Wrinkles around the knee area


I've began noticing wrinkles around my knee area.
Is there any particular exercises that would help get rid/minimize these, or do I have to just accept it goes with being 40?

Thanks so much!
I'm guessing it's that 40 thing. I'm 44, and I have had wrinkled knees for a couple of years, now. I think it was Kathryn who said here upper thighs look like her pantyhose are falling down. Me too.
Bummer :(

If you hear of something that helps, I'd love to know, too.

I've got the wrinkles in the elbow area. Gravity is definitely working on my body. I need a total body skin lift...

That's why I like the longer shorts (cropped pants) covers a lot ;)
and in the scheme of things these are pretty minor issues.
>I think it was
>Kathryn who said here upper thighs look like her pantyhose are
>falling down.

I'm afraid this will be carved on my tombstone! x( ;-)

I don't have wrinkles around the knees, but I've noticed lately (maybe it's been there for a while, but I just haven't paid attention, or maybe I've lost a bit elsewhere, so it now shows) that I have fat accumulation on the inner side of my knee. It's like a pocket of fat that just loves to hang out there.
>That's why I like the longer shorts (cropped pants) covers a
>lot ;)

I think we need some kind of "knee pad" style to come into vogue, for those who have good legs, except in the knee area. Kind of a rollerblade look, but something dressier. What do you think?
This made me chuckle since my husband pointed out that I have slight wrikleage around the knee. Deadpan and without looking at his knees since he was in pants, but assuming since he is 4 years my senior something similar was happening to his, I said "Do you think you don't have wrinkles around your knees?". He did too! Ha! Ha! I have the world's most sticklike legs so if I am subject to that kind of gravity, I daresay many others are too and there's probably a genetic component although I think it is safe to skip checking out my 83 year old mother's knees to check since she's 83. :D
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Okay, you guys make me feel better. :) I have the 40-something wrinked knee thing, too. Love the kneepad idea. Sounds better than going back to wearing panyhose like they used to in the 70s and 80s(maybe even 90s?). In MIS, Cathe mentions being careful with the barbell in case you're wearing nylons and that was made in '98 I believe.

By knee wrinkles, do you mean over the knee cap area?
I have that loose skin thing there, as well as under my butt. I thought it might have to do with those body parts being bent a lot of times (from sitting) and the skin over them stretching and losing elasticity with age.

To prevent that, one must teach their children to not sit: do everything possible standing or lying, so there's no crease under the butt or in the knees.


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