Will 2 days of cardio be enough?

>Do any of you take Synthroid? I've taken it for years and it
>has controlled my hypothryodism.
>Just asking......out of curiousity.
>I have what is called Hashimoto's Disease.
>I know this is off the actual subject.
>I took Synthroid for years but am now on Levothyroxin. When I picked up my prescription and they'd switched to the generic without talking to me about it first I asked what was up. Luckily, of all the people working that night, there was one really knowledgeable pharmacist. He told me that they'd never given me generic before because the generics weren't as effective as Synthroid. But the Synthroid patent was up and a new breed of true generics were now available that had been studied and tested and proven to be just as effective. My doctor concurred. And, of course, they're A LOT cheaper. So far, so good.

You know how it takes a long time for your doctor to figure out exactly what dosage you should be on? As I get fitter and the test results change my doctor is gradually lowering the dosage. I asked if it were possible I'd ever be weaned off the stuff and she kind of hemmed and hawed, suggesting probably not. I just read in Oxygen that, once you have hypothyroidism, you're on medication for life. Great...

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