Just about all TV’s are capable of playing video from an Ipod. If you can hook up a DVD player directly to your TV you can then also hook up an Ipod to your TV. All that is required is a very inexpensive cable that on one end has a plug to connect to your Ipods headphone jack and on the other end has three plugs (yellow, red and white). File size will depend on the length of the clip you wish to download. An average full length workout will take up about 1 gig of hard disc on your compter.
We haven't decided on our prices or final pricing structure at this point. However, we do know that tokens will be used for sure as the main way to purchase clips. The more tokens you purchase the more money you will save. We have looked at offering a subscription plan too, but we’re concerned about the problems these plans seem to cause. Our current thinking is we will probably not offer a subscription plan, but this could always change.
RE: WORKOUT BLENDER SOFTWARE! You Just Blew My Mind!!!!...

WOW...WOW...and HOLY WOW! I jsut read about the Blender Workout. I cann't wait!! The possibilities are endless. And with all hte mish-moshes I have created, I can now make my own compiled. Cathe, you and your staff are TRULY amazing. THANKS for EVERYTHING YOU DO.


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