workout blender


I was thinking about purchasing the Hardcore Series (I love the Extreme DVD)but I dont want to spend that amount of money if the Workout Blender is going to be available any time soon. Is there a time frame for the Blender? Also any ballpark idea on cost? Will there be a monthly/annual fee? How much per clip or per standard workout (ie/if I wanted to do one of the Gym Style workouts?)? Thanks so much.
At the RT in August, Chris from SNM said the workout blender would be available before the end of the year. No info. on costs was presented. HTH!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks for the info. I guess no one else knows anything about this. I keep checking the blog but nothing new about the workout blender there either. I know, patience is a virtue, but defn. not one of my strong points. :)
I sent a reply yesterday but dont see it posted. Just wanted to thank you for the information. I guess I am the only one interested in the workout blender. I am really dying to get the Hardcore series but will have to be patient and wait and see about this blender-thing. Unfortunately that means getting an Ipod, re-purchasing all the old DVD/VHS workouts, $$$, etc, etc. Of course if Cathe is going to stop making DVD's I'd rather suck it up and switch now. Thanks again for the info.:)
I don't think you're the only one interested...just nobody knows anything that hasn't already been posted. Do a search on workout blender here in the forums to find some posts.

I want to make an easy day workout made of my favorite step warm-ups. :+

I did a search but didnt find much that wasnt on the blog. I was kind of hoping to get a reply from Cathes' technical team. Somebody has to have a rough idea when this will be available or why mention it at all.

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