WW or Body for life for results?


Hi. I have about 10-15 pounds to lose. SHould I do Body for life or try WW and do CAthe/FIRM videos? I need some kind of structure but just can't decide. Also, I am nursing a baby so that plays a factor. Any advice is appreciated :)
If you do a search several Body for Life threads have been posted the last week or so. Personally, I've never done WW so can't compare, BUT I've seen great results with BFL.

I always feel compelled to respond to Body for Life questions because it's changed my life. You should do a quick search and you'll find posts from me about how much I love this program.

Bottom line...BFL works and once you get the hang of it...you really can do it FOR LIFE. I lost all my baby weight (from two back to back pregancies) and dropped TWO sizes from my original pre-pregnancy size.

Best of luck.
I have to put in a vote for WW. I was stuck at 9lbs to my goal weight after having my first baby. Once I started watching what I ate using the WW points in addition to working out, I immediately started to lose the pounds. I tracked/wrote down what I ate for 3 weeks and lost 7lbs. Then I stopped tracking the points and I still have 2lbs to lose. I'm planning on getting back on it to lose those 2lbs and possibly another 5. I find it to be the most sensible plan, encouraging variety and moderation.
I've done both WW and BFL...and I'll be honest and tell you that while both have their positives and negatives, I find that the Abs Diet plan is much easier to follow than both, and has provided me with consistently positive results.

BFL was too rigid on when to workout and what to do for each workout, etc. I also found that I couldn't eat all that they said I should. I also didn't like that Myoplex contains aspartame.

WW brought me success, but it didn't last. Again, in hindsight (and after having been on the Abs Diet), I think that WW has a good plan, but the plan isn't "life long". I can see the Abs Diet plan being a life-long plan that I can stay on.

I've lost about 8-10 pounds since starting the Abs Diet about a month and a half ago. What's ironic is that in the beginning, all I did was change the way I snacked and I still lost about a pound or more a week. I find that I'm no longer hungry like I was before, and I have so much more energy during my workouts. It's been amazing.
hmmm.. can you tell me more about the abs diet. My daughter is coming home from college next week and is looking to loose the freshman 15. This might be great.

She is very motivated and any advice you have is greatly appreciated.

The WW new core plan is simply clean eating. It's easy because you don't have to count points. You're given a list of foods that are allowed and guess what? They happen to be unprocessed, whole foods. You are given 5 points a week that you can use to indulge on non core foods. Plus you can use exercise points.

It's a great plan.

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