Wow! Morgorie Newlin 86-year-old grandma still pumping

While I agree that she's in good shape for someone who is 86 years old, what does being a "grandma" have to do with anything? As someone who will probably be a "grandma" in the near future, on behalf of grandmothers everywhere, I want to say that being someone's grandmother does not automatically make it amazing that you work out. x(
I've seen videos of her before. She's amazing!

Nance, I don't think it's terribly remarkable for a grandmother to workout unless, of course, you're 86 and a bodybuilder :eek: . Now THAT's remarkable. My IL's are 80 and they look about 30 years older than she does;)
Thanks, Michele. I agree.

My local radio news station is always saying things like "coming up: grandma fends off pick pocket!" I guess "woman fends off pick pocket" wouldn't be as interesting. And of course you know that "man fends off pick pocket" wouldn't even be newsworthy.

She sure makes 86 look good. I agree with the 72-yr. old body builder in the post yesterday who said "People say you look so good for your age. I don't think so. I think this is the way 70 should look".
Annette Bethel

There is an article on Firm Yaya's that copied. She is my role model and hope to look like her one day.

I have seen her on a programme about pensioner bodybuilders in the UK. They featured her and other pensioners in bodybuilding competitions. I thought she was fantastic and defintely somebody I want to be when I am older. It is amazing and just goes to show that if you are as old as your bad attitude to life and fitness. And it's never too late to start.

I will show this to my mother and push her to do some weight training.

Thank you for this link.

I think the reference to "grandma" is because most people to not associate grandmothers as being active in weight training - and because she looks so good for being as old as she is.

I can say that I'm not 40 yet and she out does me on the push ups with ease, and I think that's saying something!
Well, I sometimes wonder how long I can continue to lift weights. Now, I have an idea. She looks amazing.

>>>>My local radio news station is always saying things like "coming up: grandma fends off pick pocket!" I guess "woman fends off pick pocket" wouldn't be as interesting. And of course you know that "man fends off pick pocket" wouldn't even be newsworthy.

I believe they're just trying to categorize the subject's age. Most MOTHERS don't exercise, never mind GRANDmothers.
I love how she started at age 72!

Yesterday I was buying some dumbbells at Target--2 20-lb ones. The older lady at the checkout was surprised that they were for me. I explained that I'm not that strong yet and will mainly use them for back work and she asked me a couple more questions and then said something about how she was too old for that. I think she was probably in her 60s. Wish I had already seen Morjorie then so I could have told her this story.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:
>I believe they're just trying to categorize the subject's age.
> Most MOTHERS don't exercise, never mind GRANDmothers.

Not so in New York, Clare. Here, it's much more unusual to meet someone who doesn't work out. Of course I realize New York city is probably not typical of the country.

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