Good Morning all!
Last night I had a major binge on carbs...well major for me...i ate a peanut butter cookie and 2 tortillas. Stress is super high these days. My kids hate homework and the two little have to literaly be threatened with writing notes to the teachers to get them to do any
My younger daughter is in French immersion grade two and her teacher wants her to read 30 minutes of french every night on top of all her homework. Last night she had a 48 page book to read and do a mini report on...What doesn't help the situation is that all three kids want to do their homework with me. My husband is the french speaking parent (i work in french but it is not my mother toungue) but nobody wants to do their homework with him.. lucky me
so i have tried to start a reward system but it tough.. my little bad az 7 year old daughter says she doen't care if she gets a stupid sticker..Thank God she likes manicures...if she gets a sheet full I will take her for a manicure..(totally funny...I am so not a girlie girl..I don't even wear make-up)
That is why I love going to work...With my students all I have to do is blow my whistle and everything calms down!
Enough complaining...sorry about that
Okay..back to business..
Sts is still going strong at 6x per week..I was literaly (sp??) crawling around..ok not really but, i felt like it..Monday since i decided to do meso 2 legs (i finally got my 20 pound weight vest) immediately followed by plyo legs(disk 26)...legs have never been so sore in my life! After my chest workout..later on during the day I followed up by 100 push-ups (no, not all at once etc)
Yesterday was my 2nd chest day....
For cardio I have been walking and LOVING IT!
At work I take the students to play tennis and the courts are 15 min walk away...yesterday we went 3 times so...90 min of walking at work...LOVE IT!
Today: My goal is to eat properly
and try to do s90 tabata during my spare at work (i have a shower in my office in case you guys were wondering about me being stinky and sweaty all day after
Barb and Wiggie: You guys totally Rock! way to go on the weight loss
Wendy: You must be totally cut now..before we saw one delt head...are we up to 2 or 3 yet? Did you notice when you are sweaty you see them better?
Next sign of fitness...Can you see the line of your quad? you know when you look sideways at your legs, is there the line right down the center of the upper thigh? #2, the hamstring demarkation?
Thanks for letting me vent..and vent...Promise to be more chipper later on today when i check in again