X Factor Saturday


Hi Girls.

Woke up this morning to my monthly and some cramps. Great way to start a saturday ey? :confused: I don't really care but it pisses me off cause now I'll have to deal with this during my race tmrw! ARGH! :mad: Oh well, nothing I can do about so I suppose it's not worth cryin' about. :)

Diana: Hugs to you. So sorry about your MIL. She is in my prayers. You know I haven't been to the gyn since Joey was 6 weeks old. :confused: I really need to go! I am calling on Monday to make an appointment. I admit reading your post freaked me out a bit. That's a good thing though. Perhaps it's what I needed!

Sunny: Yup sure did get yer pm. I pm'd ya back too. You're a doll. :)

Jen: I use lifting gloves when I use the bells. Not the preferred way to protect but it works for me. It took a few times to get used to it but once I did I was fine. I don't know about the chalk. I've never used it. If I ever come across some in my travels and it's cheap enough I'll pick it up and give it a go.

Ang: Core Syn in a KILLER work out for sure! It's TOUGH! I have a love/hate relationship with it. ;) Funny about the dog trying to bite your hands. I lock all other breathing things out of the room when I work out!:p

Jacque: You had a busy week at work. I'll bet you are glad it's the weekend!!!! Enjoy it!

Hey X Factor Chicas!

Quick check in - (what's new :eek:) Just getting ready to teach turbo this am. It's a very fun group, so I love my Saturday morning peeps! :D

Wendy, Sorry about Aunt Flo -I'm sure you're going to do great tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you. :D Make a gyn appt. , will you?!

Diana, I'm sorry about your SIL. I'll keep her and your family in my prayers.

Sunny, It sounds like you're one lucky woman - a DH who cooks and exercises with you. :cool:

Jen, I use lifting gloves when I use kb. My hands get so irritated when I don't. I have a thin pair of Nike gloves that I use.

Angie, 2 thumbs way up for you and Core Synergistics.

Jacque, Hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend planned.

Hi Laura!

Have a great day everyone!!! :)
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Heya girls

I have an idea......what do you all think about someone posting a "thing" they do to keep on track and have everyone do it for a couple of weeks to see if it makes a difference for everyone else? What I mean is.....well, I read posts and think "ya, I should probably do or try that someday" and then never do. Maybe if I was held more accountable and actually applied myself to a certain goal I would do it, and it just might be the THING that makes a difference.

For example, Jacque mentioned the flaxseed and cranberry juice thing a while back. I bought the flaxseed and it sits in a box in my cabinet. I've never tried it.:( I also have never bought the cranberry juice. Why do I do that??? I get good advice and then never follow thru or even give it a shot?

I think the accountability thing with the group might force us all to try something new and step out of the box. Or maybe try something not so new like 'drinking 3 quarts of water per day' but keep us on track with it for 2 whole weeks to see how it affects us. At the beginning of the second week, the person who is going to post the new goal should give us all a heads up so that if we need anything in advance we can get it.....like cranberry juice.:) I probably should've posted this on a weekday when we get more of the group here, but if you all want to try it, we could always cut and paste this. So what do you all think??

Back again for personals

I haven't yet decided what w/o I'm gonna do today. It's just nice to have a choice.:D I'll have to see what mood strikes me after a bit. I have a fairly small to-do list to tackle. It seems like when I have a short list to begin with, I find myself adding to it throughout the day.:confused: But, tis the season to get the halloween decs out. I really need to do that this weekend before it's too late.

Wendy - Aw crap about TTOM.:confused: Mother nature just isn't fair sometimes.
I didn't have the heart to crate the dog during my w/o yesterday b/c I knew we were going to be gone for the afternoon and she would be in there for a few hours.:( But usually I try to time my w/o when she is in nap mode.;) It doesn't always work out that way. She also like to crawl under me when I'm in down dog or plank or trying to do pushups. It certainly adds an extra challenge to doing exercise.

