Workout Tuesday 10/5


Good Morning,

This morning I did IMAX 2. I needed a some tough cardio after all that food I ate last night.

Well, for my birthday my grandma gave me money so I am going to order a new Cathe DVD - Terminator and CTX series are next on my list. However, my mother-in-law gave me gift certificates which are great but I'd rather order more Cathe DVD's. :) As an early gift, my husband did let me preorder the entire Hardcore series - he's awesome!

Mom sent all the leftovers home with me (all my favorites) so I am taking the pies and bread to work today so I can share the calories with other people!}( Why can't my favorite foods be apples, asparagus and boiled chicken?x(

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning Wendy.....Happy Birthday....:)...not sure I can remember 29 though..:D . Yes, take those goodies to work...

That is great you got to order Hardcore. A very nice DH. Terminator and the CTX series are also great workouts.

I am doing PS standing legs and a 7 mile run....have a great workout ladies....:)...Carole
Good morning ladies.Yesterday I did not go to the forum because I had a computer crash.Yesterday I rest because on Sunday I did pyramid lower body and PS legs and abs.On Monday my glutes and legs were so sore That I decided to rest.My left foot is OK now but I feel that I catching cold.I have miss you yesterday.Have fun. :) :) Your gaunlet addicted.
HI all, I did Pyramid Upper Body with abs from Body Max today. At least my weight isn't up anymore. My poor dh who was doing so well losing before we went on vacation is gaining again. Please pray that he starts to lose again and that we both can clean the carbs back out of our bodies again. He is getting discouraged and I don't want him to give up, we are trying to get back into the routine of things and hopefully that will help.


I did the aerobic conditioning premix of KPC and then ME yesterday. Today is HSTA for the first time. Wish me luck.

Carole, I know it's not on your agenda for today, but when you do the PS floor work, do you use a 15lb bar? I use my barbell, which is 15lbs, and find that this portion of the workout is what gets me for days afterwards. It's a thigh-burner!

Have a great run!
No, I substituted Body Max's abs for PUB's abs I don't feel much on a stabilty ball ( and mine needs more air) and I don't necessarily like the no stability ball alternative. Thanks for the vote of confidence anyway. There are days I have done more than one abs in one day.
Hi all - Tonite I am doing Pyramid Upper (premix) and Intense Moves. Was going to do IMAX but am not up for it today. Will save that for the weekend.

Enjoy the day.

I have done cardio kicks today.I have made a mistake and have posted a message in Monday 10/4 if you want to read it.I have has a so much fuuun hour.I loooove cathe.I can not wait for the hardcore.I am so haaapy now.The gaunlet is near.Maybe tomorrow:9 .i count the hours for that moment :) :) :)

I will pray for you and your husband to remain strong with trying to eat clean again. Believe I know what it's like to lose/gain; gain/lose. I am constantly on the roller coaster of fat. I try soooooo hard to eat right and before the second day of eating right (clean) is over I'm back to eating crap. You know what's so sad about this, I am workout fanatic, but my eating is horrible and I know that the junk I'm putting in my system is what's adding more and more dimples in my thighs. I am constantly complaining about my dimply thighs, and yet as I sit here and type this to you and everyone else who is reading this, I ate a pack of graham crackers. I'm really sad right now. But sometimes I get so hungry and don't know what to eat to satisfy my craving. Please pray for me as well as I will pray for you and everyone else on this forum who is having trouble eating clean. Yes I stated somewhere on this forum that I should not complain too much or should not complain too much anymore now that someone has complimented me on my triceps, and I like the sweep thing that I got going on with my thighs, (don't get me wrong, people can look at me and tell that I work out), but it's the eating.

;( ;( ;( haydee
He-He Wendy, I have to laugh... .I just love boiled chicken (with horseradish sauce of course) asparagus and apple!

Power Hour for me today after about 40 min easy biking. On the bike I was watching the video of my new Vita-Mix. WOW! What a serious machine!
Today I did KPC, walked my dog for 40 minutes and will be doing about 45 mn of pilates later.
Yesterday since I missed the check in, I did 45 min on my NordicTrack and walked the dog 30 minutes. My Hubby left on a business trip for 3 weeks yesterday so I actually have extra free time to squeeze in some more exercise.
Hope you all had a great work out! Susan
Me again!

I can't believe how big our group is gotten! It is going to be so exciting finding out what everyone is up to.:)

Haydee - I totally understand where you're coming from. My biggest obstacle to getting my body where I want it is my diet. Somedays I do great but at other times I can blow a days worth of good eating with one bingex( :-( . I've been struggling to lose those last 5 pounds for months now:-( Keep your head up!

Hey Macska - I like horseradish sauce but I'm not sure I like it that much;-)

It was nice to hear from Cathe - I'm sure she is so busy and I'm getting so excited - bring it on Cathe:) }( ;-)
Hello All! I'm missing my Cathe workout today, we release new choreography at the gym quarterly and next week is lauch week so I'm working hard on learning new stuff. No cardio today I practised some weights and flow series yoga for next week. I'm hoping to get up early tomorrow and do IMAX Xtreme.

FiddleFit, I haven't been on Vancouver Island since '98. I still have lots of relatives there and my brother is in White Rock. Canada is a wonderful country but sometimes I think it's just too gosh darn big!!! I've been through Edmonton but only in the airport so that doesn't really count, the coffee was so-so but the washrooms were clean :p :7

Hope everyone had a great day. Good luck with the clean eating Annette, I find it life's biggest challenge. I had to get my daughter to hide the peanut butter from me again!!x( :)

Happy Birthday Wendy!!!!!!!:)

Take Care

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