Workout headaches

i haven't been on this site in a long time...this is an old post but i thought i would let you know that i have the same problem,i suffer from migraines and have been to the doctor for headaches,i mentioned to him that i get headaches if i work out in the body is just not warmed up enough to do intense cardio,i cannot workout within 6 hours of waking up,sounds silly i know but it's true,i get the same type of headache you are talking about,very intense,my face is all red and nothing gets rid of the headache and it will last all day,i take imitrex or relpax and it doesn't work on the headaches you get when doing cardio,i stay hydrated and that doesn't work....this may not be much help but i have found that i wait and do my intense cardio after about 2 weeks of medium cardio,i don't know why but it seems to "build" yourself up for it,i get these headaches doing cardio from cathe or intense moves from reebok,mostly step,i've been working out for about 10years and if i find that i'm started to get overexerted i just slow down.....i don't know much that can be done about these types of headache...i'll be interested for any new info!!(and if i find out anything i'll let you know!!):)
I know this is an older post, but I, too, would recommend water. Also, I would highly recommend the book, YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER.
Cin -

Thanks for your post and for sharing about your experiences. Since I first wrote and received so much advice; I have been using my heart rate monitor to track my workouts, and I am finding that by staying within my target zone (60-85% of max), I am able to workout without getting these intense headaches. It's tough to not go all out though! I am trying to build my aerobic base before I jump back into Cathe workouts. I have also incorporated some new versions of cardio, more elliptical training and rebounding. I find that rebounding is a type of workout that I can easily control my heart rate doing. I have been more cognizant to keep myself hydrated, which is just good all around, but I really believe my headaches were/are exertion-based.

Good luck to you!

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