Diana - So so so sorry to hear about SIL. Is it in an early stage? Is she having surgery or chemo/radiation? Hopefully, even though it's still a horrible situation, she can fight this and win!
Snow on Sunday???:eek: Yikes! The fall colors here are BEAUTIFUL! It is peak to near peak here and I was ooooooing and aaaaaaaing all the way to town yesterday. I think I'm going to ride with DH a day next week so I can see the colors and drive him nuts.:p
Have you chosen a rotation yet? Maybe something on the rotation forum?

Shirl - Have fun with that turbo class today. Sounds like a fun time.:)

I got on deepdiscount.com last night. I think I'm going to order the Bryan Kest yoga set. It is affordable enough. Does anyone have this set and if so what do you think about it? I'm sooooo trying to like yoga. LOL!


Happy Saturday Ladies!

I couldn't fall asleep last night. I finally did and I didn't wake up until 9:30 oh my! I have serious DOMS in my thighs from all the weighted walking lunges/pulses in B&G class.

It will be a lazy day around here. DH had to turn the heat on this morning for the first time this year. It is that time of year I suppose.

We are going to my niece's birthday party-she is 17. She is such a wonderful young lady. Oh yeah, Jerod's coach also called a practice for today. They don't normally practice on the weekend. I think maybe because the football game is on Sunday this week instead of Saturday.

I haven't decided on a rotation but will peruse the rotations forum. I will be focusing on more circuit training. Today I want to do Boot Camp Boot Camp, yep a double from one of Cathe's rotations.

Wendy-sorry about TOM. I had to deal with that during my 2nd HM. I actually ran with a small fanny pack so I could carry my necessities. Good Luck tomorrow!

Shirl-I would love to take your class. I'm not a morning person though. There is a new (cute male) instructor that will be teaching Kickbox on T&TH lunch hour. I plan on taking that class!

Angie-I like your idea. I actually add flax seeds to my protein shakes. Every year I print off blank monthly calendars and keep them on my entertainment center in the basement. I write down what w/o I did, calories burned, average HR and Max HR. I have years worth of work out records down stairs. I would probably see more progress if I would weigh and measure monthly but it is very hard for me to put those numbers in print. It's a mental issue that I need to work on.

Happy saturday ladies,

wendy- only one more day, woohooo! you are gonna rock girl. not a problem;)

diana- me and dh are not doing p90x we are doing a rotation out of a muscle and fitness mag. called burn the fat, build the muscle. it's pretty intense so far. a 4 week program. i think my exercise ADD can handle that:p

shirl- yep and most importantly he's a good man and a great dad! sure wish i were there to take your TK class. can't find any good ones around here.

angie- i think that is a wonderful idea!! when do you want to start? and we must hold each other accountable. no getting off the hook easily:D

my workout today was chest and shoulders...didn't do it yesterday. another fryer!!

ok ladies, here are a couple of free workouts from valerie waters the writer of the RCR workouts. they look easy on paper but definitely are not. enjoy!

Workout 1

Circuit #1

Single leg glute bridge on foam roller --- Do 12 reps, switch sides
Valslide mountain climber (hands on med ball) --- Do 20 reps, each leg, alternating
Painful push away --- Do 20 reps
Kayaker --- Do 15 reps, each side

Do circuit 3 times.

Circuit #2

Valband side steps --- Do 15 steps each way
Lunge/kick --- Do 15 reps, switch sides
Bentover row --- Do 12 X 20 lbs (use a 20 lb bar or 10 lb dumbbells in each hand)
Romanian dead lift --- Do 10 reps X 20 lbs (use a 20 lb bar or 10 lb dumbbells in each hand)
Dumbbell chest press --- Do 15 reps X 10 lbs in each hand

Do circuit 3 times.

