Workout shoe recommendations

Hi all!! Time to update my work out shoes!!! There are so, so many to choose from so I was wondering if any of you have some shoes that you have tried out lately and would recommend!
Thank you all for any recommendations!
I am finding that shoes with a wide toe box are amazing! I think my next workout shoe will be something with a wide toe box. I haven't searched yet because my Skechers are still in like new condition, but eventually, I'll be getting all wide toe box shoes.
I think it’s a matter of trying loads of different shoes and seeing what fit your feet best. I used to love Nike but they don’t fit me any more. I have a pair of New Balance Dynasoft Beaya workout shoes and I love them. They are so light and comfortable - they fit small though.
I've worn the Devotion walking line and when I need new walking shoes again later this year, will probably go back to them. Ryka shoes are always so good.
I think I managed to get the last pair of Never Quit in my size so I was just lucky.
I am finding that shoes with a wide toe box are amazing! I think my next workout shoe will be something with a wide toe box. I haven't searched yet because my Skechers are still in like new condition, but eventually, I'll be getting all wide toe box shoes.
A wide toe box is an absolute must for me. I like Altra’s for workouts and general use, and switching to Pearl Izumi X-Alp shoes completely transformed my cycling experience
A wide toe box is an absolute must for me. I like Altra’s for workouts and general use, and switching to Pearl Izumi X-Alp shoes completely transformed my cycling experience
Thanks for the suggestions! I can't hardly wear shoes that squish my toes together anymore.
Brooks Glycerin 22‘s are good. The regular width squishes my forefoot, so I had to get the Wide to accommodate my ever-widening forefoot. I guess that must happen as we age? Thank you, Mother Nature for my expanding waistline and forefeet. Lol
Brooks Glycerin 22‘s are good. The regular width squishes my forefoot, so I had to get the Wide to accommodate my ever-widening forefoot. I guess that must happen as we age? Thank you, Mother Nature for my expanding waistline and forefeet. Lol
I'm also to the point of wanting wide toe box shoes.

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