Workouts- Variety vs Weight Increase


Active Member
As I am doing Gym Styles this week, I thought about- what are your experiences with doing rotations which vary the weights- and exercises and your ability to increase weights, ie if you do the same or similar workout, it is easier to track your weight increase- or have you been able to see progress when doing rotations with different exercises and weights?
Thank for your input!
Hi Mary, personally I had the most notable results, more quickly, by using the Xtrain 3-day split interspersed with the Xtrain Burn Sets for upper body (the official Xtrain 90-day rotation) -- even more so than the linear periodization of the STS series where I also had results, but didn't notice them as quickly due to the linear approach. I think next year I'm going to do an undulating rotation with STS to see if it'd be similar to what I noticed with the 90-day Xtrain rotation. That undulating Xtrain rotation was motivating for me.
I like it! Here's why 1. I Have X-train:). 2. I also as I have said, like variety and/but I do want to see progress. 3. I did finish Gym Styles this week, with 2 days of Low Impact Hit, so I'm actually ready to look at it ( since it's in my home gym in the next room and maybe even start tomorrow!. 3.Then if I can stick to it, will consider STS..
Many thanks for making so much sense of all this.
Thanks for asking the question as it made me start thinking.
Thanks for sharing the Xtrain 3-day split interspersed with the Xtrain Burn Sets for upper body (the official Xtrain 90-day rotation) \.
I am thinking of putting this on my next rotation. Is there an official Rotation for this?
Hi Nicki,

The 90-day Xtrain rotation is in the User-guide that comes with the series (or can be purchased separately). It is also in the Workout Manager to be downloaded. Have fun!
Any suggestions for a sub for Kickboxing? I used to love it, but it just doesn't work for me anymore. I
Hi Mary,

The 90-day rotation mostly calls for the 30 minute-ish premix of the cardio portion only. I usually substituted another kickbox dvd as I enjoy a variety. However, any cardio you enjoy could be substituted, i.e., step, spinning, Walking intervals, HiIT, a swim, even another metabolic if you used light weights for the cardio effect, not a weight-lifting effect. I also substituted various HiIT workouts during the rotation for variety.
I hope you enjoy the rotation ;-)
Mary, I forgot to mention, on shorter cardio days, like Hardstrikes (or your substitute) or a shorter weight day, was a day I often added a Core workout, the Rear Delts bonus (it's on both the leg dvds), and/or a 100 Rep Challenge. That Rear Delt bonus & a couple of the 100 Rep Challenges really helped change up my shoulders to be more square-looking rather than rounded ... I think I did the bonus every week so my shoulders had a little workout 2-3x/week cuz they get a little work in SuperCuts too. Shoulders were always my "weakest link," so now I try to work them at least twice week.
I have to say i always loved the 100 Rep Challenge. My favs or the Hip Thrusts and Bis... Tris- not so much. Guessing our bodies tell us which ones to go with. Deb, your 'weakest link' theory is definitely on point.
I agree .. I did the hip thrusts, scarecrows, & lateral raises the most (after the bonus rear delts). I think it was Cathe who talked about the "weakest link" in the rear delt bonus- giving credit where credit is due . Let us know how you fair with rotation!
The Xtrain series is indeed stellar!!
...I spent more money picking up the individual titles as I went along than if I had just purchased it all initially. However, each one just made me want another... :D

I love the hip thrust, rear delt and scarecrow challenges the best!
Lady Vol Fan .. LOL... we did too ... bought it as pieces over the years because we never did a full rotation, until this past year ... really enjoyed it & the ensuing results. I agree it is "stellar"! We learned our lesson, and now pretty much purchase Cathe's projects during the pre-sales and save $$. Cathe usually does a thorough job of designing complete series that meet specific objectives. Although we have other instructors, we use Cathe's workouts the most, as they are so thorough and safe.
I started by fortifying my back so as not to hurt myself. Then the amplitude, and only after starting to lift the weight. I record all my training, what weight I lift, what kind of simulators I use. It helps not to get lost. I use X-Train too, I like how my body feels after the training.
Hi Candace, yes it's the official (full Xtrain only) 90-day rotation. It's in the guide and in the workout manager. Cathe also has one-month rotations in the guide, some with other series. We didn't buy the full series initially, so I purchased the guide separately, when I bought the Burn Sets. Have fun!

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