Why does Cathe motivate me like no other??


Hi All,
I am relatively new to Cathe, and to be quite honest, I think her workouts are amazing. I never imagined I would be able to do workouts as tough as hers and still have so much fun! Somehow she has motivated me to do things with my body (ooer!) that I thought I would never be able to do. I have never been a high- impact kind of person, but she makes me want to do high-impact and (shock, horror!) really enjoy it! I have never really been into lifting weights, but she makes it enjoyable (well, I always enjoy it when I'm finished, he he!). Her step routines are fun, interesting and move quickly so I am never bored. She always makes me hang on for 5 seconds more than I think I can when doing planks. No other instructor has ever motivated me like she does. Why is this? I think part of it is that she is right there with me sweating and groaning, and makes me feel like she is really going for it also, rather than some instructors who hardly ever break a sweat. She also seems to know exactly when I am flagging a bit, and will always say something timely which gets me going again. That, and her evidently warm personality and humour (as well as her amazing physique) have inspired me towards a level of fitness, and enjoyment in my fitness routine, that I have only ever dreamed about before.
Now, if only she can help we with my chocolate addiction....!
Kaz, you know how they say everybody has a twin somewhere? I am beginning to think that you must be mine! :)
Everything you said is just how I feel daily when I work out with Cathe, and it is amazing that just as I think I'm about to poop out, she will say something, as if talking directly to me, that makes me hang on until the end! It is as if she knows, "right here is where she's about to crack!" and she might as well say, "hold on Donna, just 4,3,2 more to go!" And I agree that it helps me too to see her sweating and there are times you have to laugh out loud because you can tell she's feeling the burn too and she's pushing right through it!
Cathe is incredible, and she inspires me everyday! except Sunday when I rest :)
Hi Donna,
Exactly!! I lurked here for a while before posting my first post a few days ago (you may remember I had similar reactions to you to the plyo scissors in CTX Kickbox!). I must admit, I have read a few posts that you have started or contributed to and have marvelled at your willpower and progress and often thought that our goals and outlooks are similar! I am a similar weight to yourself and am striving to lose about 40lbs. I really never thought I would be able to do more advanced workouts because of my size (there's alot of me to hoist about and when I do my body parts tend to fly off in different directions!). However, as I said, Cathe's workouts have been a surprise and delight to me, because I find I CAN do them and whilst I do them, I no longer feel like "ten ton tesse", I feel fit and strong. And once I've finished, I feel so proud of myself.
I wonder if you would be kind enough to answer a question. I have real problems doing push-ups. I can get to the "down" position - it's the "push-up" part which I really can't do. I am fairly strong in my upper body, so I was wondering if it was a weight thing rather than a strength thing. After all there is alot of me to push back up!(my chest itself takes alot of hoisting to the upward position, even when standing!) I am just wondering if you have mastered push-ups, or if you too find them a struggle? If you have mastered them, how? If you haven't (yet) do you think being lighter will make a difference?
Sorry to get off the subject!
Hi Kaz,
push ups are not my strong point, but I have gone from not being able to do any, to doing, depending on which strength video I'm doing, to completing at least the 1st round with Cathe and the crew. I'm working on the 2nd round now, but I find I usually poop out at the 3rd or 4th rep.
How I gradually increased was:
even if I could only do 1, I did it, and then the next time my aim was to add 1 more. So initially, I actually started out with MIS and could only do 1 (I cried through the rest-ashamed of what I had done to myself-weightwise), 2 days later when I did MIS again, I forced out 2. I then told myself that until I could do at least the entire 1st round of pushups, I would add 1 more each time I worked out. That actually worked for me :) So now, I can complete the 1st round of push ups on each of Cathe's strength videos, and I now need to use this method to get through the 2nd round. I had thought about doing the push ups on your knees, but I'd rather take it slowly and crank out the "big girl" push ups, no matter how long it takes me.
But I do think weight has something to do with it. Improving your upper body strength helps as well, but there has to be something to pushing up over 200lbs that makes it a "tad more difficult!" I think it's why I shake so much during planks too!
I'm curious as to whether push ups and planks are just as difficult for smaller women?
I know yoga is more difficult when you're heavy! Every Sunday when I do yoga, and Rod Stryker says, "rest your chest against your abdomen!" I always have the same response, "F you buddy, my chest is no where near my abdomen, and ain't getting there for another 40-50lbs~OKAY?" So clearly, there are some workouts that are not user friendly at this stage! :)
But back to your original question~I digressed :)
Just add 1 push up at a time~slow and steady wins the race!
And this time next year, we will both be saying, "girl~don't you know I can knock out push ups like BAM!" :)
Thanks Donna,
Love the bit about resting your chest on your abdomen! When I sit forward in the right position, my chest actually rests on my knees (he he!). Not for long though - those puppies are gonna shrink!
I must admit, I had nearly given up on push-ups and was tempted back to the "knees" version, but something in me really wants to be able to do a full, all-the-way-down-all-the-way-up, push-up! When I have achieved this, I think I will really feel strong and amazon-like!
I think you are right about the extra weight making a difference - not that I am suggesting they are not challenging to those of us who are lighter. Similarily, I find that I can't use as heavy a weight as Cathe in Leaner Legs, simply because there is more of me squating and lunging (and cursing!) up and down.
Thanks for the pointers - I will use your advice and see how I get on!

