I clearly am about to vent a major frustration here! Why is it that when people see you after you've lost weight/toned up they usually say something like: "Oh, you're on a diet, what diet are you on?" And understanding that they have not seen me for a while, I'll very politely explain, "well, it's not a diet, I've changed my relationship with food, so now I eat to fuel my body, and I've adopted a new lifestyle regarding nutrition and exercise." Mind you, it takes careful wording so I don't come off as snooty or uppity, and to explain it in simple terms before they can lose interest. But even after having said all that, you can run into that same person 1 month later in the grocery store and once again they'll say, "Oh my, I see you're still on that diet, you look great, now what was the name of that diet again?" AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure what "eats" at me the most? The fact that they seem to minimize how difficult it is to completely change the way you ate your entire life in order to get healthy, stay healthy, lose weight and get fit, or the fact that they obviously "blew off" what I told them the first time?
And it's even more discouraging when it's members of your own family! They continue to use the word "diet" as if what I'm doing is temporary or something! And they make me feel as though they believe it's something I won't do forever, like it's a fad or something! I know I shouldn't put so much stock into what someone else thinks or says, but it gets really frustrating to hear someone minimize something that is just so important to me, especially when, as I'm pushing that shopping cart, my freaking shoulders and hamstrings are screaming out at me from my workout earlier that morning! And maybe I'd feel differently if I only had 5-15lbs to lose, but come on lady, losing 200lbs AIN'T a diet! Is it they just don't know what to say? or do you think people are just more callous today?
And is it just my circle of family and friends, or does anyone else run across similar situations?
And don't even get me started on some of the remarks I "suck up" about my weight lifting! If one more family member calls me "Arnold" I think I'll SCREAM!
Thanks for listening
And please, share your frustrations, we can compare
I'm not sure what "eats" at me the most? The fact that they seem to minimize how difficult it is to completely change the way you ate your entire life in order to get healthy, stay healthy, lose weight and get fit, or the fact that they obviously "blew off" what I told them the first time?
And it's even more discouraging when it's members of your own family! They continue to use the word "diet" as if what I'm doing is temporary or something! And they make me feel as though they believe it's something I won't do forever, like it's a fad or something! I know I shouldn't put so much stock into what someone else thinks or says, but it gets really frustrating to hear someone minimize something that is just so important to me, especially when, as I'm pushing that shopping cart, my freaking shoulders and hamstrings are screaming out at me from my workout earlier that morning! And maybe I'd feel differently if I only had 5-15lbs to lose, but come on lady, losing 200lbs AIN'T a diet! Is it they just don't know what to say? or do you think people are just more callous today?
And is it just my circle of family and friends, or does anyone else run across similar situations?
And don't even get me started on some of the remarks I "suck up" about my weight lifting! If one more family member calls me "Arnold" I think I'll SCREAM!
Thanks for listening
And please, share your frustrations, we can compare