workouts for ipod.


Active Member
Hi Cathe,
Have you considered developing workouts that can be downloaded and used on the ipod? That way you can have cathe workouts to take to a gym and you can guide the user through routines which use standard gym equipment like smith machines, pulley and lever machines, treadmills , ellipticals etc. Lots of fitness experts already have workouts available at the podfitness website. Since only your voice will be used, you do not have to stress your injury and can develop these workouts while you are recovering. The ipod is one of the fastest selling piece of electronic eqipment and will be a good proposition for you even business-wise. Think about it Cathe - it would be great to have you as our gym buddy!
Hi Renu! We are actually working on many things that deal with podcasting. It is too soon to go into detail but just wanted to let you know that we are currently hard at work on these things :7
Hi Cathe,

I ripped the soundtrack from Slow & Heavy to mp3 fromat, copied it to my ipod and took it to the gym. I got the idea at the videofitness forum.

I modified to use Gym equipment for some of the exercises (working the same muscle group as in the DVD program but with a similar cable or machine based exercise). I did the exercises at the same slow pace. I downloaded the DVD cover as album art for my video ipod. I showed your pic to a multitude of people who could not resist interrupting and asking me what I was doing. (I had to either pause or pop one earphone out to answer). They were so impressed by how fit you look. One lady (already familiar with weight training) joined me to "mimic" my moves (she could not hear you so was picking the cues from watching me) and said she got a far better workout than with her "live" personal trainer.

If you release ipod/mp3 workouts for the gym, they will be super-sucessful. You cue so well, that I had an easy time following you and was never out of beat. This is despite the fact that you had never intended your program to be audio-only. Also I can go much heavier when I use a Smith Machine for squats or lunges. Cathe kicks my butt twice as hard at the gym.

I have tried podfitness too (allows me to mix workout instructions with my own music). It is really good, but not a patch on taking the soundtrack from your workouts to the gym. Your little tricks like pulses and holds are very unique as compared to the approaches I see with existing ipod workouts and your exercise prorams seem more effective and interesting. Also, staying with the pace with most of the podfitness programs meant I had to do the exercise quite fast, and could not eliminate momenutum.

Get well soon.

Meanwhile, each day that I go to the gym a few more people learn about you in India and will hopefully be buyers for your mp3 workouts when you launch them. I am not getting popular with the trainers at the gym. They are getting questions about why they cannot make workouts as interesting/effective from their clients!

I for one think they would be great.Your tapes push me harder than if i was on my own.
These would be really great for vacations . I can't put a tape in there...
Hi Cathe,
Great to know that you are seriously considering podcasts. Am looking forward to the day when I can use your workouts on my ipod.
Cathe - I've recently gotten into MP3 workouts with my treadmill. It would be sooooo awesome if you did something like that! You have such a great motivational style. I get bored on the TM without something like an MP3 workout to push me. I tend to be to easy on myself without coaching, lol. :p

Looking forward to Cathe podcasts! Yay!

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