Back for a chat at lunch time - kinda late but I wasn't too hungry . . .
Wendy - for me, I am up at 5:45, workout from 6 - 7, get my lunch together and then post around 7:30 if I have the time. DH is still in bed when I get up where the 'puter is in our bedroom so I can't really post before that.
Now you know for PST time I am really up before you!
Course I sometimes run late and don't get here until I have time at work, which isn't happening much lately.
So today's workout was 80 min! I am planning on just working out through the entire week with no rest since I took an extra day last week. Will hit PP (do I even have that one?) on Tues. Glad you warned me! May double up somewhere along the way with weights in the AM and cardio in the PM.
I'm a dark chocolate fan too - Costco had a nice bag of assorted little squares, about 20 or 30 cals each. I think they range from 60 - 70 or 75% chocolate. A few are a little bitter, but that doesn't stop me !
They are up in the cupboard and I have to be really hitting a craving in order to pull them down. Yummy !
Laura - So so sorry about DH's possibilities - D4mn unions ! Hope it turns out for the best. Sounds like you have some great plans for your workout today! We'll see if you classes return after you hit them hard tonight!
Some of the trick or treaters like to come in and see the birds - we have two parrots, an amazon and a macaw, and many have never seen one up close. Plus one says "hi" and the other says "good-bye". Can be rather cute.
Dee Dee - glad you had a few minutes to pop in ! Hope things slow down a bit soon. Great deal with your new class and everyone having fun.
Angie - a bag of candy corn in my house would have the same fate !
I don't really have a favorite candy as I will eat just about anything, but at Halloween, candy corn is way at the top of the list. So easy to keep eating handfuls at a time until it is gone and you just don't realize how much you ate. I do end up with a yucky feeling these days if I eat too much though.
DOMS in the love handle area? What did you do to get those? Inquiring minds REALLY want to know . . .
Hope the BBall game went well !
So in addition to my workout, I want to report that I was a very very good girl yesterday. Didn't have any CABs (very very good for me!
) and didn't eat any chips or candy either. Got a bit hungry in the afternoon so ate a TB of PB. DH cooked dinner an hour earlier than usual - whew, we ate at 7:30! and finished watching the Sharks game. I worked out during intermissions and got it all finished without missing too much of the game. So that left me to take a nice long warm shower! Oh, but I did have some homemade potato salad with some reg mayo in it. That was about the worst I did. Trying to cut the carbs too. We'll see how it goes . . .
Crossing fingers I can keep going for a while to lose a bit of fluff. Help me steer straight ladies ! ! !
Will check to see who showed up after Wendy was tired of posting by herself! LOL ! ! !
Enjoy the evening.