worst headache ever


I have had the worst headache for the last week, the pain is centered right at the base of my head in one spot, so I went to a chiropractor and he said my I am out of wack and really cracked everything! OUCH!! too LOL but my head still hurts real bad. I have been living off of 800 mg of Ibuprophin twice daily. I want to work out but every deep breath I take makes my head hurt more, and I just got my new DVD's and watched them, I am so excited and really want to workout so badly, especially after eating the cake/brownie my mother in law made, it is sooooooooooo good that I can't keep my hands off them LOL.
Leslie I feel for you! I am a migraine sufferer so my headaches are a little different but regardless headache pain is so debilitating! I hope you recover soon so you can get back to working out!!!:7
I feel for you also. I get them all the time and they aren't fun. I try my best to do things to not trigger them. Strong smells do it for me. Aftershave, etc... are a no no...:-( I really hope it gets better soon. x

Try straight aspirin. If your stomache can handle ibuprophin, it might be able to handle aspirin. Try exedrin migrain brand. It's expensive but has done wonders for me.

Also, if you have having pain when breathing deeply, it may be sinus related. Believe it or not. If exedrin doesn't work after 2 days, try switching to tylenol sinus.

Hope you are feeling better soon.
I'd say stick with your chiropractor. A couple of years ago, I developed a headache that felt like the dull side of an axe blade was lodged in my head right behind and above my left ear. Other times, it was more like the sharp side, or a big knife. One, day, when it was at its worst, I was lying down to do chest work, and it felt so bad I was afraid something in my head was going to burst, so I went to the emergency room. To make a long story short, after several trips to doctors, xrays, cat scans and an MRI, no one found anything "wrong." I finally went to the chiropractor, and after one session (the day after, not the day of!) I started to feel better.
My headache is gone just still a little sore to turn my head, I must have looked so funny yesterday becuase I was so Dizzy after the Chiropractor that I kept bumping into things at the grocery store, I think people must have thought I had to much to drink LOL. I am still laughing about it. I am so glad the horrible pain has subsided.
I feel for all you headache sufferers! I've had migraines forever (seems like), and have an issue with exercise induced migraines. Too much sustained cardio brings on a major migraine for me. If I do the whole IMAX 2 workout for example, I get a really bad one. I try to manage it, but I always want to continue working out. Sometimes I split up the cardio workouts, doing abs or weight work in between. It makes me wish I had the DVDs instead of VHS so that I could create custom workouts more easily. Kick Punch and Crunch is one that I seem to be able to do without too much trouble. I did Tae Bo for years without having this problem, but the Cathe cardio workouts are much more intense. I love them, though!

:) :)


I have had migraines since I was a kid and recently, my doctor has decided that I also get tension headaches. I also get exercise induced headaches, although not very often. Very severe, long cardio makes me get a headache afterward. Whatever the case, you need to make sure that you take care of those b/c they can get really bad if you don't.

Watch your water intake b/c if you are dehydrated, that can make you get the headache or make it worse. I have actually gotten headaches from not drinking enough water. For example, if I am in a meeting where I cannot have water all morning, by lunch time I have a start of a migraine. This will help with the exercise induced headaches. Also, a good help for those is to make sure you have something like gatorade to replace those electrolytes.

Watch the way that you hold yourself. Sometimes slouching or holding your head a ceratin way can hurt your head, esp if the ache has already started. And if you have long hair, consider that tying it too tight can make it worse.

Watch caffiene. Watch any food that triggers you.

My advice is that if you have a headache like this, lay on the couch and relax. Try to sleep as much as possible and don't aggravate yourself. It may mean missing a workout but when they come on like that, you don't want to make it worse!
RE: Owch!

I had exercise induced migraines when I worked out in the am on an empty stomach. I discovered it was hypoglycemia triggering them. So now I always eat some carbs before working out and drink gatorade beginning about 30 minutes into it if it will be long one, and that has solved the headache problem.
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Leslie! Please back off the pain killers while you are feeling better, as your stomach and your liver will need a break by now. 800 mgs. twice per day is a lot of ibuprofen. Also, taking a break from the meds will make them more effective if you have to go back to them, which I hope is not the case!! Feel good!! :)

-Nancy the Jewish Mom (except I don't know how to make chicken soup)

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