

Hi everyone - just interested if anyone has some good willpower tricks for not giving in to 'treats' - as my father always called them. I have always been an emotional eater - I drink coffee/eat donuts/muffins/chocolate to either treat myself for an accomplishment or to relieve stress (5 minutes later the stress comes back). I am very happy with my body size (6) and I exercise regularly, but I don't feel healthy because of my poor food choices, and I often feel drained. I especially would like to kick the coffee habit, because I often feel more tired after the initial 'buzz'. Any willpower suggestions for when I'm on the verge of insanity for lack of coffee/sweets? Thanks!
It's not a matter of "giving up" your coffee and goodies, it's all in finding substitutes. I have gotten hooked on herb tea, especially raspberry and cranberry/apple by Bigelow. For snacks, have you ever tried fat-free pudding cups? Hunts makes them. Or you could make Jello instant fat-free/sugar free pudding at home with skim milk and bring it to work for your snack times. Popcorn is good also. If you HAVE to have cookies, why not fig bars?

The sugar during the day is likely making you feel drained....try to cut out refined carbs during the day. No white flour or refined sugar products. Stick to proteins, veggies, beans and whole grain stuff.

It's all in the planning, my dear.
A possible suggestion for kicking the coffee (caffeine) habit. Try mixing reg coffee and decaf for a little while to help with the caffeine withdrawal. If you quit caffeine cold-turkey it is bad. My Mom did that and it really helped. Then if you want to quit coffee altogether maybe it will be easier.
I like to drink Diet Swiss Miss for a "treat". It has a good chocolate flavor at only 20 calories per serving.

I like to drink Diet Swiss Miss for a "treat". It has a good chocolate flavor at only 20 calories per serving.

Don't consider any food forbidden. Every now and again indulge! I just read this. A craving only lasts about 10 seconds. Using a pepper mint or intensely flavored hard candy like that can help.

The idea that people who don't give in to cravings have more willpower is untrue. Willpower is just being prepared with a workable alternaive. It's finding the balance that's right for you. I try to minimize my exposure because sometimes I find it impossible to say no to sweet fatty foods. If I leave the doughnuts at the doughnut shop I can usually substitute with something that won't make me feel depressed later. I like raisins and nuts for a treat, or a small amount of sharp cheddar with an apple. Plan for those moments.

And if you eat out of emotion, you'll need to explore those emotions and figure out what's eating YOU! Then once you figure out a postive plan for dealing with life' little stresses you can eat to live!

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
Thanks for the input everyone. I agree that no foods should be 'forbidden'. I think that would drive me crazy - I just get so confused with all the nutrition information out there. I read one book last year (Energy Up, Whoo) which had the motto, no flour, no sugar, no salt. I actually tried it - not for weight loss, but for the energy. I ended up losing a lot of weight in a short time, even though I wasn't overweight to begin with. But I just found that it was too restrictive, and I felt unhappy/cranky about giving up certain foods.
Bobbi, I really liked your thoughts about willpower, cravings, and exploring emotions - and a few mentioned about better planning.
I just noticed a thread on clean eating, so I'm going to try checking in there for some daily motivation.
RE:mindful eating

I am very fortunate to love whole grains but sometimes a hunk of white french bread or a cookie with frosting is the only thing that will satisfy. I went on a stringent diet not too long ago and it was great at first but after a few weeks I went hog wild on sweets. It's better to have a peice of chocolate after dinner or go out for ice cream once a week than to set oneself up for a binge. I also found through trial and error that I need to eat around 1900 calories a day to feel good with the amount of exercise I do. Otherwise, I am obsessed with food. Life is too short to skip a piece of chocolate cake. Just be sure to savor it slowly and to keep it clean 99.5% of the time!

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
When I want a sweet carb, I often substitute whole wheat bread with all-fruit spread. Sometimes I 'll even put a thin layer of cream cheese on it too. The cheese and the fruit tastes decadent. Jeanne
When I want a sweet carb, I often substitute whole wheat bread with all-fruit spread. Sometimes I 'll even put a thin layer of cream cheese on it too. The cheese and the fruit tastes decadent.

