WORKOUT 06/28 Monday


It's a great morning overhere: sun is out and clear blue skies:)

Because I worked out a lot less then I usually do the past two weeks due to my flu and because I probably didn't put in it what I usually do if I worked out at all I decided to start the P90X rotation all over again. This time doubling up three times a week, doing strength before work and my running after work. Unless temp is really going up again, then I'll change it round.

Did P90X chest&back + Ab Ripper this morning. Son no.1 has the flu I had (poor boy) so I was working out all by my lonely self.

Have a great day everyone,:) :)

Sounds like great weather Dutchie. We have lots of sun although accompanied by heat! I normally run early the days I run. I am starting my 6th P90X week doing the Doubles rotation. So chest, shoulders and triceps, ab Ripper and cardioX....enjoy the workouts...:)...Carole
HI all, I did PS Chest only, and the Cardio Conditioning premix off of KPC, I was in a hurry this morning because my 2nd son had to be at tennis camp at 10 am. So I had to drop him off then do errands with the other 2 and eventually I have to go back and pick him up around 1pm. Busy busy week ahead.

Have a great day!!!:D
Good morning everybody!

I started a BC/HSTA-4x/week rotation yesterday, so today was going to be a rest day. Well, as I lay in bed this morning, not only did I feel guilty that I wouldn't be working out 6x/week as usual, I also heard my beloved IMAX2 calling my name...So I compromised and did the Blastmania premix and got a great high-intensity workout in a half hour. I had no idea how addicted to Cathe I'd gotten until I realized I was only going to be doing her 4x/week. Cathe Geek. :)

Have a lovely day everyone!
My first time doing Muscle Endurance. Holy freaking cow! My arms are like rubber!

I have so much housework to do today. I don't know how I'm going to get it all done!

Loved it!

I have four weeks until my cruise.

Hello girls!

Nice workouts everywhere! Danna, ME is my long time favorite. Specially the biceps....
I did P90X -- Chest - Shoulders -Triceps. My shoulders are totally fried.
I Nordictracked for 20 min before and did my own abs that included hanging leg raises and declined sit ups w/medicine ball.

Enjoy the day everyone!:) :) :)
Did a 5K run after work without walk breaks.

Read the book Programmed to Run and I started paying attention to my running form. According to the book your supposed to lean slightly forward and you should have a relaxed armswing taking your hand from your hip to halfway up your chest making sure the movement isn't all done from the shoulder but slightly moving your lower arm as well. And apparently breathing in a certain pattern (3:2) or certain way (rhino breathing) would improve running as well.

So I tried to. I have to admit paying attention to my form seemed to make running easier. Breathing in a certain rythm made me run in a certain rythm. Or maybe I am just having a good day:) Or not, as I noticed a few times my HR went all the way up to 189 !!! But it didn't feel like that at all. I wasn't gasping for air which you might expect and I just could keep on running. Maybe thats because I changed my breathing? Or the arm swing?

Added another workout, I did 45 min. on the mountain bike that is on a trainer for indoor use. Now I am done!!!:p Just didn't feel like I put alot of effort into my morning workout because I felt rushed!!:+ :7

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