Worst sound while working out?


Hi everybody, I had to bring this here, NO ONE else could possibly begin to understand! :)

So~what's the worst sound you could hear while working out?

Mine is, and you can only "feel me" on this if you are someone with some "excess meat".....
the sound that the excess meat at your underarm area and/or the sound of the excess meat of your inner thigh! :( I HATE, HATE, HATE THAT "SLAPPING" SOUND!
And it's always been a "pet peeve", but today it turned ugly!

No my husband, a usually sensitive man, didn't say to me:
"Boy honey, you were really working out in there today!"

me: "yeah boy! but how did you know, could you hear my breathing?"

hubby: "No, but I could really hear the meat flying around today!" "You must have been really working hard!"

Not a smart thing to say to a woman who just finished a Powerstrike video, had I jabbed him his a** would still be trying to hitch a ride home from the moon! :)

Please someone, anyone, tell me that I am not the only person on the face of this earth who can hear their body when they workout!
And then someone else please tell me that this is not forever! That someday that pocket of meat at my underarm WILL GO AWAY!

Donna :)

p.s. and in case you're interested, I allowed my husband to live!
Oh my gosh!!!

I'm sorry to admit but I don't THINK I've ever "heard meat" flapping around in my wokout room before but I almost "heard myself" peeing my pants reading your thread! I am sooo glad your hubby is still alive! Keep up the good work, Donna. YOU KNOW you just keep getting BETTER! Thanks for the laugh! (please don't think I am laughing AT you!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I have heard that slapping sound before, but from my thighs slapping together. I bought some spandex shorts to hold it all in. I look horrible and I don't let anyone see me in this. Maybe you could find a spandex type shirt to work out in. I carry most of my weight in my lower body.


Oh my gosh that is so funny.

Donna you have come so far. You will come to a point where you don't hear sounds like that, I know it! As you continue to lose weight all those punches during the kickboxing combined with weightlifting will firm up that area.

I haven't heard meat slapping but I have made some other undesirable sounds that you don't want to know about. OOHH the beauty of being able to work out at home... I love it! I feel so much more comfortable working out at home than I ever did in a gym.

Keep it up Donna!

Kristie :)
No meat flapping around but I was not big to begin with. How about the sound of sweat squishing in your armpits? That really grosses me out, but lets me know I've been working.
ROFL!!! :) Donna, you are such a hoot! But if you keep training as hard as you do, that "meat" is guaranteed to melt away. The Powerstrike arm drills will certainly help. Thanks (once again!) for making me laugh!

I always harken back to my favorite proverb...."How would you like it if I said (or did) that to you?!!!!" This is a smart aleck form of the Golden Rule...."Do (or SAY) unto others as you would have them do (or SAY)unto you." Family members just don't think sometimes.

He IS lucky you didn't kick him someplace, especially after you'd practiced your kicks with that tape!!!!!

You go, girl.....WE'RE proud of you, and I, personally, would never dream of saying anything like that to anybody. That's one reason why I think I'll make a good personal trainer, because I know I'm diplomatic and kind.
Don't worry Donna, I too have meat that flaps about and makes that wretched sound. Didn't want you to think you were all alone out here with no meaty friends around. :) Doing the Tae-Bo speed bag work is something that makes meat music for me!
Hi Donna!

I don't hear "meat" but there are a lot of other interesting sounds (mostly me grunting and swearing). Luckily my kids are at school when I work out and my cats don't seem to take offense.

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your posts. I absolutely adore your sense of humor, your spirit, and your committment. In my opinion, you're a h*lluva woman! I bought both Powerstrike and Tae Bo Get Ripped Advanced on your recommendations and I am loving them. My husband lives in fear that one day I'll use those techniques on him. Your husband is lucky to be alive!

Keep on jabbing and kicking!
Hi Donna,

You've just given me the first belly laugh of the week! Wonderful!

As we've discussed before, you and I are of similar size, so I just had to chime in here and say I know exactly what you mean!! My "meat slapping" sounds come from my breasts slapping against my ribcage when I do any kind of impact! I must say though, this sound virtually never happens since I lost 14lbs and bought a good sports bra!

The noises that sometimes emanate from my living room when I work out must be a sound for sore ears! Between the slapping sounds of my breasts, the snorting sounds of my runny nose (why does that happen?) and the f*rts which sometimes escape me by accident, it must sound like a human percussion band in there!

Thanks for a great laugh, Donna! One day, those slapping sounds will be noticeable by their absence.

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
The worst sound while working out? Cathe saying, "24 more." Just kidding. Probably the sound of my husband waking up. I love him. But during Leaner Legs or S&H while I am concentrating my hardest, he will shuffle up to me, rub his eyes and yell, "Honey, did you buy more Cocoa Pebbles?" I have no patience when I am working out, and no lung capacity to answer him. But like I said, I love him. Oh another sound I loathe is after I've finished my cardio, chugged my H2O and layed down to do abs - I can hear the water sloshing around in my stomach. Gross! Great thread Donna. I was about to ask about your husband's funeral until I read your last line. He's lucky to be alive.
RE: i could think i wrote this myself

hi donna
beleive it or not but i was scanning through all the topics,
to try and find something on this very subject.
i have the same problem i have the bye bye arms, i have much muscle on my shoulders and the upper part of my arms, i have lost 34 pounds and i am really proud of my acomplishments, but i hate the sagging skin, one of the instructors at the ymca told me the only way i could get rid of it was to either have liposuction or to use heavy weights to make it intoa muscle so it wont wave bye bye lol.
any suggestions what do you think of this?
RE: i could think i wrote this myself

Hi Paula,

I'm still hoping that in time as I reduce my body fat that this area will disappear or at least be far less noticable.
Cathe once responded to a post where someone asked about that area, and she said that for many women, this is an area of fat storage, and that basically we have to be patient, continue to eat as cleanly as possible to reduce body fat, and that eventually this area should lose its stored fat.
I've noticed the other women in my family also store fat in their upperarm area, so clearly part of my problem is genetics, but I plan to keep on trying to reduce my overall body fat, and hopefully that area will respond favorably. It's not as bad as it use to be, it's just not as good as I'd like it to be! :)
My worst sound is the crunch/crackle sound of my right shoulder when I'm doing weightwork. IT gives me problems sometimes. Less and less latley, but if I don't do a good warm up, get ready for the crunch. x(

You folks just crack me up. I totally understand the skin slapping thing....one time I wore shorts instead of my usual long pants, and once I got up to a good clip on the treadmill, I was thinking, "What the *&* is that noise? GREAT. It's my thighs swishing." So then I tried running bowlegged for a minute, then I said forget that. But I never wore shorts again. LOL.
Now, not to be gross, but the worst sound ever has to be breaking wind. Once you start bouncing around and lifting weights, sometimes you just can't help it. I don't know what's worse: audio or olfactory. It's very embarrassing when it happens to you, and you certainly don't want to turn red so everyone knows it was you. It happens all the time, and people politely ignore it, but OMG.:p

Okay!!! I almost peed my pants picturing someone in the gym running bowlegged on the treadmill. That is hilarious. I don't have the arm thing but I definitely have the gas thing. There is never any warning, it's just all of a sudden Louis Armstrong has joined me in my workout. :-wow It doesn't matter if I am on the treadmill, doing step, or the dreaded ab workout (that always seems to bring it on). Whenever this happens I am truly thankful to be working out at home.

Aerika J.

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