RE: Delayed Gratification & Willpower
I go for a "value" system. My favorite treat in the entire galaxy is a Coffee Time Harvest Corn Muffin. I love muffins because they satisfy me and fill me up good -- especially heated up with all-fruit raspberry jam (don't get me started -- I'm salivating as I type this!).
So every time a treat is shoved under my nose (office birthday parties with birthday cake, people's leftover cookies/cakes from Xmas, etc. and etc., etc., etc.,), I say to myself "Is this muffin-worthy? Nope!".
So, I treat myself to a Coffee Time corn muffin every Saturday and Sunday night. Therefore, I don't eat those "unworthy" treats during the week. Anticipation of delicious food is half the fun. Delayed gratification works wonders!
Also, I never eat my corn muffin "in public" or on the move. It must be prepared with great care (mustn't knock off an edge off the top -- that would marr its perfection!) savoured, tasted, experienced, enjoyed, in complete privacy so I can completely relish it.
So, pick your all-time favorite treat, set up a time and date for it, then go for it. Say to yourself "I've got a (insert worthy treat) coming up in a few days -- I can hold off on that cheesecake until then".
Oh, and ya, YEAH! Tomorrow's Saturday!!!!!!
Have a great weekend, y'all!
P.S. Good thing my favorite treat in the entire galaxy isn't an entire Sara Lee pound cake -- then I'd be in BIG trouble!