Workout Stickers


Are workout stickers available for the newer workouts? I have the 2007 stickers, but would like to have stickers that include the newer workouts.
Hey Machenzie!

Here is the link to the current stickers.

Cathe Friedrich - Stickers

SNM posted this:

Cathe 2013 Wall Calendar It's a regular wall calendar with some really nice fitness pictures and stories about our videos, road trips and behind the scenes details. We then provide stickers that you can download of all of our video titles that you can place on the dates in the calendar to track and schedule your workouts. However, most people probably purchase the calendar just to have a nice fitness themed calendar to hang on their wall.

Has anybody put the workouts on magnets? I was thinking about doing that for easy and quick rotations. That way I could change my mind all the time:D

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