Will she be back? LOL

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I am seeing light at the end of the editing tunnel now which frees me up more. My first stop is the forums. Gosh, do I miss being here. Thank you for your patience regarding my absence. I think it's wonderful how you have all pitched in and helped answer questions when or wherever you can. You are all so special...thanks bunches and bunches:D
Glad you're taking a break Cathe. As much as everyone's eagerly awaiting STS, we don't want you to fry your brain making it! :p
Your the greatest Cathe! Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication! It's much appreciated!
Wow Cathe I am so glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! I am really excited about this series. I know it will get me back in even better shape than before I got pregnant. It will be well worth the wait!!! I really do appreciate you, your dedication and hard work!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Cathe, I am glad you are taking a break. I hope you know how much we appreciate everything that you, Chris, and everyone at SNM and NFL Films are doing to help finish STS for us.

:D :D Thanks!! :D :D
Hi Cathe,
Gee, I hate to disappoint you, but that light at the end of the tunnerl you were seeing has been turned off to conserve energy!!!! LOL Thanks for all your hard work.
Everyone has been very helpful answering many of my questions. I'm also anxiously awaiting STS. I'm ready to sweat, burn, shake, swear like a sailor and possible cry LOL.

Viewing all those pictures has made me jealous. We're lonely out her on the West Coast. How about a trip to California?

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