Workouts are working GREAT but I'm tired all the time- ...


I'm a long-time video exerciser but I stepped up to the advanced level in Jan when I got my first Cathe workouts. I've been using Imax2, Cardio and Weights, Bootcamp, Legs and Glutes, Supersets, and Timesaver in my rotation. I LOVE the improvement in my physique! I'm getting some nice definition in the muscles. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, though, because I'm tired and hungry all the time. I try to eat a healthy balanced diet (carbs, protein and fat) and take a multi-vitamin. I don't want to slack off, but it seems like half of my body is cooperating (muscles) and the other half is not (fatigue.) Any suggestions?
RE: Workouts are working GREAT but I'm tired all the ti...

I have found that when I'm tired from working out like that, it's usually a good idea to take a 1 or 2 week break from working out altogether - still go for a brisk walk every day and so on, but not anything strenuous. Your body needs a rest sometimes!

Sounds like the classic first signs of overtraining.

You may want to reign it back a notch or two for a couple of weeks. This might be a great time to revisit some of your beginnner/intermediate videos and to work those into your workout schedule. I also second the idea of going outdoors (weather permitting) and taking walks, a bike ride, swimming, whatever. In other words, mix and match between high intensity/advanced workouts and lower intensity/intermediate workouts.

As long as you keep moving, you won't lose all that you've gained. In fact, taking it back a notch or two could allow your body catch up to the new fitness gains you've made.

Good luck!
Definitely sounds like overtraining, and perhaps not eating enough for your activity level. You don't say how many days a week you workout, or how many cardio vs. weight days there are. You also don't say how many hours of sleep you get. One important part of making progress in fitness and strength is recovery, which includes both sleep and incorporating rest days, or easy days, into your program.

After you take a few days off to catch up, be sure to set up a rotation that varies the intensity of the workouts. Ie: two intense workouts per week, one easy workout, and the rest moderate workouts (with a day off or another easy workout thrown in). How many "intense" and "easy" workouts will work best for you depends on a lot of things, like your age and your genetics, IMO (some people seem to be able to do a lot more intense workouts in a week with no problem, while others may have to put in more moderate workouts).
I just finished six weeks of high intensity workouts with the IS and BB series. I was wiped out! So two weeks ago, I only did a yoga workout every day, and for the last week I have done nothing except ride my horse. My body certainly was telling me to take it easy, so I did. I think I'm ready to get back into it again.

Sometimes our bodies are wiser than we are - LOL!

Susan L.G.
Thanks for all the replies and food for thought. I have been doing 6 x per week since Nov. 2002, but I started Cathe Jan. 1st @ 6x/week. I've been doing pure cardio (like Imax2) 2 times per week, Intervals 2 times per week (Like Bootcamp or Cardio&Weights) and 2 pure strength 2 times a week (Supersets or sets on a weight machine). I am 36 and I would think I eat enough food (probably 1900-2100 cal). My sleep quality is not as good as I would like due to small children often interrupting my rest during the night. Maybe I should cut out a workout? Or rest all-together? I feel like I have to do SOMETHING physical every day, just to get my circulation going, but it doesn't have to be this challenging, that is true. I want to be tough like you guys. :D
"I want to be tough like you guys."

I fell into that same trap when I first started with Cathe workouts 5 years ago. Everyone here talked about what they were doing, and I thought I wanted and needed to live up to that standard. I overtrained and injured myself, and now I have to modify everything I do. I would highly recommend easing back on your workouts, and just mixing up your super intense workouts with some lighter stuff. Try to get 2 intense workouts per week in, 2 moderate, and 2 light workouts. (I would qualify BC, Imax2 as intense, C&W as moderate to intense, and SS as moderate to intense, depending on how heavy you go.) If you are doing 2 strength training workouts per week, you could easily cut back on your circuit training (C&W and BC).

Good luck, and it's great that you want to be strong and fit, but remember to only compare yourself to yourself, and not to others :)
Great posts everyone. I would just add in that the rest day is as important as a workout day. Also when I'm really having a tough time I do take a week off and after a few days back find I'm stronger and refreshed.

Let us know how it goes for you
I really appreciate your posts. Thank you. I took off yesterday and today....I'm still tired but I REALLY want to work out. Maybe today I could do a walk/jog outside and then a reallly good stretch and keep it at that level for a few days.
We'll see!
RE: Workouts are working GREAT but I'm tired all the ti...

I hope you get to feeling more energetic soon. I would also assume it is overtraining as well. My other thoughts: poor sleep quality (due to stress?) or pregnancy (not trying to freak you out!). I have a 15 month old and often work long hours. I sacrifice sleep to actually spend time with my family!! I am always in the delima of should I sleep an hour more or workout...
That happened to me also when I did an all-Cathe rotation. I found for myself that what worked best for me was alternating a tough workout day with an easier one. Generally I push myself on my strength days and do easier cardio like walking or biking. What I lose in intensity I make up for in consistency---except for my planned rest day per week, I have not missed a day of working out since mid-December! And for me that yields much better results than it did when I was working out so hard for a few weeeks at a time that I had to take a few weeks off to recover.

There was an article in SWIM magazine this month that said a good way to tell if you have over-trained is to take your resting heartrate before you get out of bed and to let yourself wake up naturally (not sure who has time for that hah!). Anyway then if your resting heartrate is elevated first thing in the morning that's a sure sign your body is over-tired or sick. I had never heard this before and I liked the idea of being able to tell without guessing when you need a break.
All the info was helpful. I think I had been overtraining. I took off Sat. and Mon. and did easier workouts (30 min, lo intensity) on Sat. and Tues. I am feeling better and I'm going to take it a little on the easier side for a few more days and hopefully I can continue getting good results without killing myself.
Remember to drink lots of water too along with all these other great tips I used to think I had to workout everyday I now take at least 2 days off generally sat and sun because that is my work week I work 12 hour over nite shifts so sleep is much more important on these days I find I still stay in great shape and have good energy all the time I drink at least 2 gallons of water per day

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