Work out on empty stomach in am or after light breakfast?


Which is best? Just wonder what all of you do since all of you ladies know so much about this exercise stuff. I have read alot of stuff on the misinformation super highway, but there is alot of conflicting info.....what do ya'll do?

Thanks ladies....I am a posting pest today!!! LOL

I never work out on an empty stomach. I usually have half a protein bar with regular workouts....and before a long run I always eat oatmeal....:)...Carole
When I work out in the morning, I do it on an empty stomach; otherwise, I get abdominal cramps. Plus, when you've eaten, even if it is a light meal, your body is devoting energy to digesting your food. When I work out, I want my body devoting its energy to burning fat, and I've read and heard many times that morning workouts on an empty stomach are the most efficient at burning fat.

Edited to say: I have also heard that if your goal is to build muscle, working out after eating a small protein snack is best.
I work out on an empty stomach only when I'm trying to burn flab (like after the holidays, or after months of strength training). I only do cardio in the morning (never weight training) and keep it short, less than an hour. Then I load myself with protein and some carbs afterwards. I limit this kind of training for only 3 weeks, about 4-5 mornings a week. I did read all the conflicting info out there before deciding to try it, and this works well for me, but it's not something I'd do ALL the time.

i don't eat before i workout. i get up at 4:30 to workout... i check email, get dressed.. then get working out! i drink a bottle of propel while working out (i don't like plain water first thing in the a.m.!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I've also read many different things on the subject. One saying that all through the night your body is sort of in a fast because you no longer have been feeding it, so eating a little something gives it some fuel. For years I did not eat in the moring and I workout in the morning(the only convenient time). For the first time I have started to eat a small bar but it feels really strange and a little uncomfortable. I'll have to see how it goes. I would like to know what everyone else thinks. I don't think it'll kill your results if you don't.
RE: Work out on empty stomach in am or after light brea...

I always eat prior to a work out-usually 30 mins to an hour before the work out-...even if it's only a small snack...but that's just me b/c I don't do ANYTHING well on an empty stomach. :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
RE: Work out on empty stomach in am or after light brea...

I always workout on an empty stomach or else I feel nauseous. I also workout first thing in the morning and then I ususally have a protein shake after showering and before heading to work. Been doing this for years and it works for me. You will have to see what works best for you.

RE: Work out on empty stomach in am or after light brea...

It depends on the workout for me. I always eat a small snack or breakfast before I do any strength work. If I don't the hunger pains increase so badly I start feeling light headed. I never eat before cardio though. It makes me feel sluggish. I need all the pep I can get to get through some of these cardio's. LOL!
It's a continuing process.....
RE: Work out on empty stomach in am or after light brea...

It depends. If I get up fairly early and am able to workout right off the bat, I don't eat. If I'm up for any length of time (say, 30 min), I have to eat something or I'll get hypoglycemic while working out. I am in the habit of getting up early and working out on an empty stomach first thing...I prefer this.
Wow, everyone really does do what's best for them!

I can't do strength work on an empty stomach, so I always eat a snack (usually carbs - banana, a couple of figs, small bowl of cereal) beforehand. I can do low-intensity cardio on an empty stomach, but I'm finding that I do better and feel stronger if I eat a snack before high-intensity cardio.

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