Workout changes needed for Cathletes with Osteoporesis?


I've been doing Cathe's videos for decades, and added distance running to the mix when I turned 50. I exercise 5-6 days/wk, have run the Boston marathon 3 times, and have never felt more fit in my life than I do now, at age 62. I exercise more than most women my age, and want to make sure it is safe, so I have been asking my doctor for years about getting a bone density scan. I've been refused because I am not 65, and "running marathons means I passed my bone density scan". This year, a new doctor ordered the test for me. Surprise! I have osteoporesis and she is Rx'ing Fosamax. I have absolutely no symptoms, my height is unchanged, my posture is perfect, and I've been taking nutritional supplements for decades. I am 5'3 and have been the same weight (118 lbs) since my kids were born over 30 years ago. So, now that I know my bones are getting brittle, do I need to change anything? I'm thinking of reducing my running, as I generally run 7-10 miles at a time, and doing more weight training, and step aerobics. I would love to know if there are any other women here, my age, and if any of you are in my situation and what you think. Thanks for any input!
I can really relate to your post, annetarsia! Thanks for sharing. I am close in age to you and also work out 5-6 days per week, mostly Cathe (which I have done for many many years) but also some running and hiking, and I teach 2-3 group fitness classes per week. I am similar in height and weight as well. I too feel fit and pretty strong for my age. I have been diagnosed (had to go to two docs before I was able to get the scan) with low bone mass. I have shrunk over 1" and my mum had stress fractures due to her osteoporosis so I had a couple of the risk factors.

I take 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 mg of vitamin D per day. I take the calcium that also has magnesium with it as the pharmacist said that helps with absorption of the calcium. I now really work to fit in heavy style weight training into my rotations (just finished 3 months of STS and then 3 months of XTrain). As Cathe has said in a couple of her blog posts, the weights need to be pretty heavy (around 80% of your one rep max) in order to actually build bone. I also ensure I do some high impact activity a couple of times each week in order to do what I can to build bone mass. So I try to fit in some high impact hiit training a couple of times per week. Swimming, spin biking and outdoor cycling are not as frequent for me now since they don't help with increasing bone mass. I am also doing more balance training these days - I fit that in whenever I can (e.g. stand on one leg while doing bicep curls or even when brushing my teeth!).

I think the main thing is to do what you can to build bone mass while at the same time choosing activities that have a low risk of falling. So I think the running is great for you, but I would stick to fairly level surfaces (not over roots and rocky trails), while combining it with balance work and heavy weight training. Your plan to reduce your running distance in order to have time for step and weights sounds super sensible to me! And cross training is always a good idea, especially as we age!

And completing 3 Boston marathons! Wow! Really impressive! As are regular 7-10 mile runs. Whoa! Good for you, annetarsia! Imagine what your bones would be like if you hadn't done all the fabulous training you have done over the years. You deserve a lot of credit!
Oh, thank you, Jane, for the great input. It's nice to hear from someone who knows what this is like. I've taken Cal/Mag for years, but I will look at how strong the pills are. Yes, I agree that having a good exercise history is beneficial in SO many ways. I look and feel strong, but the aging process continues - denial only gets you so far.

I spoke with my doctor today, asked a few more questions about my test, and she made me feel better. Actually, most of the spots measured were in the "bone thinning" category. There was only one spot, my left hip, that was above the magic 2.5 number that signifies osteoporesis. And it wasn't bad, just 2.7. That made me feel a lot better, like all the exercise/nutrition/supplementation was helping. She feels that the Fosamax will help me maintain my levels, if not improve them. She didn't see a problem with running. I never run on trails, I run locally in my neighborhood, we have great smooth trails, which are fantastic. Plenty of hills, but those are good for me :)

I know you will understand that my big fear is not being able to be as active as I have been. I LOVE to exercise! I like your suggestions. I haven't done STS in years, it might be time to do that again. Thank you for your encouragement. I will keep in touch on my progress!
I was dx with osteopenia a few years back after breaking a bone in my foot. I have a sister with severe osteoporosis due to the steroids she has to take to treat her various autoimmune conditions & it is a severe debilitating condition for her. However, I strongly encourage you to do your research on the Rx your doctor recommends. After I researched them, I declined the Rx and chose to watch my diet & include more weight training as well as some impact cardio. Although I still bike, it's for recreation. The Rx are controversial & it's difficult to know which option to take, but an informed decision is best.
Thanks for this viewpoint. My numbers are fairly low, and my doctor feels that a short course of Fosamax may increase my calcium absorption enough to keep my bone density levels from getting worse, and maybe improve. The number for Osteoporesis is 2.5, and I'm at 2.7. So, I'm going to try it for 3 months. It's one pill a week, I can handle that.

I was sore this morning from yesterday's weight workout (I've been slacking off on those, concentrating on running during the pandemic lockdown - to get outside!), so I'm not ready for the STS plan, yet. I'm motivated to get into shape, and maybe start the STS rotation in August.

Thanks for the information, and encouragement!
Report so far. You only take Fosamax once a week. I have taken 2 doses, and am continuing my regular Ca+/Mag/Zinc supplement. I hope they are being absorbed better! I've been doing Cathe strength and cardio workouts with no changes in how I feel - no better or worse, they are always challenging, as I give every workout all I have. I haven't been running, and the Cathe workouts are so good that I don't miss it. I'm hoping to be strong and practiced enough on the weights to be able to start the STS 3.5 month rotation on Sept. 1st. I'm about halfway through my list of establishing 1 Rep Max. So far, so good! I appreciate all the support on this forum.
I was just diagnosed with osteoporosis recently and started Calcium sup. as well as drinking 2 glasses of Organic raw milk each day.

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