Will Slow & Heavy make me bulk?


Hi. I'm at the point where I am raising my weights - slowly - I've stayed away from heavy weights because DH doesn't like the muscley look. So far my heaviest is 12lbs for chestflyes and biceps- and a little heavier for one arm rows.

I'd like to be able to get to 15lbs for those exercises but I'm afraid of bulking. I'm really looking for that defined look but I'm beginning to see results from lifting heavier and I'm thinking maybe Slow & HEavy is for me? Should I just go back to PS for a while? Thanks.

This is the only series I don't have (except for the CTX series)


Heavy weight training and bulking can be very genetic. Most women do not have the genetics to bulk. I think you should go for it. Give Slow and Heavy a try. If you notice to much bulking, go back to PS series or muscle endurace.

Have a great day!!

My first thought was, no, you wont get bulky. But, I guess people have different opinions on what bulky is. Do you (or DH) think Cathe is bulky? If you said "yes" then I would say "yes" you could get bulky. When I used the SH my muscles did grow, my upper chest got a little thicker and my lats broadened ~not a whole lot, but some. It's a great workout program and if you felt you were over achieving the results you wanted, just lighten the weights.
Susan C.M.
I haven't bulked up from S&H, but then again, I'm a hardgainer. S&H has allowed me to lift heavier more than it allowed me to gain mass. Whatever mass I've gained from weight lifting -- and I do lift as heavy as I can -- has been minimal. But I've gotten stronger, and that's good enough for me.:) Definition is more about stripping the fat above the muscle, and for that, you'll have to tweak your diet and eat clean. Hope this helps.

Susan - I don't think Cathe is bulky by DH does! Funny thing, I did get stepfit in a trade and hubby was oogling Cathe - I said - but you don't like her - you think she is too muscly! I guess he prefered an earlier, softer Cathe.

HMMM - I probably don't have the genetics to really bulk but I think I'll avoid this one and just give P/S another go but make an effort to raise my weights.

Thanks for all your responses.
Just thought I would add something funny. I would love to get like Cathe, or Jai too for that matter, and I have the genetics to do so. When I asked my boyfriend his opinion on my goal, He responded "Sure, as long as you can't beat me up" So, I guess its a mans "pride" thing huh. Making sure he stays the man in the relationship..lol.
As stated it's genetic. I'm one of the rare females that puts on muscle relatively easily. However I don't do it like a man does. Unless I'm flexing you still can't tell it's there. So I wouldn't worry about bulking. I'm sure there are a few "lucky" people out there who can look like Cathe easily, but in most cases I think a pretty rigid diet and lifestyle is required, so I don't think you have to worry.
good point on definition of bulk. I love how cathe looks now. Funny I was doing imax last night and thought gosh she looks so much more toned now.

I do remember people saying that she looks much more muscular in the tapes than in real life.

I highly recommend S&H. Personally I love what it does for the shoulders. I love the defineted delts... THought Holly Hunter looked fantastic at the awards.

I just had one more thought to add to the bulky idea....While I am absolutely certain that Cathe and the gang look fabulous walking through the grocery store, I doubt they appear quite as muscly (sp) in off time. Working out pumps you up, so you are seeing them at the point where they have been working hard to make a video, and have possibly been doing hours of exercise during filming. My guess is that they are quite pumped when we see them all on our screens. I'd venture to say they soften up as they all relax and get on with the day.
Now - I'm confused again. Genetically I probably couldn't bulk up. You are right - Cathe and crew probably get extra pumped up from practicing for the filming.

I know diet is so important for muscle definition - the less bodyfat you have the more your muscles will show. I'm not overweight but I'm an hourglass body type and we tend to be curvey - I'd have to diet into anorexia for my muscles to show without flexing.

I think I'm going to work on raising my weights with the programs I have right now. If I see the Slow and Heavy series on any of the swaps - I may give it a try.

Oh - kind of off topic - Cathe's new advanced workout looks awsome -
Hi Venus,

Congratulations on your weightloss, great stats!! If you don't mind, could tell me your weight loss regimen? I'm definitely a pear shaped person and I love s&h, especially legs and shoulders. My upper body has some definition, but I would like more. I'm looking into freestyle training for my lower body, hope to get the book tomorrow. Any suggestions would be great.

Diana I lost 20 lbs. on my own just cutting back then started weight watchers online to lose 34 more. I also eat pretty "clean" and I eat several mini-meals all day long. I'm always fine tuning to balance eating enough to fuel my workouts and not feel tired vs. eating little enough to lose fat. I still follow WW winning points, not their new flexpoints plan. I tried it and I stopped losing so I went back to winning points. Thank you for the compliment. :)

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