Wide width shoes for KPC?


Active Member
I love the kickboxing workout on the Timesaver DVD, so I think I will soon go ahead and order the full KPC DVD.

So my real question is, what shoes might others recommend? I have pretty wide width feet and LOVE my wide New Balance running trainers, but I know they wouldn't offer nearly enough lateral support for any aerobic cross-training.

Are there NB fitness models that would work well for me...or other brands in wide widths?

New Balance IMHO is the best brand for Wide width shoes. I have the 608s in black and a pair in white.

I have a pair of Freddy ITS shoes that I like as well, and they fit my wide feet nicely! Not cheap though. I forget what size I ordered.

HTH! ;)

Susan L.G.

P.S. Love KPC too!

Edited because I *can* spell...
I second New Balance. I've always had the best luck with this brand.


*(Calvin): People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (Hobbes): Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?
I was at the athlectic shoe store the other day and the salesperson commented that there are a couple of running shoes that would be ok for aerobic/kickboxing actitivties due to their wide base ... they were shoes for overpronators. Good Luck!

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