Back to catch up before night night. My back is feeling much better this evening...don't know if it is the stretching I did today or the lovely pain meds I have been taking! Anyway...whatever, it's working! I did a lot of Eoin's PY4H...some of the vinyasas in the beginning...and added a few in when I felt like I could. The up and down dogs felt much better than I expected, which was a pleasant surprise. I did all of the hip flexor moves and all of the hip opening moves and I definitely felt some improvement. I got a lot of errands done today...and even got my Chanukah cards signed and addressed! WooHoo! All Christmas decorations are complete...and I only have a little shopping to do, which I am planning on finishing up tomorrow afternoon. Then all that is left is some holiday baking at my leisure. Are you all jealous??????
****Laurie Sorry you are still having complications with your work computer. Congrats on completing are truly dedicated! I bet DD's room is going to look fabulous...Does she do a good job of keeping it clean?? I will be glad when my DD is old enough to want to clean up after herself...but if memory serves, I didn't clean up after myself until I was 30. Glad you and Cami are fast friends. Are you watching the Packers tonight?
****Carol WooHoo on finishing YogaX..You are doing great!
****Traci Well, thank goodness you are 30ish! Think of how much you have learned since have lots of years left to correct any of those mistakes you made in your 30's!! It's great you are in such wonderful shape...Did you do some plyo jacks in the office to prove how young you are?? Sorry you didn't get to YogaX, though...But think of how good you will do with that 30 year old body tomorrow!
****Sandra You must really have a screw loose to like YogaX...LOL! I think the Canadian cold is getting to your brain. Okay...with the backbends....I do fine with Camel's the ones that start from flat on the floor that I have problems with...I get up into bridge just fine...and I am confident about my form on that since we have been over it in my yoga class...Is it possibly a lack of upper body strength that is hampering my full backbend? I feel really unstable with putting my arms back (instead of under me as in bridge) to lift myself up...I understand what you are saying about the elongation part...Obviously, I can't practice right now since my back is already I may have some more questions once I feel like my back is healthy enough to attempt one again. LOL about the holiday rush on the new boobies! You crack me up!! I got my Bryan Kest on Amazon. Do you ever do ARX first? That really used to help me during my first round...I found my legs weren't as tired and I was able to perform the ab moves more effectively. I always had an easy time with the side tri rise too...Just take it as a gift and go on about your world!
****Nicole Look at you go with YogaX! Hope you get that girls night out...we all need that once in a while!
****Jeanette Glad you enjoyed Bryan today...I don't have the one you mentioned...Do you like it? How hard is it?? Let's see...weekend plans...Farmer's market on Saturday with my mom...then CB and I are taking DD to the movies on Saturday night...not sure what we are going to see yet...gotta look that up. Maybe a football game on Sunday...depending on the weather. Sounds like you have a full weekend planned with the tree gathering and cycling and golfing! Lunch was fun with the kiddos...I am reading with them in the morning...more germs to catch...maybe I will wear a surgical mask so that I don't catch anything else!
****Lea Love the meez! I can imagine the outfits your boys picked out. Congrats on getting KM done today!
***Teddygirl Go on with your bad self and the MUCH younger man!! I'm glad you set some boundaries...hopefully you guys can work all of that out, since it sounds like you guys are really into each other.
Okay...think I am caught up for now! I will see you all in the morning. I have to read with the germ infested urchins in the morning...Then I am hoping to do a light cardio...maybe just walking...and some more stretching to get my back all the way better....Hopefully I will be able to go back to weights on Saturday.
Good night to all!!
To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn
****Laurie Sorry you are still having complications with your work computer. Congrats on completing are truly dedicated! I bet DD's room is going to look fabulous...Does she do a good job of keeping it clean?? I will be glad when my DD is old enough to want to clean up after herself...but if memory serves, I didn't clean up after myself until I was 30. Glad you and Cami are fast friends. Are you watching the Packers tonight?
****Carol WooHoo on finishing YogaX..You are doing great!
****Traci Well, thank goodness you are 30ish! Think of how much you have learned since have lots of years left to correct any of those mistakes you made in your 30's!! It's great you are in such wonderful shape...Did you do some plyo jacks in the office to prove how young you are?? Sorry you didn't get to YogaX, though...But think of how good you will do with that 30 year old body tomorrow!
****Sandra You must really have a screw loose to like YogaX...LOL! I think the Canadian cold is getting to your brain. Okay...with the backbends....I do fine with Camel's the ones that start from flat on the floor that I have problems with...I get up into bridge just fine...and I am confident about my form on that since we have been over it in my yoga class...Is it possibly a lack of upper body strength that is hampering my full backbend? I feel really unstable with putting my arms back (instead of under me as in bridge) to lift myself up...I understand what you are saying about the elongation part...Obviously, I can't practice right now since my back is already I may have some more questions once I feel like my back is healthy enough to attempt one again. LOL about the holiday rush on the new boobies! You crack me up!! I got my Bryan Kest on Amazon. Do you ever do ARX first? That really used to help me during my first round...I found my legs weren't as tired and I was able to perform the ab moves more effectively. I always had an easy time with the side tri rise too...Just take it as a gift and go on about your world!
****Nicole Look at you go with YogaX! Hope you get that girls night out...we all need that once in a while!
****Jeanette Glad you enjoyed Bryan today...I don't have the one you mentioned...Do you like it? How hard is it?? Let's see...weekend plans...Farmer's market on Saturday with my mom...then CB and I are taking DD to the movies on Saturday night...not sure what we are going to see yet...gotta look that up. Maybe a football game on Sunday...depending on the weather. Sounds like you have a full weekend planned with the tree gathering and cycling and golfing! Lunch was fun with the kiddos...I am reading with them in the morning...more germs to catch...maybe I will wear a surgical mask so that I don't catch anything else!
****Lea Love the meez! I can imagine the outfits your boys picked out. Congrats on getting KM done today!
***Teddygirl Go on with your bad self and the MUCH younger man!! I'm glad you set some boundaries...hopefully you guys can work all of that out, since it sounds like you guys are really into each other.
Okay...think I am caught up for now! I will see you all in the morning. I have to read with the germ infested urchins in the morning...Then I am hoping to do a light cardio...maybe just walking...and some more stretching to get my back all the way better....Hopefully I will be able to go back to weights on Saturday.
Good night to all!!
To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn