3AM client cancelled yesterday so I am just doing a 7am today...Lite week w/ people traveling...Feast or Famine on my schedule I tell ya.;-)
Take off day is THURSDAY!!! Did Stacy say Wed??? Totally off her rocker yesterday!!!
BBC Upper Fat Blaster + BB Mission Lower! YEAH! I love quick creative leg work w/ bands
Will do personals in 2 batches today as I seem to have missed ALOT thru-out the day! - 1 New blog pic up this AM - man is that woman strong! I shall see if I can use 25BB for my wrist curls- bet I can crank out 1.5;-)
Did I ever say that I REALLY hope more than anything that with all the upgrades in store for the site I do hope Chris realizes the priority is a greater selection of expressive smiley faces??? Netta, add that to your list please!
How are those strong shapely legs today???? I LUV GS & what it does for me...Wish I had a better attention span to do it weekly. What a lovely surprise on the early raves! OF COURSE you are valued! Feels fantastic doesnt it?~ HOORAY on your leg A-Ha's!!!!!!! That really makes me smile!!! I think everyone should have the chance to work w/ a good PT for 30 days...would change how we exercise for sure! FABULOUS figuring it all out on your own!!!!! I absolutely believe you can alter the shape of your legs! It does take consistent dedicated smart workouts but you're on the road! EXCITING isnt it? Took my stubs about 6 weeks to see small changes when I was working legs 3-4x a week .... once I saw it I was good for another couple months (then I got bored & slacked)Go NETTA GO!!!~~~ Nope, my ttom is normally 2-5 days early.Maybe its Stacy that starts late?...I told Dr didnt want to keep upping my meds so I'll live with it! The good part about early for me is that until the second I actually start I dont have ANY pain/bloat etc.... but it does come on day 2&3...WEIRD body I have I tell ya. :7 ~~ Thanks for sharing my babies w/ DH!!! You tell him that ITA- a sure sign of a good person is one who invites their babies up on the furniture!:+ Thanks for the details on re-loading...I printed them out & will at least follow the concept w/ my iTunes/iPod program....
Congrats on starting your running training! Its a gas!Happy Recovery Week2!
I'm in the front of the "collective group"-----
I KNEW you were from another world than I!!!! I bet now TRACY will go buy a tape measure so she can join your "WICKEDLY MEAN TO ANNOUNCE" Club!!!!!!! 16% is CATHE-Zone!!!!!!!!!!! I am turning green w/ envy & it aint pretty! ;-) I suppose your raw food days lowered it to this level???? Good lord bark must have no calories or fat!:*
:+ "under- duress!" I've always heard that the muscles & brain dont actually have to LIKE what their doing in order to be worked! GOOD THING, eh?}( Very cool cell! I am boring as I despise them (they take away my freedom to disappear)... I use the FREE one from T-Mobile...I use it a few years til it breaks (about 3-5) then turn it in for a current FREE model! :7 Now you and Wendy can email all day long- I cant even see the #s on my phone pad let alone try to type on it!!!:-( ~~ CBL's joining us for Meet & Greet2 ???? FABULOUS!!! Is it a black tie affair or can I wear my pink jammies w/ steaming coffee cups??????? ~~ Thanks again for keeping me in the loop on the yoga info..... I searched almost 2 hrs yesterday & find it MADDENING that only part of the time are premix times and/or reference actually given. Cathe does a MARVELOUS job w/ all that here doesnt she?
No worries- busy times seem to go in cycles for each of us.... ROF about shopping on Thursday... Thats a computer activity for;-) ~~ ^5 to you & DH!! Maybe doing something like that together will help ease the stressors of FIL & life in general....:* :* Peace, Harmony, Luv:*
WENDY, SANDRA, LAURIE, TEDDY..... coming right back- time to re-fill:7
3AM client cancelled yesterday so I am just doing a 7am today...Lite week w/ people traveling...Feast or Famine on my schedule I tell ya.;-)
Take off day is THURSDAY!!! Did Stacy say Wed??? Totally off her rocker yesterday!!!
BBC Upper Fat Blaster + BB Mission Lower! YEAH! I love quick creative leg work w/ bands
Will do personals in 2 batches today as I seem to have missed ALOT thru-out the day! - 1 New blog pic up this AM - man is that woman strong! I shall see if I can use 25BB for my wrist curls- bet I can crank out 1.5;-)
Did I ever say that I REALLY hope more than anything that with all the upgrades in store for the site I do hope Chris realizes the priority is a greater selection of expressive smiley faces??? Netta, add that to your list please!
How are those strong shapely legs today???? I LUV GS & what it does for me...Wish I had a better attention span to do it weekly. What a lovely surprise on the early raves! OF COURSE you are valued! Feels fantastic doesnt it?~ HOORAY on your leg A-Ha's!!!!!!! That really makes me smile!!! I think everyone should have the chance to work w/ a good PT for 30 days...would change how we exercise for sure! FABULOUS figuring it all out on your own!!!!! I absolutely believe you can alter the shape of your legs! It does take consistent dedicated smart workouts but you're on the road! EXCITING isnt it? Took my stubs about 6 weeks to see small changes when I was working legs 3-4x a week .... once I saw it I was good for another couple months (then I got bored & slacked)Go NETTA GO!!!~~~ Nope, my ttom is normally 2-5 days early.Maybe its Stacy that starts late?...I told Dr didnt want to keep upping my meds so I'll live with it! The good part about early for me is that until the second I actually start I dont have ANY pain/bloat etc.... but it does come on day 2&3...WEIRD body I have I tell ya. :7 ~~ Thanks for sharing my babies w/ DH!!! You tell him that ITA- a sure sign of a good person is one who invites their babies up on the furniture!:+ Thanks for the details on re-loading...I printed them out & will at least follow the concept w/ my iTunes/iPod program....
Congrats on starting your running training! Its a gas!Happy Recovery Week2!
I'm in the front of the "collective group"-----
I KNEW you were from another world than I!!!! I bet now TRACY will go buy a tape measure so she can join your "WICKEDLY MEAN TO ANNOUNCE" Club!!!!!!! 16% is CATHE-Zone!!!!!!!!!!! I am turning green w/ envy & it aint pretty! ;-) I suppose your raw food days lowered it to this level???? Good lord bark must have no calories or fat!:*
:+ "under- duress!" I've always heard that the muscles & brain dont actually have to LIKE what their doing in order to be worked! GOOD THING, eh?}( Very cool cell! I am boring as I despise them (they take away my freedom to disappear)... I use the FREE one from T-Mobile...I use it a few years til it breaks (about 3-5) then turn it in for a current FREE model! :7 Now you and Wendy can email all day long- I cant even see the #s on my phone pad let alone try to type on it!!!:-( ~~ CBL's joining us for Meet & Greet2 ???? FABULOUS!!! Is it a black tie affair or can I wear my pink jammies w/ steaming coffee cups??????? ~~ Thanks again for keeping me in the loop on the yoga info..... I searched almost 2 hrs yesterday & find it MADDENING that only part of the time are premix times and/or reference actually given. Cathe does a MARVELOUS job w/ all that here doesnt she?
No worries- busy times seem to go in cycles for each of us.... ROF about shopping on Thursday... Thats a computer activity for;-) ~~ ^5 to you & DH!! Maybe doing something like that together will help ease the stressors of FIL & life in general....:* :* Peace, Harmony, Luv:*
WENDY, SANDRA, LAURIE, TEDDY..... coming right back- time to re-fill:7