Workout Burnout?


Hi Cathy,
Just wondering, I know most people to get fit do strenght training 3 times a wk and cardio alternate day's. My question is this: Could this be too much for some of us?? For instance I get really burned out, and feel better when I cut back. Some people say you should only work out 3 times per week. I notice that my fitness level isn't changing, and my body doesn't want to shed the rest of lower body fat. I am really confused, do I work out more and feel burned out or do I cut back to lose this fat??
I'll try to help!

Maybe you should try to take a whole week off from all exercise (except leisure type stuff). I haven't personally done this (but I plan to during my trip to the Outer Banks in June)but others on this forum say that it can play an important mental role. You completely take all of the pressure off of yourself. Also, are you cross-training? The weather here in Ohio has been PERFECT lately for getting outside to walk, run, cycle, inline skating, etc.. The last time I felt completely burnt out with my workout tapes was this past winter. My cure? Discovering Cathe. I was so excited when I previewed my tapes (I ordered 6 at once!). I couldn't get enough of them! Maybe you could branch off in a new direction with another instructor, or a new training like kickboxing or yoga. You could mix up your training and try doing strength on just one body part per day or play around with your rotation. I'm sorry that these are all very basic hints and you probably know them already, but maybe just need a reminder.
I'll bet after a few days off and trying other activities that you will feel more interested in working out again. Good Luck!!
Hey Julie!

Where in Ohio do you live? I live in Uniontown (between Akron & Canton). Just curious. I also have a daughter named JULIE!!! I'm with you on discovering something new to shake up your routine. I was rather going through the motions with Hi/Lo for years and years and THOUGHT I didn't like STEP til I found Cathe!! Boy, what a difference it has made. THANKS CATHE!!
Good Luck Sabrina. Hang in there.
HI Julie, We're going to the Outer Banks in July!

Our first time ever, sounds like it's going to be so much fun for the kids and so much to do! Have you ever been there before? We're also going to Colonial Williamsburg and my daughter is going to tour the American Girl's Felicity living history museum. We are going to Walmart today to pick out a Felicity pattern and material so she can wear period costume. I haven't sewed in years, this should be interesting! The costumes and hats were around $100 in the catelog. Leslie
Hi Debbie!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-21-00 AT 09:01AM (EST)</font></center>

Hi Leslie & everyone!! I live in Celina, which is not really close to anything! We're kind of between Lima and Ft. Wayne, Ind. Small world! I've never been to the Outer Banks before, it sure sounds wonderful! We're so excited!!
Hey Jul!

We would go through Celina when we would take my daughter & son back & forth from Taylor University, which is located in Upland, Ind. Taylor also had a branch in Ft. Wayne. It IS a small world! Have a great time at the Outer Banks!

All you can do is try different things and see what works. Personally I just hit a wall at 6 workouts per week. I just CANNOT do that consistently. My knees start to ache, an old shoulder injury gets twingey, and most important of all, I lose my motivation big time. If I work out five days a week (two strength, 3 cardio) I am FINE and LOVIN' IT! What is the difference? I have NO idea. . . I just know that 5 days works for me. Six doesn't. You might try a 3/2 plan like I try to stick to with rest days on Wed and Sun, or with two rest days together on Sat and Sun (or whenever). I can go either way but have found I do best with two rest days together. Start with a few days off to just give yourself a mental break, then try a 5 day a week plan for 4 weeks. At the end of that time, evaluate. If it isn't working, try something else. Another important thing is to alternate intensities. It is easy to think "hey, I"m working out, might as well really hit it hard and make the most of my time". However, alternating intensities really helps me feel good and keeps my routine fresh and makes me happy! And I haven't noticed decreased results. So it might be that a 6 day week would work for you if you would try a new activity and alternate intensities, don't give it all you've got every day.

Just some thoughts, eat the chicken and spit out the bones!
Burnout to Sabrina

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-22-00 AT 08:50AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON May-22-00 AT 08:46 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON May-22-00 AT 08:46 AM (EST)

Hi Sabrina, Have you been feeling tired and wiped out since going up to 3 strength days in your routine?... I usually aim for 2 total body workouts per week (unless I'm doing the PS Series) with 3-4 cardio sessions... this gives me 5- 6 days of workouts .... You might try cutting back on those strength workouts and watch you intensity level during your cardio... sometimes I do too many intense workouts during a week and can feel totally wiped out...

I feel that it would be tough to do all that I need to do in 3 days... so I prefer to use 5-6 days and spread my activities out...

If you feel working out 5-6 days straight in a row too much how about trying a three day on, one day off rotation...

strength(total body)
cardio(hi/lo or kickbox)
strength(total body)
etc. etc.

I had tried this a while back and it helped me get out of a burnout...


Hi Sabrina! You cut back when you're feeling burnout. We've all been there. But most important, is your diet. Make sure your taking in enough calories for the workouts that you do but make sure you make sensible choices with your food intake. This is really the only way your going to lose body fat. Hope this helped. Take care, Kathy
Right on, Miss Susan!

I also find that 5 days a week tends to be too much. I go all out on those 5 "on" days, so I guess I need two days of rest. Everyone's different, and we all need to be in tune with our internal "works." I COULD do 6 days a week when all my cardio consisted of walking, but with Cathe and Taebo thrown in, I need another rest day.
Thanks to all of

Thank you all for your feedback, I guess I just have to find out what is right for me. As far as my diet goes, I have trouble keeping on track, I have tried weight watchers and that worked for awhile, but then I hear I should be eating 5 or 6 small meals a day, so that kicks out the weight wathers idea. Also when you are working full time it is hard to eat 6 small meals a day.
Thanks again, all of you are a great inspiration!!
To Sabrina

I work out 5 to 6 times per week, depending on my schedule. I sometimes have to travel or work evenings and I only can get in 4 days per week.

I have found that by taking a week or so off about twice to three times per year that I come back to my workouts refreshed and even stronger.

I think the optimal amount of workouts for me is really 5 days instead of 6 days per week. But I really have an internal struggle if I do less than 6 days and when I cut back to 4 days I am a complete grouch and feel like I am a slug.
Hard and Easy Days

I just finished a book about the training methods of world class runners, and guess what, they don't train hard every single day. They have days when they go all out and other days where they just seek to maintain and build a stable base of aerobic fitness. Maybe you need to build in more easy days into your routine if you do workout, or just rest completely on certain days.

Your probably right, all I can remember is only working out 3 day's a week and I was in great shape, difference is I am now 43 not 23!!!
But I do think if one overdoes it, your body won't let go of the fat, as it does need resting time.

Hi. I remember a design professor telling me that any good design puts in a weak point that will break down when the system is overloaded. I think the body is that way. Little things happen to tell you that there is a problem. Listen to these because something major could blow if you disregard the signals.
Thanks Lydia!!!

What a great hint! Since I've upped my intensity, I've experienced burn-out more than I ever have. I started your rotation yesterday after coming off of an exercise vacation, and I'm looking forward to it.

It's all a mind game....I'm thinking in terms of three days at a time, instead of working out a whole week before taking a day off!!!! Sounds great!!!!

I love all these great hints!!!!! The best ever!

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