Workout Wed 10-6


Good great to see all these new workout posters!!!!

Sandra..I use a 17lb weight bar for PS floor legs. Just an odd amount from a weight set my DH found for me at a garage sale! I agree...that workout is quite a burner!

Annette....I hope your DH gets his weight down also. It can be such a struggle sometimes...

Today I am doing P90X Shoulders & Arms and a 5 mile run....enjoy the day ladies...:)..Carole

I wanted to add....I got the greatest compliment yesterday at work. A lady had commented on my weight loss..and she said that I had always been trim but now I am "Lean" my day....:)
Hey Carole! That's so sweet that that lady would say something so kind to you. So often we think these things but don't say it out loud. I love hearing compliments but I also love the re-action I get when I compliment a stranger on their hair or clothes or whatever. As smarmy as it sounds, it's like spreading sunshine!!!:)

Today I had a fabulous time with IMAX Xtreme, it's my second go at this workout and I loved it. Just enough compound exercise to calm down a bit between cardio and then woo-hoo here we go again. I feel like a million bucks and ready to take on the day.

Hope everyone has a great workout and an even better day!!!

Take Care
Good day to all of you.Today I am going to do the gaunlet:9 :9.I can not wait. :) :) Enjoy your workouts.
Carole, you must feel so proud of yourself, you deserve that compliment.

I did Reebok's Power Blast today with abs off of All Step and Leaner Legs.

I think I have finally figured out my gasy, crampy, I got the runs, problem. My lactaid supplement isn't working so I am going to have to cut out all dairy from my diet. Or go to soy based cheese products. Or lactose free products. This severely limits my eating so pray I can make it through the day with no dairy. I think I can handle one thing but not a whole bunch of dairy in one day. I am really coming to the point that I dislike getting older. sigh.:(

So anyway nothing like going low carb with no cheese.:+ :(

Have a great day!!:7
Hi Ladies,

I was supposed to get up at 5:15 this morning to do my Yoga tape, but I don't know what I did to the DVD player because it would not work and my DH is out of town, he is going to be mad at me again for pushing the wrong buttons. So, when I get home today I will do my Pilates video and run 5.5 miles.

HSTA kicked my butt - I'm so sore. I don't know if it's just me, but I found HSTA harder than Boot Camp. Maybe it was just cause it was my first try at it, but it wiped me out.

Taking a break from weights today to let them recover - so I ran 4 miles this morning. Gotta love that runners' high!!

Good afternoon all,

I tried Legs & Glutes this morning, nearly died, didn't finish the workout, b/c it was my first time doing this workout and using improper equipment just don't work. For instance, I don't have the High Step as yet (ordered it Sun.) so I tried using my workbench, A BIG NO NO...

Will do again only this time will find something equivalent to the high step until I receive mine.

Well, that's a great compliment to get! You should be beaming with pride! Today it's now noon and I still can't decide what I want to do. I'm leaning towards Step Blast since it's so fun but I also want to do Boot Camp. I recently pulled this out again after about 8 months, it's the one workout I have a serious love/hate thing with. But as Cathe says at the end" don't you feel so accomplished?" ;-)
Mmmmmm, Boot Camp it is. Look out Squat Thrust Climbers here I come! Susan
Carole - What a great compliment-you hottie!:)

Laurie - I totally agree - giving a compliment can sure turn someone's bad day into a good one:)

Annette- glad to hear you've been able to identify your problem - look at it this way it could be much worse. Hey wait a minute - are you sure being gasy is a bad thing, it could buy you alot of "me time";-) Just kidding and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Well today I did HSTA (most of it) I got cramps so bad about 20 minutes into it that I had to stop for a while to take some Ibuprofen then I started again but didn't put 100% into it. I think I'll try it again tonight. I never had cramps this bad when I was on the pill. Now I'm off it and the cramps are killers.x( ;( }(

I loaned my BC to a friend and I WANT IT BACK! - It misses me;(

Bye for now, Wendy
Now it is 20:32 PM in my country and I have finished the gaunlet right now.I am so haaapy.I like the way this workout makes me feel:Strong and powerful.I am in the paradise of endorphine now.See you tomorrow.:) :).Have fun.
Glad your foot's better Stayfit!

Today was cardio, did KPC...SO much fun! Then took Diana for long walk/run this evening. Getting her in shape for the beach.;-)

One week until my vacation. Yippee!

Hope everyone has a great evening,

You lean mean workout machine! What a nice compliment. If anybody ever tells me that, it will make my YEAR! ;-)

Hey, what a busy crowd you all are! Carole, isn't it nice to see all your hard work actually showing through? Very gratifying!

Despite what I said a few days ago about running, Cathe's rotation had me down for PUB followed by a 30 minute run this morning, so I grimaced, pulled out my runners and antique walkman, and took off out the door. I should say that I'm not new to running - did it quite a bit in years gone by, in fact. I think it is a credit to Cathe that I was able to head out the door and do a 35 minute run with no trouble at all. It was actually very enjoyable to be outside in the crisp morning air, enjoying the early sun and autumn leaves. I was also thrilled to do PUB, too!! I LOVE this workout, and have missed it in my rotation.

Right after my workout I had to quickly shower and head off - to a "luxurious spa day"! My brother gave this to me as my birthday gift. I literally spent 6 hours getting a pedicure, manicure, body salt scrub, massage, facial, brow wax, hair cut and style, and make up application. I am now beautiful, thoroughly rested, and ready - to go do the ironing.

Take care everyone - see you tomorrow!
Good evening everyone

Carole, comment like that would also make my day!:)
Sandra, ironing after all that pampering? But I know what you mean about how good it feels running outside in a cool morning.

40 min cardio w/ 30 min hiit on the stairmaster for me, followed by BC abs and ME abs.
Good night ladies! Mari

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