Wow, i'm shocked!

RE: The sound

I did receive a response from SNM. According to SNM's email, they did not record in surround sound, so these DVDs shouldn't work with surround sound. What stumps me are the posts stating that it works great with surround sound!?

Anyway, I am one with this problem, and it sure would be nice to have a thread that we can discuss this issue.

According to my email, SNM has decided to wait this issue out. So far, they have found NO problems with the DVDs they have checked.
RE: The sound


Janile posted at VF that she had success with the Dynabrand Home Theater System at WalMart for $44.93 (five speakers and a subwoofer). I decided to go for it, justifying that I saved money on the pre-order. I had to re-do all my audio settings, but now the volume is fantastic! (Althought I still have sound fluctuations - as if a mike was turned off by mistake for a few seconds). Mine is set for "virtual surround". I tried "stereo" but it didn't make a difference one way or another. The magic bullet for me with this system though was turning the 3D reverb mode to: OFF. The sound went from better to great!

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