Circuit #3

Bulgarian split squat --- Do 10 reps X 5-8 lbs in each hand
Single arm shoulder press --- Do 12 reps X 8 lbs
Valslide reverse lunge w/ front foot on airex --- Do 12 reps X 8 lbs (if this is easy add one 8 lb dumbbell)
Bicep curls --- Do 12 reps X 10 lbs
Dips with feet up --- Do 12 reps

Do circuit 3 times.

Workout 2

Circuit #1

Single leg glute bridge --- Do 12 reps, switch legs
Side plank with reach under --- Do 10 reps, switch sides
Valslide 1 arm slide w/ feet on Bosu --- Do 10 reps, each hand alternating
Ultimate crunch --- Do 12-15 reps, switch sides

Do circuit 2-3 times.

Circuit #2

Valslide reverse lunge with stretchy band --- Do 12 reps, switch legs
Step up to high step --- Do 12 reps, switch legs
One arm row to balance --- Do 12 reps, switch arms
Bruce Lee kick --- Do 15 reps, switch legs
Valslide push up ½ fly --- Do 5 reps, each side alternating

Do circuit 3 times.

Circuit #3

Valband side hops --- Do 12 reps there, and then back
Valslide side lunge --- Do 15 reps, switch legs
Squat press --- Do 15 reps
Bicep curls --- Do 12 reps X 10 lbs in each hand
Kickbacks --- Do 12 reps X 10 lbs in each hand

Do circuit 3 times.

I have the val slides that i use for the reverse lunges and these crazy planks she has in the RCR workouts.
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Good day to all !

Got up and did my "X" L & B this AM - definitely thinking I am done with "X" for a bit. Need to do Kenpo to finish out 3 weeks but my ham/glute is still tight after I pulled it last Sun. I am going to go back and restart a Cathe rotation (Sept 08 Leg Blast Rotation). It is for leaning out the lower body. I don't think my body was getting enough cardio to keep the "fluff" off with "X" and I don't have time to add additional workouts to my schedule. Not too worried about adding muscle - will hit STS with a bang when it comes - so think I'd like to lean out a bit before that.

Been on the 'puter doing a few other things and then needed to catch up after 3 days ! :eek:

Sounds like everyone is keeping busy - busy burns the cals too, huh?

Wendy - Oh man I can't wait to hear how your HM experience goes. I need to start getting more runs in. Maybe the ugly weather coming will help me hit the TM. I have already decided to join the CCPP End of Month Runs and now have to buy a few more CC's to be able to do the "bonus" too. Hope the knee and TTOM are good to you - my fingers are crossed and I'll cross my toes once my workout is done !:p

Shirl - hope the Turbo class went well and everyone was awake !

Angie - I like your idea about something new/different/healthier, etc. to work towards. By adding small things and doing it consistently I am able to change habit quite often. My vote for the first one would be your idea of drinking more water. I have been really bad lately and not getting in enough. (Too much coffee at work just trying to make it through the day). Anyone else have ideas? It is funny that this morning I was thinking how this year has been such a great one for me in sticking to my workouts and checking in. Your idea is perfect for me and I am game. I can't believe I just did 3 weeks of X due to you ladies !;)

I have a Brian Kest Power Yoga with Energize, Tone & Sweat on it. I have only done it a few times but it was tough. From my memory, way harder than YogaX.

Have to giggle about you riding with DH to see the fall colors. I remember as young teen wishing I could ride cross country with a trucker just to see the states ! Enjoy your changes - we have some leaves out here in CA but nothing compared to you all back there.

Diana - Good to see you back - got time to post those pics today?:rolleyes:
Sorry about the lack of sleep you had, but I think I may have made up for it for you !:eek: And what did I miss about SIL? What did you end up doing for a workout today? We have finally had a couple of chilly nights and our heater came on this AM too! Funny since we had 85' weather this week until yesterday. Enjoy your "lazy" day . . .

