Will FIRM videos hurt my progress!?!


I have started a rotation of doing a PS tape every other day, and a pure cardio tape in between. My cardio tapes primarily consist of Firm tapes, Super Cardio, Cardio Step Mix, Core Cardio 1, etc. Even though these are cardio workouts, they still involve weight work with light dumbbells. Is this going to harm my progress and not give my muscles a chance to rest, or should I calm down? Thank you!
I am doing a PS rotation like you do. On Mondays: Legs, Tuesdays: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Wednesday: Super Cardio, Thursday: Back, Biceps, Friday: Circuit Max, Saturday: Weights First, Sunday: Classical Stretch or off. I have been doing this for 8 weeks (substituted Weights First of course) and I am continuing to see progress. I eat lots of protein during the day and those light weights for the cardio (up to 8 lbs) just keep the heart-rate up - nothing more. I have no signs of overtraining and my stamina is very good. Listen to your body. If it hurts and you are tired all the time leave out the weights. We are all different.
I agree with the other post, just make sure to listen to your body. For me, it was too much on my shoulders more than anything since the FIRM does so much shoulder work. I'm also working on building muscle and I push myself extra hard when I'm lifting so I was always too sore the next day. But everyone will react differently. Evaluate how you feel and it you feel fine, go for it.


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