Will I like Stretch Max?


still trying to find a good stretch tape. i plan on getting karen voight's yoga focus, but was also contemplating cathe's stretch max. i haven't heard too much about this tape, although, some have critiqued it saying cathe doesn't hold the stretches long enough. and the clips aren't up yet. :p

i'm relatively flexibile, (do yoga etc..) i don't necessarily need to increase flexibility, moreso...desiring just to keep things supple, and prevent injury. but i do enjoy stretching, and like "challenging" stretches (okay, slight contortions are okay..LOL) that are held long enough to feel the release of the muscle. (ala bryan kest ;) ) do you think stretch max would meet my needs?

BQ, since you're familiar with yoga, I think you're going to find that the stretches in Stretch Max are not held long enough. I find some of the stretches in the ball & band segments are contrived. That a more effective stretch could have been done without the tool. But having said that, I still use the equipment free segment occassionally when I want a quick head to toe stretch.

Lots of people love Stretch Max & there has been plenty of discussion about it. Have you done a search?

Tamilee Webb's stretching workouts are very good. Ignore the beginner description.

Now that I've gotten older (40) I realize there's nothing more important than a good stretch esp. after doing a Cathe workout. I do yoga on occasion (although not as much as I should!) and I also like Stretch Max a lot because of it's length. I generally don't have the patience to hold stretches that long, so this workout suits me to a tee. Another good one, if you can get it separately, is Slim Series Cool it Off. It's an hour stretch workout that can easily be broken up into half hour segments if you have the DVD. No muscle is neglected in this workout, and I've actually found myself breaking out into a sweat doing it.
uh oh, i may "have to" get stretch max now, too. (i'm so darn easily enabled! LOL..what's a girl to do?!! :p

ooh, the slim series stretch sounds great, too. is that through beach body? can i buy it separately (not in the set) from their site, or is there a better source for it?

I just recently got Stretch Max and I like it a lot. (More than I thought I would, I waffled a long time before making the purchase.) However, I am just getting into the yoga/stretch area so if you are already on the intermediate or advanced side, it may not be tough enough for you. I also have Bryan Kest's Power Yoga; have you tried that one? You can see clips and such on collage.

Good luck!

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