I was just thinking the same thing the other day. In fact I mentioned it in an email to DebbieH. I have been doing Cathe for probably 4 years and I still reach for her 95% of the time. I usually have to make myself use another instructor! I really hope to go on a Cathe trip someday and meet her.

And on the pushups and planks I've always wondered if they are tougher for tall people! I'm 6' and ugh! I hate pushups, but love it when I finish some.


At 5'4", push-ups are VERY tough for me too and I don't have a weight problem. (Well, 5-10 pound loss would be nice!) I do as many toe push-ups (BIG GIRL) as I can, then when I know I am ready to bite the dust, I go to my knees. It's funny, I used to be able to do MORE at a time then I can now??? I think it's because now I can feel all those MUSCLES I've made, tensing inside. Does that make sense??? As far as planks go, I am a REAL shaker too, so there goes the theory about being heavy, too tall or big chested. (NOT very big in that department either!) I just think we all have our strengths in different places, mine being my legs. Cathe just knows how to challenge us all, doesn't she? I am also with you on grabbing only Cathe tapes. She compliments my Hi/Lo classes very well. Now, get down and give me 8 good push-ups!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Why? RESULTS!!!! I love her funny, friendly down-to-earth style and I know she's not trying to "sell" me anything (dowls, Oof balls, talls boxes, vitamins, etc.).

Nothing except health and fitness.
Hi Kaz,

I think what motivates me so much with Cathe is that she doens't 'Baby' her class nor is she annoyingly pushy or forceful..."We're encouraging you, not forcing you." Remeber that line?:)

Funny because a few nights ago I decided to put Cathe away and do some of my other videos. I got to the 30 min mark of Karen Voights 'Energy Sprint' and I had to stop because I was bored, it felt like a light day no matter how much I put into it. I stopped 'Energy Spring' and put in 'Rhythmic Step' section two and I felt like...'Ahhh, I'm home.' Silly I know but that is how it felt.

One thing about working out with Cathe, she has made alot of my other videos that used to intimidate me easy. I bought Reebok the 'Power' workout when it first came out (early '90s I think) and I did it for the first time a week or so ago...it was so easy!

I guess I've gotten used to just moving faster and having the choreography broken down faster because 'Energy Sprint', the 'Power' workout were easy, but I remember when I first got 'Body Max'. I previewed it and thought 'HAS THIS WOMAN LOST HER FITNESS MIND!':) I couldn't believe how fast the warm up and aerobic tempos were. I was nowhere near in shape enough to move with control at that speed then, but now, it's a piece of cake...well...maybe not a piece of cake, but I can do the work out now.:) Other workouts that used to challenge me seem a bit too slow now.

That's why I'm motivated by Cathe, my other workouts just seem too easy now...thank you Cathe and crew. :)

I agree that she says things that make it seems like she can read my mind. There's a tape (ps legs?) where she says "thought we were done, didn't ya..." in a funny way. And I always am thinking we're done at that exact spot! In another workout she says, you're not off in the kitchen making popcorn are ya? HOW DID SHE KNOW!!! My daughter laughs over that one because running over to start some popcorn between sets really happens here. There's also a pushup set where she says "Now I know it's fun to watch..." I always collapse laughing if I'm not prepared for it.
I know what you mean. I am relatively new to Cathe too - I have been working out with her for a few months now and am seeing amazing results. She has a warm, sincere personality and I love the fitness crew that works with her - they are all fit but have very different body types. I find the music on Cathe's videos fantastic and I agree with you - she grunts and groans along with us. I love it when she says she is going a little bit lighter and that we should listen to our bodies. She just comes across as a real person. Her form is amazing - I have even been able to correct my form now when I am using other videos.

I posted to her once and asked if you could substitute dumbells for the the barbells - she said ofcourse - I use dumbells exclusively and am seeing fantastic results. I am stronger than I ever was.

Her cardio is a little high impact for me but I am going to order a couple of her tapes and adapt them to my level -

I can't wait for her new videos - I'll be one of the first to buy them.
I love her fitness board too -
I have said it a million times to not so fit people to whom my exercise regimin looks like torture and what I have said it this: I would not do this if the pay off was not great! As for Cathe, how do I love her, let me count the ways! I can safely place myself into her care, knowing she will give me the right form pointer at just the moment I need it, a joke or a smile when I can't go on a minute more and the most straight-forward work your muscles to exhaustion workout in the world!

What's really funny is that after readining Donna's comments about Meaner Legs, I am itching to pull it out and do it this week. And Donna, the first time I did that one, I tacked it onto Power Circuit because I didn't feel like my legs had gotten a good enough workout. When I could walk again....

Chicks Rule! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif


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