Would like to hear your feedback on Strong Legs & Abs

Hi there!

I am new to the boards...but have been reading your posts for some time now.

I began my fitness quest Jan. 29 of this year and have lost almost 1 whole size. I've been mainly weight lifting using some of Joyce Vedral's routines but I need a change and feel that Cathe would be a great change. I purchased STrong Legs and Abs last nite off half.com and can't wait for it to arrive!

As you can probably tell from my ID above my bottom half is my problem. I am a pear...but am trying to use weight training to reshape and sculpt to AT LEAST less of a pear shape. PLEASE do not tell me that this is not possible! LOL

Anyway, I'd like to hear of your results from using this video. What can I expect??

Thanks so much!
I have the video but I don't remeber most of it now.But it is another one of her tough videos.
I think that if you are trying to reshape your body then you should be doing some cardio to.There is already this discussion in the forum somewhere...where we are talking about big thighs.
I stay away from to many quats cause I don't want my legs to get any bigger.I think that legs are one of those things where you never know what to expect.
But Im sure this video is a good pick but I don't think that I would do it anymore then 2 times a weeks.i only do legs 1 time in a week...and that was today...ooch.
Hi..thanks for your reply. I forgot in my original post to say that I am doing cardio. For the first month I did about 2 cardio sessions/week. However, for the last month I've been doing 5 weight workouts (alternating upper and lower each day) and have upped my cardio to 4-5 times per week.
I bought this tape after reading the reviews at VideoFitness. You might want to go there for a complete breakdown of what is on the tape. I think it's a great tape and for me, its major virtue is that even though it's 65 min. long, it just seems to fly by. I think it's the variety of exercises. You will probably find the sit-and-stands the toughest, but together with the step ups, I think you will see great results in the buttocks-a firmer, perkier fanny. Compared to Power Hour and Body Max, there are slightly longer rests between sets. I also like the floorwork for the inner thighs, and the hamstring raises from a prone position are so mean.
Dear TakeMyThighsPlease:
Great screen name! Anyway, PS SLA is a great video. It works all of the muscles of the lower body. You will be sore after you do this video for the first few times. Then you will probably get used to it and not be so sore anymore. At that point you will need to increase your weights!

As the others noted, you should keep up your cardio exercising also. I am not a pear (I'm an apple), but I would suggest that you do 3 lower body workouts per week for about 3 months to see if you progress with your lower body reshaping.

PS SLA also contains weighted floor work with a Body Bar which is extremely difficult and great for the inner and outer thighs!

Good Luck!
Dear Take,
(Teehee!) Here are some other thoughts. As you melt away gradually, you might want to take advantage of the other 2 tapes in the Pure Strength series. They work the upper body and nothing balances out a pear shape better than a strong defined upper body.

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