Winner bumper stickers....


What good bumper stickers have you all seen?
Here are a couple of my favorites...

Jesus is coming...Look busy!!

Crop circles are an act of cereal killers

Keep Honking, I'm Reloading

If life gives you lemon, squirt your enemies in the eye (on my car)

Save the planet, stop breathing

The Beatings will Continue Until Moral Improves

Stop Repeat Offenders....Don't Re-elect them

Don't Steal the Goverment Hates Competition(although i think that should say IRS)

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Visualize Using Your Turn Signal!

Horn broken, watch for finger.

Zero to Bitch in 4.0 Seconds

Mental anxiety, mental breakdowns, menstrual cramps, menopause... did you ever notice all womens' problems begin with men?

My Australian Shepherd is smarter than your honor student (I have an Aussie - sadly, he's smarter than I am).

My all time favorite: Girls kick A$$! (a mountain biking buddy gave it to me after I did a tough ride with the guys and kept up - I earned that one!).
Yes, this is my truck, no you cannot borrow it.

Maximus, LMAO at the "i support magnetic ribbons" - I need to buy one of those!
Don't honk, you'll wake me

Guns don't kill people, radical pro-lifers do

Stop inbreeding, ban country western music

Get involved, the world is run by those that show up

Never let your mother brush your hair when she's mad at your father.

Never judge a girl by her bumper sticker.

Smile and let it go.

Cath :)
This is a cute thread, so here's mine:

(If I remember it correctly)

"If I would have known my grandkids were this much fun, I would of had them first".


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