Workout Flooring


What kind of workout flooring do you use?? I am on industrial carpet over concrete. Starting to really feel the pain of it. Would love a spring floor but my workout room is in the basement and it would make me nervous in case our sump pump goes and it floods. That has happened only twice and less than an inch of water.

I have been all over the web trying to find ways to build your own so to speak but can't find supplies and such. I have been to the article here on

Any thoughts??


Hi Dawn!

I work out in my basement too. Carpet over concrete. I have been looking @ the 2" dense foam puzzle mats to put down over the carpet in my workout area only. I received a sample from but I haven't yet ordered. My plans is to place one of those carpet grids over the carpet (the kind you put between hardwood and carpet to keep it from shifting) and then place the puzzle mats over that.

Because I'm in the basement, I have to worry about head space so raising the floor wouldn't be an option for me. As it is, there are times that I scrape the ceiling on energetic days!

Just another option for you...

Hi Dawn,

I too workout in my basement. I have the puzzle mats from SAM's Club. At first I put them over the carpet but they kept shifting. So I pulled the carpet up and placed them directly on top of the concrete floor. This has worked great. Our sub pump has not over flowed so far. (knock on wood) I also use a yoga stickey matt. My feet tend to slide on some of the moves.

Here is a thread talking about pricing and where to get some puzzle mats.

I hope I did this right.

I work out on my kitchen floor, which is made of tile. I lay a carpet pad down first. It is the kind that is supposed to keep rugs from shifting. Then place 12 foam puzzle mats on top of that. I got my puzzle mats at Garden Ridge.

It works great.


My husband put down a couple of thick (maybe 3/4 inch thick) pads that he uses when he is lifting really heavy weights (so when he drops his 90 pound dumbbells, they don't break the concrete floor). They are the kind that fitness centers have in their free weight area and he got them from a fitness equipment store.(Tey were kind of expensive, but they are definitely worth it). I was first worried that my sneakers wouldn't glide over them, but I've had no problem. Right now, we only have two, but with a few ide-to-side modifications, I've got plenty of space for cardio (even Cardio Kicks, which takes up a lot of space). I just move the weight bench out of the way, and I'm all set.


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