series.
Sandra, I am really getting into this 3rd round.

We will see how long the enjoyment lasts LOL. Couldn't believe I was actually smiling at some of the things Tony was say while I was working out yesterday. Cami did give some whines on the way home, but most of her "talking" was coming from her throat. German Shepherds are known for talking. I think it is a combo of a howl/whine. It really is quite funny when you do hear it. :7
Nicole, I was so happy to see that you did alright with CS. I was a little worried that it may have done you in. Does everyone have the wall chart printed off? Did I miss something when I was AWOL over the holiday? :7 Guess I better print that off so I can cross off C&B/ARX.
Cheryl, Always hard to come back to work after you have time off.
Wendy, Glad to see that you posted. Will have to check out your blog to see what is happening. Lizards!!! Those are as bad as snakes for me.
Have a great day!