Hi NY25, I'm sure most of us can relate to what you're feeling but like everyone has mentioned it does pass and some things we just can't change. What I found helpful for me was to change my outlook on certain things. It sounds to me that the people where you work are either very jealous of the great work that you do and it doesn't matter how they perceive you - that's totally not important. I've been in a position where I gave way too much of myself to others and yes it made me sad, depressed and just felt like giving up. What helped me, baby steps too, was just to admire the great things that I have accomplish and still do and to learn to say "No", it's hard sometimes depending on the person, but I've learned that they will get over it and still love you or be your friend, if that's the case; if not, well then it's clear how this person truly felt about you and it's time to no longer have them in your life as much or not at all. So try to look at all the great things that you have - all the women on this Forum care for you and have felt what you feel too. Hope things get better for you and I know they will - life is precious and yes it has its ups and downs, I know that you will be doing OK - let us know how we can help you, ok?