I second the No-fat, (no sugar added) Swiss Miss. My favorite is the French Vanilla. It even has calcium added to it.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-02 AT 12:47PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with the previous posts, if you completely deny yourself of sweets, you will more than likely make up for it in a binge later on. Eat fruit first - if that doesn't satisfy the craving, then have whatever it is you're jonesing for. I don't have a sweet tooth, I have sweet teeth! Huge fangs that love to sink into candy, pastry, etc. Lately, I have been eating Oasis bars by Balance. They have 8 grms of protein, 5 grms of fat to keep you satisfied and have losts of vitamins and folic acid, something that women need. And they come in Strawberry Cheescake and White Chocolate Raspberry. Very tasty! I was given the suggestion on this forum of reading the book "Intuitive Eating" by E. Tribole. It is an amazing book - the library has it. You should really check it out if you think it might help. Good luck and have fun!

as a person who USED to binge on a full box of 12 (TWELVE!!)) Twinkies at a time--or a full TWIN PACK of Jays potato chips at one time: my motto has become: "not "No"; just "Later." If I really want something later, I have it: but in more reasonable amounts!! :)
me too

I also eat junky foods for dumb reasons. Like if my boss makes me mad, I grab a hershey kiss (could be worse). If I'm watching TV, I always have popcorn or chips. Convenience stores are tough cause it's so easy to grab yummy donuts. It's tough to break habits!

But afterward I eat junk (unless it's "planned" junk), I'm usually like, why did I eat that?? I wasn't even hungry! So I think I'll try to keep a food journal and write down how I feel (I used to think this was corny!). Maybe you could try that?

Good luck!
I also find it difficult to stay away from sweets. What I try to stive for is only allowing myself to eat dessert once a week. I did this a couple months ago and actually lost about 2 pounds. But then the holidays came and I blew it and started eating dessert about 4 or 5 nights a week. I am currently trying to stick to the once a week thing. Wish me luck!

Kristie Schultz
It can be a hard thing. I blame my hormones alot but some months there's binge behavior but others not . Sometimes I can't say no. I have learned though that to eat a cookie slowly and really taste it and savor it CAN sometimes help. I have always eaten too quickly so one of my things now is to slow it down, to think about what I am eating, why I am eating it. Sometimes that's refueling after a workout, sometimes it's strictly for pleasure. I can eat just one cookie! But keep those rice crisy treats out of the house. I will eat every one!

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
RE: me too

I've read all these wonderful posts, but I have a long way to go with self control. I am the exact same way. The minute something stresses me out, I run for the chocolate. (Actually today, it was a bag of jellybeans!) But I hope I am getting better. A couple of suggestions that I've tried are: 1) SHARING. Usually with my husband or a friend - we will split a chocolate bar, or dessert if at a restaurant - if you have the urge - at least it's 1/2 the calories.
2) say in your mind before eating - i've already eaten this many times, I already know what it tastes like, i won't really be missing out on anything new - this technique has helped me quite a few times.

Good luck!
RE: Delayed Gratification & Willpower

I go for a "value" system. My favorite treat in the entire galaxy is a Coffee Time Harvest Corn Muffin. I love muffins because they satisfy me and fill me up good -- especially heated up with all-fruit raspberry jam (don't get me started -- I'm salivating as I type this!).

So every time a treat is shoved under my nose (office birthday parties with birthday cake, people's leftover cookies/cakes from Xmas, etc. and etc., etc., etc.,), I say to myself "Is this muffin-worthy? Nope!".

So, I treat myself to a Coffee Time corn muffin every Saturday and Sunday night. Therefore, I don't eat those "unworthy" treats during the week. Anticipation of delicious food is half the fun. Delayed gratification works wonders!

Also, I never eat my corn muffin "in public" or on the move. It must be prepared with great care (mustn't knock off an edge off the top -- that would marr its perfection!) savoured, tasted, experienced, enjoyed, in complete privacy so I can completely relish it.

So, pick your all-time favorite treat, set up a time and date for it, then go for it. Say to yourself "I've got a (insert worthy treat) coming up in a few days -- I can hold off on that cheesecake until then".

Oh, and ya, YEAH! Tomorrow's Saturday!!!!!!

Have a great weekend, y'all!

P.S. Good thing my favorite treat in the entire galaxy isn't an entire Sara Lee pound cake -- then I'd be in BIG trouble!
RE: Bobbi


Thanks! I take that as a supreme compliment, coming from a brilliant master such as yourself. I love your posts -- so many pearls of wisdom.

I think we should set up an "I Love Bobbie and Donna (getinfit@38)" website. You're both Absolutely Fabulous!

And you're right - Chicks DO Rule!!!!

Have a great weekend, and enjoy that worthy treat of your choice!

RE: Delayed Gratification & Willpower

I just had to reply to this, PatriciaP - you are brilliant! What an excellent suggestion. I especially like how you savor and do not scarf your treat down. I tend to eat my treats fast instead of enjoying them but I do have the same mindset - I will have my treat on Friday night so I don't need (insert high calorie food here) right now. It really does work!

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