Workouts - Weights Only


New Member
I have the Timesaver DVD and am using the weight lifting sections only. (I can't do cardio now, long story) However, my daughter uses the cardio sections.

I need a new Cathe DVD that has the weights and cardio separated (or even weights only would be great). I like working body parts separately and since leg day is so tough, I save that day for last ;). Something similar to: Day 1) Chest/Shoulders, Day 2) Back & Abs, Day 3) Arms & Calves, etc, etc.

Advice is appreciated - the selection is great but somewhat overwhelming!
4 Day Split would work well for you. It is a versatile DVD to have in your collection. It can be used in a number of ways. I like the weight lifting segments and the 97 minute total body workout is wonderful. I don't think you could go wrong with this one. There are short cardio sections including boot camp, kickboxing and step. There are several pre-mixes with cardio and weights combined. This is a DVD that can be used when you are short on time or when you have an hour or more to work out. To me, it is very similar to the Timesaver that you are currently using. I have that one too and reach for it often. You will get hooked on Cathe's weight-training DVDs.
Have you considered STS? It's weights only..split into Chest/Shoulders/Biceps, Legs, Back/Triceps.. I just finished Meso 1..I'm finding it really motivating..each disc isn't exactly the same, so it's a lot more fun that way...and it's fun to go through the progression.
I would also say the Supersets/PushPull DVD. The weight training premixes are endless on that disc!!

How long are the individual workouts in Meso 1?

Hi Kelly,

I think the DVDs themselves are around 55 minutes long (at least that's what it says in the workout manager) but I find myself hitting 'back chapter' often because of the very quick equipment changes. The workouts have been taking me about 70-75 mins...not including the extended stretch, but I have been doing the 'bonus' leg work at the end of the leg DVDs.

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