Dee Dee - thanks for posting the Valerie Waters workouts. Copied and pasted - now I need to see what a couple of the exercises are since I'm not sure from their names. In viewing I am not thinking they are that easy if I visualize . . .:rolleyes: Way to fry the chest and shoulders. I think I am definitely ready for something besides pull ups and push ups. I liked the X Shoulders and Arms workout the best and really miss bench presses and flies. :( Am looking forward to a change . . .

Jen - did you get your workout in yesterday? Hope you have a great weekend.

So my plans are to be happy I am not at work, though brought home a few minor things I need to get done or else . . . But will be taking it easy since I had to do Clean Max to the Max last weekend for DS's interview last week.:D Think I may start painting my living room? Need to get a few things done since I think Christmas for 30 may be at my house this year.

You all enjoy your day - BBL to see what everyone is up to.

GO HOCKEY !;) So happy the season has started and we kicked bootay the first home game. My favorite player scored the first two goals ! Woo Hoo !
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Happy Saturday.:D

I've been trying to clean up my living room and going thru all my stuff that accumulates on my countertop.:confused: I want to get everything cleaned off so I can put decorations out. It just looks like crap when I put decs out and it's not uncluttered beforehand. The boys just went to grandmas so I'm all alone.:D:) I still haven't done that workout yet, but I will attack it as soon as my clothes in the dryer are done.

Diana - I didn't go to bed until 1am either. I was on the puter and just didn't feel like it. But, wouldn't ya know....the stupid phone rang at 8:45 this morning.:confused: Grrrrrrrrr
Hope you have fun at that B-day party.
Hmmmm, flaxseed in the protein drink eh? Does it affect the taste at all?
I have gone back to tracking my weight once per week, but it's not the motivation tool that it used to be. It's like I just don't much care anymore. I took the boys to a new Buffalo wings restaruant last night and had a chicken caseda(sp?) and onion rings. Then I got home and had a few drinks with the race on TV.:eek: I'm soooo OK with being bad right now. Ack!!!:confused: It's not good.:(

DeeDee - Well, we just need to decide who's going first. Any takers??
Are the Valslides the same as the moving men disks? I'm just wondering if I should go ahead and get the valslides.....I'm thinking Cathe is using them in STS as well?

Jacque - So are you gonna do the X rest week before you move on or just move on? Have you done the X before?
So Bryan Kest is harder than the X???:eek: Oh my! I asked a fellow Catheite how she got her shoulder caps and she said yoga.:( That's NOT what I wanted to hear. *lol*
DH is a local trucker so I would just be in northern MI.....but the colors are just so pretty right now. I want to get out there and see them before it rains or gets windy. The leaves just don't last long around here.:(
The action hero #2 workout that Dee Dee posted is right here. Just scroll down to it and there are pics of the exercises to help you figure out what they are.
So an easy day is painting the living room???

Gotta dust, finish laundry, and figure out what w/o I'm in for. I'll BBL to report what I finally decide on.

Hey all!! Lots of chatter here today! I like that.

I did the first two section of BM2 this morning. I didn't bother doing the upper body portion because I did the kettlebell workout yesterday.

Wendy, sorry to hear about TTOM! Talk about crappy timing...but I suppose no time is a good time for that. Unless, of course, you're worried about being pregnant when you don't really want to be, then there is a good time for that...but I digress!! Just make sure you wear black pants tomorrow ;) Sometimes it sucks being a girl. I don't know what time you're racing tomorrow, but in case I don't get a chance to check in before hand tomorrow, Good Luck, Wendy!!! Have Fun!! And most importantly, know that we're all cheering you on tomorrow! We can't wait to hear how it goes.

Shirl, what kind of class is turbo? I've been using these thin cardio gloves that are meant to be used during circuit style workouts, I think, but there just not thick enough. I think I'll take your and Wendy's advice and try regular lifting gloves. They have some padding in the palms. I hadn't tried them because they're leather and I was concerned that they'd be too sticky.

