Hey girls,
Happy Birthday Laurie!!!! Hope you feel better soon
Traci-X, Glad to see your post today and I like the new website
Don't kill yourself making the stairs for Sandy
So glad you're ready to jump back in with both feet!
WendyX, Thanks for the great pictures. It all looks like so much fun. I so hope I can be with you all next year! It's almost your birthday too!! Any cute clothes in the works or just the RT? Do tell! Phil is such a sweety, I know he has something planned!
Cheryl, Glad you got the pics! There were some great ones of you in there
I have to browse around the forum ans see who else has posted some. So glad you had a great time!
SandraX, Way to start the post today!!! You're starting a trend, maybe? Only three more days until your birthday! What are you going to do? Did you make your cake already? Too bad Cathe's Workout Blender wasn't done, you could ask for that
JeanetteX, Hope the winds die down a little for your trial. DH hates it when he has a strong headwind! I liked the workout this morning and made sure to lift extra heavy since it was shorter. I am doing Imax 3 intervals 6-10 & Coremax instead of what was on tap. I am changing up this weeks workouts to get more strength in there. I'm adding PS in on Wednesday.
DebraX, LOL! about the crotch-eating killer daschund. I'm glad you had someone to vent to about DH. Whenever DH and I are having problems I talk to his mom about it. I figure she can forgive him because it's her son, whereas if I told my mom she might be angry with him. It seems to work well and my DMIL always listens.
Swift AmyX, You are famous now that your picture is up on the blog
You are so fit! Looks like you had a blast!! Hope everything gets in order around there soon. That's the thing about going out of town, nothing gets done until you get back
Carol, WELCOME!! Now I'm not the baby anymore
I just turned 31 and I also have three DC. My youngest is two and my oldest is 8 and they're all boys
We are a chatty bunch and all of these women are such GREAT supporters! So motivating and honest and beautiful! We look forward to having you chat with us
See you all later,
People who believe they have the power to exercise some measure of control over their lives are healthier, more effective and more successful than those who lack faith in their ability to effect changes in their lives.