Working One Muscle Group Per Day


I'd like to increase my cardio without giving up strength training. I would like to move towards doing cardio six days a week and work on a muscle group per day. I know Cathe has the CTX series. However, I don't want to purchase that because it contains mostly step workouts. I much prefer to use my own cardio tapes and the strength tapes (i.e., MIS, Power Hour, Leaner Legs, Pure Strength DVD, CTX Upper Body, S&H DVD) of Cathe's that I've purchased. I'm curious to know if anyone here works one muscle group a day and if they use of the strength tapes I've mentioned above to work that group?


CTX Upper body has all the CTX weight sections on it. So anyone who has done a CTX rotation has used those. They are top-notch. I don't think they are more endurance than strength or vice versa because they combine different rep speeds, so really you get both.

Leaner Legs is the lower body of the CTX series and it is 50 minutes in length. You must already know this since you have these tapes!

So, with your cardio you could do the CTX weight sections, one part per day like Mon-shoulders, Tue-back, Wed-chest, Thur-Leaner Legs, Fri-Triceps, Sat-biceps, Sunday Rest.

You add your own cardio.

Lots of people here work one part per day and then change it around. I have never done it that way (yet).
Hi, Crystal,

I have done one part a day with both CTX and PS and was satisfied with the results. I really prefer doing 1-2 parts a day to doing total body workouts. I always feel my arms and shoulders get short shrift at the end of a total body workout because I'm so fatigued. Doing each part separately allows me to use heavier weights for that part, and it's less boring because you're doing something different every day. Plus, the next day you'll only be sore in a few places, not all over!

I have also split up the tapes in S&H and done one part at a time, but because that's still 1/2 hour of weight work, that may not fit in as well with your goal of increasing cardio. If you wanted, though, you could probably use the S&H series for 1 or 2 body parts each week; either use it for parts you particularly want to focus on, or just rotate through each part over a three-week period.

Good luck,
I like working out that way - it's a time saver (real important for me) and if you break it down like that, it seems easier to do. I usually tack weights on after cardio when I work out like that.

The CTX series is GREAT! So efficient and so effective.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Crystal--

I just came off a "one muscle group per day" rotation and I loved it. I would split the S and H series into one body part per day for the strength portion. I used ctx or either ran or did the elliptical for my cardio portion. Cardio was approximately 30-40 minutes.

I did it for 8 weeks and saw major improvements in my strength and also saw a slight weight loss, without really trying for that.

I loved it because you could really exhaust and focus on that one body part each time you did it.

Good luck!
To more specifically address your question, Crystal, I think I have read where people have had better shoulder and triceps success with this method. It enables you to work these muscles when they are fresh instead of fatigued by back, chest, and overhead (for legs) work.
I'd like to thank everyone for their comments. I think I'll try using the S&H series for this. It seems to provide a good length of time per muscle group. With the exception of legs, the other tapes only seem to work individual muscles around 10 minutes. That doesn't seem to be adequate for a once muscle per day/per week routine.

I have MIS, PS, PH, and CTX Upper. I wish I could just get myself to do one body part per day!!! I'd be flying, but I've just seemed to let go of weight training lately all together
:-( don't know why.


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