Angie, I like your idea. I've recently started to wean myself off caffeine, I'm trying to drink a gallon of water a day, and I'm interested in doing more yoga. It might motivate me to know others were doing it as well. I have Bryan Kest's yoga set and I've only done the first volume, Energize, and it's tough. I'm NO yoga fan, but I do like this one because it's only an hour. And I agree, it is tougher than X. I'm kind of skeered to move up to the second one, Tone, but you might have just unwittingly challenged me to try it tomorrow ;) Heck, if Wendy can do 18 miles tomorrow, I think I might be able to handle a yoga workout. Or not.

Diana, I have to go back to find out exactly what is going on with your loved one, but from what I've gathered, it calls for some extra prayers and healing vibes sent her way, and know that I'll be doing both.

Dee Dee, I scanned the workout you so graciously posted, saw the word Painful and kept scrolling :p Is an exercise with the word painful in the name supposed to make me want to do it?? I think not.

Jacque, while you guys are enjoying your hockey out there on the West Coast, we're routin' for our Red Sox as they race for the pennant! So I share in your fandom ;)

Okay everyone, the game is starting...I'll be back in the a.m. to see what's going on.

Have a good night!

Hey ladies...just back from my nieces b'day party. We had a lot of fun visiting with all the nieces and inlaws. I didn't get anymore information regarding SIL's breast cancer. Hopefully my MIL can fill me in. I didn't want to bring it up at her daughters party.

I'm not sure when were starting to add in our healthy habits, but it sounds like getting more water is first up. I can tell you all what I do to get in my water. I am a morning exerciser and always drink 32oz of water during my morning workouts-whether it is cardio or weights. I also try to drink 32oz when I get home from work and another 32 oz before bed. During work hours, I try to get in 48 oz plus what I get out of the drinking fountain if I go to the rec ctr. Even on mornings I don't workout, I try to get in 32 oz while I'm getting ready for work. Guess I should mention my terrible habit, I eat handfulls of chocolate chips out of the bag.

Angie-the flax seeds don't affect the taste. I just put a teaspoon of unground flax seeds in with my fiber one cereal, protein powder, frozen fruit and water. If your using flax seeds in oatmeal, yogurt etc you need to grind them if you didn't buy them already ground.

Jen-good luck getting off the caffeine. I personally enjoy 2 cups of coffee almost every day. I could probably go with decaf but DH won't hear of it.
BM2 is one of my favorite cardio w/o's, I like to do the mix & max premix!

Dee Dee-your rotation looks great. I'm looking for some gliding discs that will work with the puzzle mats. Any suggestions???

GO WENDY:rolleyes:
Go Wendy Go!!!

Just wanted to come back to say.......Go WENDY!!!!! You'll do great! I can't wait to hear the details.:D I've had a few CABs tonight, so I know you'll be up and outta there way before I get my butt outta bed.:p

Jen - I haven't gotten the nerve yet just to order the Kest DVD's.:eek: I'm still shopping to see if there is anything else I want to add to my order. Ummmm....that's my excuse and I'm stickin to it!:p
Are you getting off caffeine totally?? I only have 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning and I have NO intention of giving it up. *lol* Besides, there are lots of health benefits associated with a couple of cups of coffee per day. Again.....I'm stickin' to it.;)
Enjoy your game tonight. I'm hoping to stay awake for the race....but still 85 laps to go and DH is already out for the count.:confused:

Diana - Glad you had fun at the party.
So, why does the flaxseed have to be ground? Is it for better absorption?
I guess I can grind it and put it in my protein drink.....I only use the powder with water and nothing else. I hope it won't taste gross.
Wow - you drink a lot of water! I'm often lucky to get in 48oz per day. I always drink 32 after a workout and struggle to get the rest in during the day. I don't drink after 6pm or I will be in the bathroom all night.:(

Back to the race..............see you ladies in the morning.


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