Why, Madam, your moustache is lovely.....

My best friend gets that done in the city. She says it isn't painful at all.

I've tried waxing my eyebrows & what I don't like is that in between time--I just can't resist taking a tweezer to it. I think threading would have the same growing out period.
My tweezers are my best friend, and Debbie you are sooo right about the car, too funny. I used to wax my upper lip but had an unfortunate experience; when I pulled the wax strip off, all of the skin on the divot between my nose and upper lip came off with it, YIKES!!! Now I set aside time every Sunday morning to sit in a well lit spot and pluck away. My 10 year old daughter has a pretty wicked mustache and gets teased about it once in a while. I inquired at a laser clinic and they said they wouldn't touch her until she was 16 as it would be too painful. Her consolation for her dark hair is the most beautiful fringe of long black eyelashes.
I have two sisters-in-law who shave and really don't care about the resulting stubble. I'll stick with my tweezers for now:)

Take Care
I hate that sooo much. I have very fine blond/white hair on my upper and lower lip as well as chin. I have it waxed at the salon everytime I get my haircut and use a facial depilatory for the in between times. Because the hair is blond, electrolosis is the only permanent solution for me. It is far to expensive and it would take weekly treatments for a year or more, so I continue to wax.

I've tried it all - waxing is painful for me and my skin breakouts with white pimple like bumbps. Electrolysis - expensive...I had this done for about two years with minimal results and again my skin broke out. Depilatories worked OK, but only on my fine hairs, the few coarser hairs on required plucking.

I attended a seminar on skin care last year and the speaker, a dermatologist, stated that she shaves daily! She was beautiful with lovely skin, so I decided right there, to heck with waxing, and plucking. Now I just shave! I'm scared to death though that one day I'll look in the mirror and see that "shadow" that you see on men's faces when they haven't shaved.

My facial hair is silvery like the hair at my temples but I rip
'em with the tweezers. I seem to be the only one who notices it anyway since no one really goes in for as close a look as we who own our faces do, thankfully. I did use a diplatory once and it worked well and for a long while but I never think to redo it and a silver moustache is not such a horrible thing. Nor are the sideburns. :D
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
My hair is so dark and so coarse, and my skin is so light, that waxing is out of the question because there is too much Groucho growing-in time. I just shave with a straight razor every morning in the shower. I shave my legs every day too. It takes me 2 hours to get ready for work in the morning, in part because of all the shaving. (Okay, I also spend a lot of time drinking coffee and reading the posts on this board. :) )

I've heard that I'm a perfect candidate for lasar hair removal, and I'm going to look into it soon. Maybe before my vacation in August if I can find the time. They say the darker the hair, the better the lasaring works. Has anyone tried it?
Nothing under the nose but I've gotten very furry on the sides of my face. I have dark hair and light skin. I have my hairdresser cut my hair so it falls a little forward and hides some of the sideburns. I also have hairy toes. I have to shave them.!!! LOL

"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi

They do laser hair removal at my OB/GYN's office. They say it only works on dark hair; it won't remove blonde or gray. I have a pamphlet on it if you want to know more, but I live in GA, so the procedure may be different somewhere else.
Who knew we had so many hirsute ladies here! Thanks for all of your suggestions and I'm enjoying reading your responses.

P.S. I have to shave my toes, too. Who wants to look like a Hobbit?
I have to shave my toes, too. Who wants to look like a

I pluck my toes. Not quite Hobbit material;-) , but a few dark hairs that look gross IMO.
I use Nair for faces. It only takes a few minutes (9 for me) and it comes in a big tube that costs about five dollars and lasts for months.
I used to bleach but one day realized that all that did was make me look like I had a big, golden, Colonel Saunders type 'stache. :p So now I bleach. The odd thing is, since I lost all the weight about 5 years ago, started living healthy, the stache is not so bad and I only have to wax on occasion, as opposed to once a week. The only reaction I ever had was when I had my legs and bikini line waxed before vacation. I had these horrible red bumps for days, and a lot of ingrown hair.

I tell you though, I have not been married long and I am still embarrassed to let my husband know that I have a mustache. I don't really think he would care but still, I tuck my wax into the back of the bathroom cabinet. How long does it take to get past that stuff with a new hubby?

My guess is ~ NEVER! I've been with my hubby for 15 years (married 10 of those) and he has no idea that I have a little doodad in the back of my makeup cabinet called an Epislim that I run over my chin every other week or so. I have always had chin hair. It's very light blond but over the years I began cutting it so it became coarse. I've tried the Nair for faces but it didn't work well on my chin hairs at all because they were coarse. This little gadget works wonders for me and I LOVE it! Remember those Epilady shavers they had years ago for your legs? I think this is based on the same premise, but it's really not so bad.

Here's the link. I would not live without it now.


Some of you ought to try it if your facial hair is coarse. I don't know about the mustache area though. That's more sensitive than your skin and it might hurt too much!

You guys are making me laugh! My husband of 18 years thinks I am "stunning" and I know it's because his eyesight is failing! Yay 46 year old eyes. I see all these inperfections but appareatnly it's a blur to him and I look gorgeous, silver mustache, sideburns and all.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
I had it down under the arms & my upper lip. It hurts like a rubber band snapping constantly against your skin but it doesn't last long. It takes anywhere from 5-6 sessions. I forget how many weeks in between sessions. You will be hair free until closer to your next appointment. It was worth the money for me because I hated the stubble.

Haven't work up the nerves for the legs though. That would take longer & be more painful. http://livepencil.com/members/imagesmem/youremail/emotic/frightened/frightened.gif

Also it's a lot pricier according to the area.

Bobbi- your husband only thinks you're beautiful because you ARE beautiful!!

And no, I have never burned off my toe hair with a Bic. You may be alone in that one. I did, however, singe an eyebrow once whilst lighting a cigarette.

And for some of the previous posts, I was married for five years and my ex NEVER found out the underground beauty regimine I carried out. The bleach and wax were hidden. I didn't even shave my legs in front of the guy. :D

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