Workout Blender


Are there any plans for new updates for the workout blender? I've yet to get it to work. The support here has been helpful, but first I had trouble uploading the videos into the WB, then I fixed that problem. I spent hours creating my own videos, only for them to be blacked out or the video distorted. I recently downloaded the latest version of the WB, now it's freezing on me. I did what it said in the "For Users with 80% Complete or Videos Not Importing Problems)". I posted my issue in the WB bugs forum today, so just waiting.
-Excellent technology if it would only work. I want to be able to make my own 1 hour videos that have 30 min. cardio and 30 min weights alternating with upper and lower body because I work 40 hours M-F, and with kids, that's all I can work into my life right now.
As long as you're using Windows the WB will work fine as long as you have the latest version of Adobe Air.It will not currently work for MAC Lion OS. I did look at your support post, but you need to tell us a lot more to help you. We need to know if you're using MAC or a PC and what OS you're using?

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