willpower needed!


Hi Cathe fans,
I hope this is a suitable question for the open discussion forum. Has anyone out there completely given up soda (diet coke) in recent years? If so, do you feel much better than before? What benefits did you receive when you eliminated soda from your diet? I would like to hear good reasons to elimate soda. Maybe that would help me stay motivated. I gave up smoking 5 1/2 years ago, but that was not as hard as trying to give up soda!
Who would have thought that? Besides bladder infections, what else can soda do to harm you?
I have given up soda. I guess I didn't find it to be to diffecult once I decided to do it. I do feel better, but I also changed the rest of my eating habits and increased my aerobic activity at the same time. I don't know how much is due to giving up soda.

I'm not sure of all of the side effects. I try to avoid artificial sweetners overall due to conflicting stories on it's safeness. Too much caffine can lead to a whole slew of problems. If your only drinking a can or two a day that's probably not a problem if your not caffine sensative.
If you can quit smoking you can certainly quit soda, you just need to make up your mind if you want to and if it's worth your efforts. You sound like your on the fence.

I still have the ocassional soda(maybe twice a year). Every once in a while I get a craving for a regular Coke and buttered-popcorn. I used to drink both diet and regular Coke. I never get cravings for Diet Coke, just the Coke with popcorn. Strange, Hna? :-rollen

I know I didn't give you a direct answer, just some things to think about. Hope this helps.
I gave up caffiene awhile back, but started drinking coffee in the am in moderate amounts because decaf Columbian is so darned expensive. Caffiene wreaks havoc on my system, so eliminatinig it was beneficial. However, moderate consumption is fine. But if you really want to give it up- if only for awhile to see if you feel better, may I offer this suggestion? Taper off by adding the caffiene free variety to your regular soda. I am assuming you do the real thing? Caffiene is addictive so you will experience withdrawl symptoms which make you feel worse before you feel better. So weaning yourself off by systematically reducing the amount of caffiene might be useful?
Good luck! Anyone who quits smoking can do anythin she sets her mind to!!
Hi Bobbi,
Thanks for the encouragement! I think I will try the tapering off system for 2 or 3 weeks before going cold turkey. I'm glad to know that you received many health benefits after cutting out caffeine. Thanks again!
One reason to avoid Cola's is because they're diuretics. The frequent urination interferes with nutrient absorption & may even leach nutrients from your body. Because of the dehyrating effect, one has to increase their water intake.

I also think drinking soft drinks (even diet) contributes to Americans sugar addiction. My friends that drink soft drinks can't drink anything that isn't sweet & it seems to carry over into the rest of their diet.

I developed a Diet Coke addiction when I was in public accounting (long hours, inadequate exericise & boredom). It was easy to go cold turkey when I changed jobs because they were no longer free. With coffee, I tapered my consumption gradually. If you're paying for them, think of the economic benefits of quitting or reducing consumption!

Good Luck. Debra

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