working out twice a day


Luis G. Salazar

can I work out with cathe 2 x a day?....sometimes i have nothing to day and don't want to just lay around
I think it would depend on what videos you do? I am the same way -- a stay-at-home mom with PLENTY of time on my hands but what I usually do is 1 Cathe video and 30 minutes on my elliptical and a brisk hour walk in the woods with my 2 dogs (Smith & Wesson). I too feel if I didn't work out I would just lay around. Yesterday I did butts & gutts, 30 minutes elliptical then went to my Volleyball league and played for 2 hours. Needless to say my tushy is a tad sore today so I gladly took the day "off" and only walked.
I agree with Muscle Guy. Splitting weights and cardio would elevate your metabolism two times a day. Doing Cathe cardio, though, is probably next a good thing. She tends to have high impact cardio, which over time, could lead to injury. What you could do (as others have stated) is maybe do a Cathe cardio and/or weights and then a machine cardio. This would give variety to your program. Here is what I do. In the am (after I get back from class) I do my machine--elliptical or Arc trainer. Then, in the afternoon, I do my Cathe workout, which includes both weights and cardio. I like doing Cathe in the pm because I feel I have more energy and my body is warmed from the A.M cardio. I used to do Cathe in the morning (which I do feel more refreshed) but now I do her in the afternoon and have found it to be a good break from studying! :D

I do Cathe twice a day lots of times. I just love her videos and get such great results, that I cannot get enough.

Take it easy though, when you need it!
thanks guys, I like the idead of cardio in the morning and weights at night....that could work I'll try that.

I know that I have to push myself a lot more, how do I do this? Like when Im doing "Butts And Guts" or "Gym Stlye Legs" I tend to only go so far down and I feel like Im cheating my workout. When I do go a little further down into my squats or lunges I feel like my legs are going to fall off they burn so much, is this a good thing. Buy pushing myself do I push myself to the point that I feel like my legs or arms are on fire? I guess whats burn and whats pain?

Luis G. Salazar
Hi, Luis! Yours is a good question. I heard a good explanation, although a simplistic one, a few years ago that is still a good guide for me:


Feeling heat in the muscles, and feeling that heat increase, and completing enough reps that you feel like two or more reps after that will make you fall over, is a good thing; just don't go past the point where you do think you are going to fall over (or drop the weight or whatever). That's the "OOOOOOHHHH". At that point, your working muscles might shake; that's good to a point, but that's the point when you want to end the set.

However, feeling sharp pain, especially in the joints (which sometimes are confused with the muscles) is never good, and can be an indicator of injury. That's the "OWWWWWW".

If you keep pushing yourself SAFELY, going out of your comfort zone and CLOSE to the point of extreme muscle fatigue or failure, you will build muscle strength and endurance. If you do it unsafely, you could set yourself up for injury.

Hope this helps!

Annette Bethel

I usually workout 2x a day. Weights first and then cardio. Sometimes it is 2 parts, ie lower and upper. Or a total body and then cardio. It just depends on my mood :)
Luis G. Salazar

I have been slowly pushing harder by maybe going down a little lower in sqauts or lunges and letting myself feel the burn a lot more. You guys really help me to keep going to reach my goals


my friend stayed the night a few nights ago and i was in my room and he was in our guest room. well I was working out and when I was done he's like "It sounded like you were going to die!, what dose that Cathe do to you for and hour!" lol I thought that was really funny.

does anyone else get poked fun when they watch or hear's funny I think.
Luis, my husband regularly comments on the sounds coming out of me when I work out to Cathe. He never knows whether to applaud or call 911.

Another funny story: another Cathe fan who's a friend of mine was working out once to a Cathe cardio disc, and her son (who is probably your age by now), came in, watched for a minute and then said, "Um . . . Mom . . . don't you know your feet are supposed to leave the ground?"

Luis G. Salazar

lol! Funny. My friends always ask about Cathe because I talk about working out with Cathe as if she is really with me lol.

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