Working obloquies


I was reading an artical by Jennifer Nicole Lee on In it she said she doesn't work her obloquies and she tells her clients not to because it makes you straight up and down and not have curves. Any thoughts on this. Someone else had posted that she said not to mix your protein shake with milk. Some of her stuff seems crazy to me but she does have the body to back up what she says. This is the link if anyone wants to read it. I'm not very computer savy so you won't be able click and go to it.

Just to play devil's advocate here...

Who's to say she practices what she preaches? Just food for thought.

That being said, I've heard that you shouldn't work obliques with heavy weight but haven't heard you shouldn't work them at all. I also believe the curve of your body is mostly due to genetics. I am naturally built like more of a ruler so it doesn't matter how I work my obliques, I've never had and never will have that curvy hourglass shape.

I don't think any one way of doing things works for everyone. You need to try different things until you find something that works for YOU. :)
I found one of my old issues of Oxygen. It has "her" ab routines in it. She does hanging oblique raise and lying side crunch. This is from 2 years ago and she might have changed her program since then. But still I don't think she practices what she preaches on this topic.

I agree with the curve of your body being genetics. I'm naturally an hourglass and no matter my size I'm always going to be an hourglass even when working obloquies.

>>>I'm naturally an hourglass and no matter my size I'm always going
to be an hourglass even when working obloquies.<<<

Lucky Girl!:)
You can also have some control over this depending on what type of oblique exercise you're doing. Like another posted said, anything with weight is more likely to bulk you up.

But if you're doing twists, that will pull your sides in everytime! I'm also straight up and down, so I don't have much of a waist, but when I started doing 100 twists everyday on top of my existing ab work, I noticed that I was getting slimmer in that area, and my waistbands were a bit looser than they had been in the past.

So to me, this definitely sounds like a "trend of the moment" she may be going through, rather than something she practices religiously.
First - I always question when a "pro" says to "not work" ANY muscle group. Gotta have balance .........

Obliques.... I personally work them alot with standing core work & kickboxing and must say if I could make the rest of my body look as impressive as my obliques I'd be one happy camper!;-)

I have a client that genetically isnt blessed with those cool oblique lines but we have (after 4 months) gotten her to the point where shes estatic with them now. We work them 3X a week for about 10-15 minutes - using various supine, standing & weights! We alternate no weight, heavy weights & lite weight workouts....Variety + intensity of focus + consistency are key with any of those stubborn parts. (needless to say clean eating is as well);-)

Just my experiences....
I can't imagine that she doesn't work her OBLIQUES at all. Perhaps not with weight. It's possible to thicken ones waist when doing moves like weighted side bends. It depends on the weight used, and on the individual (ie: their body type, and how easily they build muscle). If someone has naturally narrow hips and shoulders, and builds muscle fairly easily, then doing weighted side bends would probably make them look boxy.

>This is the link if anyone wants to read it. I'm not very
>computer savy so you won't be able click and go to it.

Your link works.

FYI: If you cut and paste a link from a browser window, it will automatically work. You can even type in a URL (you have to include at least the "www" part, as in '' and not ''). Make sure to leave a space before and after the addy: no 'attached' punctuation, like commas, periods or quotation marks. The URL I just typed won't work because of this, but this one-- ---will. Notice I put spaces between the dashes and the address.
It really does depend on genetics. I have a tendency to be thick waisted & I don't work my obliques much--once a week max, & with high rep, low weight.

Also you have to remember you work your obliques as a secondary muscle w/lots of other exercises. Heavy leg presses, squats & lunges will build obliques. And some back exercises will engage obliques as well.
RE: Working obliquies

Dosen't bother me. I can't spell and I got the spelling from the article(sp). I wish they had spell check on here. And I didn't think posting a link would be that easy. Its been along time since I had any computer training.


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