Workout Blender Rotation


Hi everyone! I received my BB's Wednesday and did Step Blast on Thursday and again today. I love it and I know I will nail it but, I am not exactly a pro yet!

It occured to me this evening that I might do it all week as my cardio and put it between Push Pull and Super Sets. I did fine until it becomes the finished product so I think I am going to use the Workout Blender to help me stick it by repeating combo 1 as a first cardio workout, programming combo 2 as a second workout and a final cardio day with combo 3. I'll do a warm up, repeat the combo as many times as I feel are necessary to learning the steps and getting a great workout then cool down. Once I get the routines down pat move on to the Challenge!

12/14 Supersets
12/15 Step Blast Workout Blender combo 1 repeat
12/16 Push Pull
12/17 Step Blast Workout Blender combo 2 repeat
12/18 Legs and Glutes (I turn forty-one today)
12/19 Step Blast Workout Blender combo 3 repeat
12/20 Rest
12/21 Step, Jump and Pump
I need to check the Workout Blender out more thouroughly but I think this will be great. I ahave felt I haven't quite mastered each combo before it moves on and it's so dazzlingly quick! By the Challenge, I'm lost. This way I can get each combo down pat before moving on and hopefully put it all together in a smooth graceful, workout. If I go on to the otther workouts I'll end up back at squre one and I'd rather nail Step Blast and maybe try more of the same with Kick Punch and Crunch when I am a Step Blast Queen!

What do you think? Bobbi
I think you're a maniac! I am in awe of your workout tenacity.
You must look terrific--oh, and Happy Birthday on the 18th.
Lisa, I assure you I am not compulsive in any way! Ha! I have found that if I move on before mastery occurs, when I go back, I am pretty close to square one! I did a trial this morining with the Blender and I can indeed program a warmup, each combo 3 times and a cool down so I am going to do it! I figured I'd get to the Blender and the prmisxes after several weeks of learning the routines with the full workouts but this is going to work well! Whether or not this makes it go together seamlessly as a finished product remains to be seen but I can always use the blender stick that if it is necessary. Since I have feet problems, I am scared of the hi lo and high impact in the other cardio workouts in the series but I can deal with that once Steb Blast is mine. I love that I can jump on the step with little complaining from my feet! It's a miracle! LOL!

I have been emphasizing strength training and minimizing cardio to redesign my echto body with it meso belly and it's working. Muscles and definition are coming through and my tummy's flattening and getting smaller. It's not gorgeous by any means but I look better clothed and my pants are looser and I am more streamlined. Bobbi

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